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Everything posted by jester

  1. Well, I think that this forms the perfect basis for his feud with the Undertaker. Just like Trish is jealous of Christy being on the cover of Playboy, Undertaker is jealous of Orton. He begins cutting promos saying HE should be on the of Gay Express. Make it happen WWE.
  2. jester

    How much did HHH rip off

    Yeah, I heard that the Clique liked to fuck with Douglas too.
  3. jester

    Christy Hemme on Howard Stern

    And guess what! She just might be the next Women's champ! I wonder if we'll see Trish present this on Raw to further run down Christy.
  4. jester

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    If this Edge/Lita shit is true, I just like how Edge was punished by jobbing to HBK. It's a little like getting caught with roids so they job you to Steiner.
  5. jester

    Ted Dibiase news

    Actually, how frickin sad is it that Dibiase never was a world champ... but Bradshaw is?
  6. jester

    The days of Honkeytonk Man are dead

    According to most writers, WCW really lost gas when Sting failed to definitively beat Hogan at Starrcade 97. They built the fued up for almost a year, and Hogan ran like a coward for most of it. Finally Sting and Hogan meet. Hogan dominates most of the match (despite running like a pussy for most of the feud) and then pins Sting in what was supposed to be a fast count. Problem was, it was clearly a slow count. Bret Hart came out to restart the match, and then Sting got a submission win. But it didn't feel right. Especially since the NWO went over just about everyone else that night too. It sent WCW fans the message that WCW sucks, and your heroes can't stand up to the mighty NWO. The NWO were heels that people loved to hate, and they were BEGGING to see WCW get payback. They never did. And many wrestling writers believe this started WCW on its path of destruction, even though numbers still remained great for awhile.
  7. jester

    Hassan/Hogan at WM?

    Yep. No way Hogan loses to the evil foreign menace (which is what Hassan essentially is) at WM, especially right after he's spent the day getting inducted in the Hall of Fame and being told how wonderful he is. Mind you, since I hate Hogan, I can dream though.
  8. jester

    The days of Honkeytonk Man are dead

    Agreed. Heel champs are absolutely lethal to business. WCW kept the NWO on top for too long, and look what happened.
  9. jester

    Generic Post-Raw Thoughts Thread

    There's no way a Christy Hemme match goes 10 minutes. Five at most. They don't even let her wrestle in her underwear for more than three.
  10. jester

    Hogan's in the Hall of Fame!

    Considering they said "Hulk" about 20 times, I'm guessing so. Don't be so sure. WWE has a long history of using things they're not entitled to. This might be their way of forcing the issue. Remember why they're called WWE and not WWF?
  11. If Orton wins (and it's a big if), it will be anything but clean. The most I could see Mr. Company Man Respect My Lard Locker Room Veteran doing is a DQ. Let's hope HBK threatens to beat up UT if he doesn't job. As for HBK and Angle, it doesn't seem to make a difference either way. I just hope Angle retires after this, because all of his medical problems really worry me.
  12. jester

    Matt and Lita

    Now I'm not hungry anymore.
  13. jester

    Matt and Lita

    If Matt and Lita are broken up, I don't know what I'll do. I just might do something drastic, like make a sandwich or something. I'm hungry.
  14. jester

    Cool finishers

    I think that Bastita should break out a new finisher to put away HHH at WM. I think it really help promote the character. The powerbomb is just too generic. They need something to emphasize his strength. How about a Warrior Gorilla press slam? In HHH's case, it would bring back fond memories of WM 12.
  15. jester

    The days of Honkeytonk Man are dead

    I really think lucky heels also damage the credability of the faces too. Faces are supposed to overcome overwhelming odds. When they can't beat a complete loser because of some random chance, it makes them look completely worthless. And it's just not believable that people who would dominate an entire feud (like Taker), can't put JBL away when it counts.
  16. jester

    Hulk Hogan's next feud

    Immediately after the hearing went againt them, Bollea (51) went whining to Eric Bischoff to get the finish changed. WE? Yeah Linda. You're such a HUGE celebrity. You and your daughter, what's her face.
  17. jester

    A Gimmick for Maven...

    Maven should simply come out as a different gimmick heel each week. Hollywood Hulk Maven MavenDoink The Maventonk Man Maven R. Schyster The Maven Dollar Man Rocky Mavenia Big Van Maveder And if that doesn't work, just make him imitate the Bushwhackers instead.
  18. jester


    I've said this before, but I think Hassan should be a face. Have him show up as a guy who just wants to wrestle and go as far as he possibly can with his career. He just happens to have US/Arabic heritage. Then have a HEEL come along and make a big deal out of Hassan's heritage. Not Hassan, the heel. JBL actually would have been pretty good for this. Hassan says he's proud to be both Arabic and American and he won't tolerate anybody running down either side. Off goes the feud. And it would probably get positive mainstream attention. Of course, they don't seem to like this. They seem to prefer it when people are pissed off at them. I am one of the few people who thinks it was a mistake to end the Billy & Chuck thing. It was appealing to a new audience that wouldn't normally pay attention to wrestling.
  19. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Deafening pop for what's his face.
  20. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Tomko and Kane in the ring. JR is in hoss heaven.
  21. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Instead of listening to people tell him to go out and take the initiative, Orton should actually be booked to go out and take the initiative.
  22. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Oh Randy, you are so pathetic now. Stacy Keibler: The Mark of Desperation.
  23. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Steve Austin should come out and say "what?" And then Booker points a gun in his face and screams "SAY WHAT AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER!"
  24. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    That beard works SO WELL with the suits, HHH. Moron.
  25. jester

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    These three are actually going pretty good here. Of course, after that Diva crap, anything looks good.