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Everything posted by jester

  1. Whoaaa... That's worth seeing. Hogan isn't one to go around admitting mistakes and weaknesses. Or does he blame someone else for it?
  2. jester

    Ross Report for September 15th

    I think it climaxes with JR wearing his pants around his ankles and his dick in his hand as he watches the replay. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, you're talking about Lawler there. JR will be busy spanking it to football and footage of hosses doing spinebusters.
  3. jester

    Summerslam buyrate in

    I think the people were pretty into Warrior, it's just that they didn't give him any good feuds to work with after he was done with Hogan.
  4. jester

    The Hogans on Big Idea Donny Deutsch.

    Perhaps Hogan feels with him as a rolemodel, his children will grow up modest, well adjusted and giving, just like dear ol' dad. How ironic that I Want to Be a Hulkamaniac plays. Was Hulkster in Heaven not cued up or something?
  5. jester

    The Ross Report for September 9th, 2005

    Don't fool yourself. Remember the punishment Big Show got for injuring Rey Mysterio? Vince: You permanently crippled HBK. This will make a killer angle. Here, have a title run.
  6. jester

    OAO Spike and UFC vs. USA and WWE thread

    Permit me to join in your bitterness. They have a chance to make a fresh start, so what do they do? Open the gates to the old folk's home. Again. Fuck Foley, Austin, Hogan, and the rest.
  7. jester

    The Ross Report for September 9th, 2005

    Wrestling is so compelling these days that even Jim Ross wastes the first two paragraphs of his wrestling report on football. Better than Luger? That's high praise indeed. Chew on those hands that feed you WWE. You can do it. ...and then he goes on to praise Mick Foley, the guy who couldn't be more part time if he tried. Translation: our master plan is right on schedule. We'll be releasing a new DVD called Brock Bottom: The Brock Lesner Sucks Story real soon. Ah, it's good to see the monthly Cruiserweight Push Tease resurface. This comment will provoke a 20 page rant from Jimmy Hellywiggy.
  8. jester

    What would you change in WWE today

    If I recall, they used to show a small window of the promo in the corner of the screen, so they never had to cut away from the ring. I think it could still work. Some of these promos lasted maybe five seconds and amounted to nothing more than "I am going to kick your ass in our next match." That's really all you need sometimes. At any rate, I guess we both agree what we have now sucks large and out loud. HHH in particular needs to learn that not speaking immediately makes it look he's forgotten his lines, it doesn't build drama.
  9. jester

    What would you change in WWE today

    AMEN. This might not be a popular view, but in my opinion, there is nobody in WWE capable of a 20 minute promo. Not even if they brought the Rock back and had him trip on acid the whole time. I'd say 10 minutes max, but I like your idea of five. Less is more. They also need to do prepackaged promos so they can quickly add them in during a slow period, such as during some restholds. It would make such better use of the time.
  10. I can't wait for the 50 page rant on Warrior's webpage that says he doesn't care and has moved on. And then he refutes the DVD line by line.
  11. jester

    Mick Foley to return

    I think they should have Foley introduce the tournament for the Seniorweight division belt. That way they can insolate all of the old people they insist on keeping and bringing back. It would have more credibility than most of the belts on both Raw and Smackdown.
  12. jester

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    FYI: The song is "Boot to the Head" but it's by a comedy troupe called The Frantics. It can be found on the album of the same name. I didn't see Raw so this is the most useful thing I can contribute.
  13. jester

    Hogan/Michaels Backstage gossip

    No kidding. I want to witness the conversation where Vince asks Hogan to job to the son of Roddy Piper's bitch. "Ok Vince brother, I'll put the little Randy dude over. But first I should pin him with a fast count..."
  14. Don't forgot to add "from where I sit."
  15. jester

    The Summerslam Thread

    I hate respect feuds and handshakes. I don't know why people frequently call for respect feuds on these boards. In wrestling, you don't get respect from a handshake. You get it when you beat it out of the other guy, along with the living shit.
  16. jester

    Christian still remains unhappy

    TNA will have to get a lot more successful first. When Benoit et al jumped from WCW to WWE (well, WWF), it was obvious that WWE was on top and growing, whereas WCW was circling the bowl. TNA unfortunately is nowhere near that level of success.
  17. jester

    The OAO 8/18/05 SD thread!

    Okay, the Smackdown thread the day after the show amounts to TWO PAGES. Let's be generous and add the pre-Smackdown spoiler and non-spoiler threads. That brings it up to a mighty five pages. When I started posting on this board, a Smackdown thread alone would be at least 15-20. If smark interest is dying, just imagine casual interest. Every now and then you see these posts that say "That's it! I'm done with WWE! Never coming back!" but they shouldn't be the concern for Vinnie. He should be worried about those fans that just quietly and without realizing it, find themselves doing other things when WWE programming is on, and slowly fade as a fan. Because that's exactly what's happening here.
  18. jester

    HHH now is officially part of creative team

    As I understand it, a BIG chunk of their overall revenue comes from house shows. They tour constantly, do show after show, so they don't make spectacular PPV money, but they do make steady money. That is, if people give a shit enough about the product to go. Think about this: if a PPV is in town, you will probably go if you can afford to, even if the card is crap. Just because it's a PPV. A house show on the other hand, you have to be really enthused about WWE if you're going to go.
  19. jester

    Will one night stand stand the test of time

    Just wait until HHH knocks up Stephanie.
  20. I like the bit at the end on how the phone company came calling looking for payment on a bill. How the hell did that get in there?
  21. jester

    Triple H on Punk'D

    My respect for HHH would have grown exponentially if he had slammed the door in Kutchner's face and offered to pay for that. I hate these prank shows.
  22. I'm hoping that Hogan will rent a car under Bob Holly's name myself.
  23. jester

    The Future of MNM

    So you would like one woman to ride out to the ring on a frog? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Yes I would.
  24. If that's true, than this may be the most accurate DVD they've ever produced. I like how he writes about 40 pages essentially saying how much he's moved on and doesn't care. If you write 40 pages, you care. A lot.
  25. jester

    The Future of MNM

    What I don't understand is why WWE doesn't just create an all-Diva, all-mud wrestling all-lesbian angles show. Then they could do all the moronic angles they wanted and nobody would care, because people would only watch for the T&A. And the wrestling shows would have only...well, they'd still have crappy sketches, but at least they'd involve wrestlers. I'll bet Spike would go for something like that. They should play a few rounds of Rumble Roses to see how a female fed should work.