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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    Nash news from Rajah

    Hmm, Ghost Rider is supposed to be making a cameo in the third Blade movie, as well. Triple H is supposed to be in that movie, too. Coincidence? lol
  2. dubq

    Nash news from Rajah

    Jane did get his hair cut, he has short hair in the trailers. ;p
  3. dubq

    Nash news from Rajah

    "Big, bald, bumbling henchmen who tears quad 30 seconds into the film"
  4. Oh big surprise that Ben Affleck is on that list. Jesus, Smith, get over it - he's not only a horrible actor, but he just plain old SUCKS!
  5. dubq

    Has anyone heard about this?

    Ah, man. I'd be so screwed!
  6. dubq

    Has anyone heard about this?

    This is no good. One day, one of these kids is going to be an adult who finds their way back to the bay and sprays the shit out of his teachers with an AK. I can also see this building severe resentment directed at the parents who sent the kids off to this place. This is ridiculous: ...and, their website: http://www.tranquilitybay.org/ .. what's with the cage around the Earth?
  7. dubq

    The Rock being " bald "

    Well it probably has something to do with his rapidly receeding hairline....
  8. dubq

    Have you see these videos from HCTP yet?

    Haas & Benjamin aren't listed in the final roster over at Gamespot. Kind of lame since they certainly have a bigger role in the current WWE than, say, Chris Nowinski does.
  9. dubq

    Lauer/Waltman Problems

    As if WWE is your entire life. Grow up. These two people are characters that were very involved in the WWE, and Lauer in particular was a role model to quite a few young women. Whether you love or have either of them is irrelevant; the fact that this atrocious behavior is taking place is significant, whether you'd like it or not. So, what's with putting words in my mouth buddy? I never said I didn't care or that the situation was lame. I'm saying this type of news has a place. In general wrestling [where it is now]. WWE is my entire life? Give me a break, you tool. There is a reason why the folders have specific names, you know, and it doesn't matter how involved with WWE they USED to be - you don't see me posting about Ricky Steamboat or Randy Savage in this folder, do you?
  10. dubq

    WWE Hires An Indian Dude

    Singh was actually from Canada, I think. You are correct.
  11. dubq

    Heaven and Hell...

    As AoO said, we're meat and nothing more. To think that there is some heavenly paradise awaiting us after we die, or some firey damnation, is just extremely egotistical and just plain old TYPICAL of the human race.
  12. dubq

    Mario 3~! to come out on GBA

    THAT would suck.
  13. No. There goes my chance at getting cheap games then. ...sigh. Do you have friends in the US? Friends who'd be willing to ship to you? That's how I'm doing it... ;p
  14. dubq

    Lauer/Waltman Problems

    Christ this is lame. Neither of these two are even in the fucking WWE! Why do people keep posting shit like this in here???
  15. dubq

    Futurama ends

    It was cancelled - technically. Cancelled, as in they stopped making any episodes a while back, yet Fox had a series of unreleased episodes "in the can" that were shown up until Sunday.
  16. Get the latest version 4.1. That will fix that problem. And no worrying about losing your saves, it's just a new .exe file. That's all. Tried the patch.. no such luck. =\ It's not a big deal in the long run.
  17. That's the big reason why I won't want to buy it. But even if there is a 'real wrestlers' patch to it, I wouldn't consider paying upwards of more than $9.95-$14.95 for it. I can LIVE without EWR just fine, or get it warez-style from some guy who did buy it for $35. I mean, what can you seriously make in a wrestling simulator game to make it worth THAT much money??? If it had the afformentioned online-capability feature, would you pay that much?
  18. If it has everything that the site says it will have, I'll buy it. I really enjoy text-sims, and running the fed. That's something that a lot of North American wrestling Video Games have been missing. A "booker" mode. My only suggestion, would be, if not for this version coming out - then for a future version - but to take a look at the possibility of having online compatibility for the game. IE: two players over the net, running two promotions [or two rosters within one promotion] and competing for ratings, etc. That would rock.
  19. I'm interested. Just one question, is this legal? I mean, I'm assuming they're getting the games at wholesale/cost prices.. either that or they "fell off a truck." EDIT: I'm interested in WMXIX and F-Zero, both for GCN of course.
  20. Wierd occurance: I've had this happen twice now, in two separate games. Once with Johnny Kashmere and once with Devon Storm. I hire them to Open contracts, they agree and sign. Yet they are nowhere on my roster. They don't have tour commitments either. Yet, in the Wrestling Heat "internet site" it will say "Devon Storm to debut soon?" or "Johnny Kashmere to debut soon?" Anyone else have this problem?
  21. dubq

    X-Pac beats Chyna!

  22. dubq

    X-Pac beats Chyna!

    Could you be any more ignorant, you moron?
  23. dubq

    Futurama ends

    FOX is being extremely stupid about this. Apparently the Futurama DVD sales are going well, and there's a video game coming out. Now, I realize that they cancelled the show a while ago, and any "new" episodes that were aired were already in the can from a while back.. but seriously, you'd think that judging by the success and attention that the series is getting now, they'd try to revive it and bring it back. *sigh*
  24. This has to be my best match run on EWR ever... Overall Rating was 99%, Crowd Reaction was 100%, and Match Quality was also 100%... The feud is a non-major one with 100 heat that has been going on for just under a month. I think it's time to move this into "major feud" territory.