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Everything posted by jester

  1. jester

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Holy shit, when was the last time Richards got a beat down on somebody? The Right to Censor days?
  2. jester

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    Masters' eye is briused. I wonder what happened.
  3. jester

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/16/05

    So would I, but I shudder to think how they would bury Sting.
  4. Anyone? Cpl. Kirshner? Buddy Rose? George Wells? -=Mike The Miller Lite Catfight Girls too.
  5. Cobb was a cocksucking, dickhead, racist... Triple H's character in the last 2 years is almost the same thing, except he kicks people in the balls instead of spiking them when sliding into bases. HHH is a cocksucking, dickhead, racist like Cobb, but HHH differs in two very important ways. Cobb was undeniably an amazing baseball player with incredible skills who earned every accolade. HHH was shoved up our asses until we accepted him. Then he started to do well in the ring. And Cobb never won the World Series. Despite holding all sorts of records, he was never a true champion. HHH of course has six zillion title reigns and will get six zillion more.
  6. jester

    WWE Uncomfortable with Batista as Champion

    How can they possibly say this (whether it's the feeling at WWE or just someone starting a rumour)? When HHH and Batista were given time together before the turn, they had some great segments. And of course, after the title win, he's been given no time at all. How can they say there's no chemistry?
  7. jester

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    No kidding. If I were Matt I'd phone up Edge and say "Thanks buddy. I didn't know it at the time, but you did me the favour of a lifetime. I owe you one."
  8. jester

    Batista needs...

    I agree. Batista is fine on the mike. Of course, we have to draw on our memories here, since they have barely had him on TV since Wrestlemania.
  9. jester

    Hulk Hogan confirmed to be on RAW tonight

    My TV just died, so I won't be able to watch. Can't be a coincidence.
  10. jester

    Does anybody else think

    My sense is that this PPV will do all right financially, but bomb creatively.
  11. jester

    The decline of former Hardcore Champions

    Holy shit. I'm surprised the bullets didn't bounce off Saturn's big steel balls. This guy is some kind of tough.
  12. jester

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    That sums it up perfectly. Let's call him Dusty Rhhhodes from now on.
  13. jester

    Storm/JBL/Holly dispute

    Also known as "telling it like it is."
  14. jester

    Hogan to return @ Backlash!

    You know what would give Hassan massive heat? Using "Real American" as his entrance music. Anyway, the buyrate of the PPV will go up slightly, which Hogan will use as an excuse to demand that the entire company be built around him again. Hogan will leave the company as soon as he hears plans to have him put over Randy Orton. Elapsed time: about four to six weeks.
  15. jester

    Hogan to return @ Backlash!

    They should have this match in Canada, just for laughs. If they did this match in Montreal, it would get the biggest mixed reaction ever.
  16. jester

    Somewhat SmackDown! Spoilers

    Justin "Amish Leprechaun" Smith should look up the meaning of the word "proverbial."
  17. jester

    Did anyone else notice this?

    Come on, be fair. They needed the time to show retired wrestlers bitchslapping active heels about half their age and with no injuries, making sure they don't have any credability. You know, the important stuff.
  18. jester

    Watching Mania XX...seeing the Changes

    And just recently, they had Christy pin her. They must really hate Molly or something. I'm surprised they aren't going to light her on fire or something for this year's WM.
  19. jester

    Nicknames that never caught on

    They tried that one for Nash on his last WWE run too.
  20. jester

    Hogan vs. Austin for WM 21

    Hmmm, this sounds more like Hogan trying to weasel his way onto WM and back into the company than anything WWE was thinking about doing. He's the Orange Cockroach. He will not go away.
  21. jester

    Batista on RAW last night

    No kidding. After they put the belt on Bradshaw, and THEN built up his character, all those "this guy isn't ready for the belt" arguments don't carry much weight anymore.
  22. jester

    Ultimate Warrior bashes the Hall of Fame

    The criteria is pretty much a) did you make Vince money? b) were you popular? c) were you loyal to and well liked by Vince? 4) Can you be worked into an angle that will get a current wrestler over?
  23. jester

    HHH's promo

    It makes sense to put Batista over now, given that promo, yes. It also made sense to have Booker T go over two years ago after the promos HHH cut. I want to believe Batista wins, but I am still nervous.
  24. jester

    Ultimate Warrior bashes the Hall of Fame

    I want Warrior to come back to WWE, and go on Raw. I want them to feud. I want them to cut promos on each other. I want the to be allowed to say whatever they want, and for however long they want to say it. Everybody watching wrestling that night would get a good week's sleep.
  25. jester

    Complete HOF and inductors

    If they really want to get Orton over as a supreme dick heel, they should have him threaten to RKO his father, but he won't, because his father "isn't a legend."