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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    DDP and Kim Page in new movie

    Hooray for stuff that has nothing to do with WWE... in the WWE folder!
  2. dubq

    Spoilers for future storylines

    Well he used to do it to Moore on a regular basis when he first became an MF'er. Maybe this is Matt's way of showing him some tough love. ;p But, regardless of the purpose, I agree with previous post about Zach Gowen not being employed would be great! ;p
  3. dubq

    ***** Match from Dames on EWR4!!!

    Another Five Star match!! It's non-title, incase anyone was wondering... We should pin this thread for everyone to post their Five Star's from Dames in it since it's such a rare occurance. ;p
  4. dubq

    Does anybody remember...?

    Which is why I have no HHHate whatsoever. I applaud Trips' efforts and abilities at manipulating those messed up McMahon's. ;p
  5. dubq

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    I'm not buying any of these conspiracy theories. If Jericho was going to be a transitional champion, he wouldn't have held the belt all the way to WMX8. They still put it on him, I think that speaks for itself. But he WAS a transitional champion. He didn't have it THAT long. He had it from December 9th until March 17th. Just over three months. Considering this is WWE/WWF and their love of hotshotting titles, I don't consider this a transitional championship reign. Besides, they're all about money and business. Regardless of losing Austin's or Rock's heat.. do you really think that they believed HHH/Jericho at WMX8 would've made more money that HHH/Rock or HHH/Austin?
  6. dubq

    Does anybody remember...?

    It was 99. Was he even with Steph at the time? This was prior to the Steph marriage angle...so no. Dames That's what I thought.
  7. dubq

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    I'm not buying any of these conspiracy theories. If Jericho was going to be a transitional champion, he wouldn't have held the belt all the way to WMX8. They still put it on him, I think that speaks for itself.
  8. Jericho bald = goatee = Stone Cold lookalike...
  9. dubq

    Does anybody remember...?

    So true. No one. No matter how much of a "smark darling" they are, is exempt from being a political player.
  10. dubq

    Does anybody remember...?

    It was 99. Was he even with Steph at the time?
  11. dubq

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    About Jericho. You just nullified your own point by saying that 'second time' thing. OBVIOUSLY WWE had enough faith in him to put TWO World Titles on him at once. To say that he'll never win the title [again] because WWE didn't create him is bullshit. He's already done it. Your theory is wrong.
  12. dubq


    I think something else is seriously wrong. I had 1500+ posts and now I'm down to 1300+. Plus, my old signature and member title are in place for some reason...
  13. dubq

    ***** Match from Dames on EWR4!!!

    I just got my first 5 star match from Dames. Jericho/Christian vs Angle/Benoit. I ran it twice just to see if it was a fluke, but nope.. he gave me five stars both times! In each match, the stats were the same: Overall Rating: 97% Crowd Reaction: 95% Match Quality: 99% And here are the two reports... Awesome!