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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq


    Why has Isaac's landlord not re-rented out his studio yet? I mean, come on, as if these guys can just hang out there and squat like that.
  2. dubq


    I love some of the track choices they've been using for trailers... Muse, Massive Attack.. all good shit.
  3. After the "A Look At" feature on the Hulk Vs DVD I'm interested in seeing it. It does look like it could hold up to the 90's series, that's for sure. I'll probably have to wait for DVD's though as I'm horrible at actually figuring out when these things are on and then actually watching them.
  4. dubq

    Mo-Tzu 2K9

    So you'd be kinda like GI Joe?
  5. Possible "image" spoilers - Toy Fair 2009 - Hasbro line of toys from the movie. I'm fairly certain we get a shot of Destro in-mask at 5:38. Looks nothing like the other Neo-Viper figures earlier in the video, so I'm guessing it's him.
  6. dubq

    Killzone 2

    PS3Fanboy is reporting that Guerrilla is looking at patching the "sluggish" controls now...
  7. dubq

    BNL doesn't break up

    What? Hootie and the Blowfish's fatal flaw is that they're eminently listenable, and thus make you complacent with pleasantly unchallenging MOR rock. Barenaked Ladies were just affectedly quirky and lame. You're not smart. I'm not smart because I don't like either band and find them both unlistenable? I wasn't talking about the unwashed masses here, chief. I was talking about my opinion.
  8. dubq

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I also don't know where people are getting this "Jason shouldn't be cunning or have skills" thing. Dude has always been a master at that kind of thing. Now, his house was a little elaborate.. but I can forgive that given this is a new generation and all that.
  9. dubq

    Killzone 2

    Yah, pretty much. I always hold out hope that they'll somehow move on from that style.. I prefer the 3rd Person stuff, personally. That said, I still may rent this just to see.
  10. dubq

    Killzone 2

    D'oh. Definitely not my cup of tea then. =\
  11. dubq

    What would you do with 100 Grand?

    I know it's bad for me to get some joy out of others' misfortunes.. but I really hope that Capcom (or SNK to a lesser extent) picks up the rights to the MK franchise. Fuck, that VS game would be all kinds of fun if they used the SF4 engine.
  12. dubq


    It's either that, or a timeloop thing. Remember that Ben & the Others could communicate with the outside world. Maybe they're "keeping up appearances" with the main Dharma HQ in order to get all that free food.
  13. dubq

    Killzone 2

    Is the online less "hectic" than Resistance 2? That's one of the reasons I tired of it so quickly.. it was like ping pong with guns. I am more inclined to play games that feel more strategic like MGO when it comes to shooters so I was just wondering if KZ2 was anything like that..
  14. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I finally got it. I didn't realize that I was supposed to be doing the canceling thing - I'm still relatively new to that.
  15. dubq

    Joss Whedon's Dollhouse

    Chairshot! That was awesome!
  16. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Oh I got the flow down. She just misses the Spike every single time. I tried a shitton of times last night before just giving up in frustration. =\
  17. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Cammy is one of my mains, and I'm still not sure what is special about her EX moves.. yet. =\ One thing that was pissing me off with her was the level 3 trial challenge.. you're supposed to hit: -jumping heavy kick -standing heavy punch -cannon spike First two are no problem.. but when she hits the heavy punch the recoil actually moves her back and hitting the Cannon Spike is fucking impossible after that. FUCKING. IMPOSSIBLE.
  18. dubq


    Could this show BE any more confusing?
  19. dubq


    Sometimes I wonder if we're watching the same show, Hyper.
  20. dubq

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I just finished off the last of the Legends of Wrestling DVDs. Man they really need to release more of these - they're great!
  21. dubq


  22. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Are these match types in the game or what you want?
  23. dubq

    BNL doesn't break up

    CTV, CP24 & CityNews up here are treating it like it's the equivalent of the Beatles breaking up. *shrug* Last I checked, the band isn't breaking up, one guy is just leaving to go it alone. Big whoop - it's not like they were ever any good. I slot them in the same category as Hootie & the Blowfish - unlistenable.
  24. dubq


    Jack could have been holding on to the obit for a while. The timeline confuses the hell out of me on this show My favourite plot hole of this entire thing, if you can call it that, was that the high def screencap of the obit said that Bentham hanged himself.. but yet Jack had no idea he'd committed suicide when Eloise gave him the note.