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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    Unauthorized Tattoos!

    I can completely understand why WWE would want their talent to go through them before they get tattooed. Certain tattoos could ruin a gimmick or potential gimmick down the road. Also, some tattoos just look AWFUL - Helms & Kennedy, I'm looking at you two idiots.
  2. dubq

    JBL bails out OVW.

    Unless it's killing the gimmick for a debuting developmental. Ryan Braddock was going to be an apprentice for JBL, but Layfield didn't feel he had "it", and didn't want a jobber in such role. Ryan Braddock was just endeavored. Regarding his historic WM plans, if you read the leaked Raw script it spoiled what that is. How is that historic and how does it "shock the world of wrestling" and "change WWE forever" ?
  3. dubq

    Lil Wayne is releasing a rock album

    ...and face tattoos.
  4. dubq

    Total Non-Stop Action

    From: http://sports.ign.com/articles/661/661349p1.html Crossing my fingers that this game is actual wrestling and not Arcadey...
  5. dubq


    Saw it last night. It was very good. Not great, but very good. It definitely was a little too lengthy.. but I think that was more be being tired than anything else. The movie-ending was fine, IMO as well. I don't think the GN ending would've worked as well to be honest. Also, I didn't see the problem with Nixon's makeup or Sally Jupiter's makeup either. They looked perfectly fine for the type of movie this was - think Marv or the Yellow Bastard in Sin City. I guess people just need something to nitpick about. Though I definitely would've liked them to at least explain Rorschach's mask.
  6. I hate that this is what booking a wrestling show has become. Fucking Hollywood. What are you referring to specifically? My guess is scripting things out word for word. Where as any television show needs a script/format sheet for production purposes, scripting out promos and such on a wrestling show has not been for the best. It's fine to layout what a promo needs to talk about, but writing out line for line, word for word is too much. I mean look at it this way: The "Austin 3:16" line was not scripted or thought of in a booking meeting. As a result, Austin's good interview skills allowed him to come up with a line that turned him white hot. ^ This.. and that wrestling has become a sitcom, essentially. I hate that Vince feels he needs "writers" and all of that crap. It's too Hollywood, IMO. I mean, c'mon: producers? They're fucking Road Agents!
  7. Okay I apologize in advance if this thread dies a miserable death of inactivity and such, but I hope that the Vs. Fighting Genre is still popular enough around these parts to spark some fun discussion or some nostalgic reminiscing. I'll start with what I'm currently playing and what I'm looking forward to... Currently Playing: - Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 (I don't think I'll ever stop playing this one) - Castlevania Judgement - MK vs DC (rented it again, still trying to buy it for a reasonable price) - SSF2 HD Remix Looking Forward To: - Tatsunoko vs Capcom Wii, Dec 11/2008 -- I was hoping that this would get a PS3 release.. and it may far into the future.. but I might just have to import it to satiate my hunger for pure awesomeness - King of Fighters XII PS3, April 2009 - King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match PS2, 2009? -- no idea when this is going to be released but I've had fun with the other two KOF remakes (94 & 98) so bring this one on, sez I! ...and I'll end off with asking what your favourite fighting game is? Mine is still Street Fighter 2 Turbo (the Arcade version). I would love to own an actual cabinet of that game one day for my rec-room.
  8. dubq

    The OAO Vs. Fighting Game Thread

    ...and some more on the awesomeness known as BlazBlue http://www.joystiq.com/2009/03/06/blazblue...summer-release/
  9. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I'm good.
  10. I hate that this is what booking a wrestling show has become. Fucking Hollywood.
  11. Hah, nice. I'm waiting for someone to find the Val Venis one and think that these are actually your own words and opinions and try to call you out that he really does suck, etc.
  12. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Is the demo out on PSN? I couldn't find it anywhere with the new releases this week. EDIT: Apparently it's on the UK PSN store. Looks like you need to create a second account and choose UK and you'll be able to download it.
  13. dubq


    It's not known yet. But, in the 316's "pop-up repeat" - it specifically mentioned that Ben had told Widmore he was going to kill Penny right when he was telling Jack that he had to go tie up some loose ends...
  14. dubq

    The OAO Vs. Fighting Game Thread

    F yeah! http://www.joystiq.com/2009/03/05/blazblue...n-ps3-xbox-360/
  15. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Oh, YKRG. So young. So naive.
  16. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    How? There's already 30 'Legends' in this game. They'd be better off doing DLC as 'yealy' Wrestlemania packs. So they'd release DLC for WM2000 with a few guys from that PPV and so on. Otherwise what would be different in Legends of Wrestlemania 2 that isn't already in this one? Agreed on that one. If anything they should just release a ton of DLC over the year or one huge one around this time next year. Then do another disc based sequel if there are changes that warrant it in 2011.
  17. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    The reason for there being no ref is total bullshit. WWF Superstars WWF Wrestlefest "Throwback" my ass.
  18. dubq


    I don't think so. As Mik said, the timeline doesn't work out. It's entirely possible that Horace had been with and left that woman since Sawyer and friends showed up. Also, where do you get that Horace was the leader of Dharma? I didn't mean that Horace was THE leader of Dharma, but he must have some kind of high rank considering that he was the only decision maker we saw, he (out of the entire camp I assume) was the one to go out and meet with Richard, and I think Sawyer even called him "their leader" when he was watching the tape of him drunk. Oh sorry I read that wrong. "A" leader - definitely. Definitely a higher up. Oh and for people thinking that this happened before Ben arrived, look at Horace when he met Roger Workman: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Image:3x20_YoungHorace.jpg Quite young and not haggard. Short hair. I don't think the writers would screw up with a plot hole that obvious. This is definitely all after Ben arrived. I just think that this episode had nothing to do with him, hence no appearances or run-ins.
  19. dubq


  20. dubq

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Bockwinkle, only as a road agent, though he did have a match against Backlund in an AWA vs WWWF "title unification" match - ended in a double countout. Gagne definitely not. But even outside of those guys I think the WWE HOF has shown on many an occasion that they'd induct guys who weren't necessarily a part of WWF history in specific, so Kaufman could happen.
  21. dubq


    Makes sense..
  22. dubq


    Personally? Looks wise, I don't think so. Also remember that Also,
  23. dubq


    Personally? Looks wise, I don't think so. Also remember that
  24. dubq


    I almost see animalistic ears at the back of the statue's head. Reminds me of Anubis or something similar.
  25. dubq


    Lostpedia.org rules for episode recaps, btw. I found a good shot of the statue on the site: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedi...ourToedFull.jpg