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Everything posted by jester

  1. They'll sign him to another multi million dollar deal, and he'll injure himself cashing the cheque. Then in six months Nash will do a gimp-in on a HHH match, "wrestle" a couple PPV matches, and then be on the shelf for the rest of the contract. Then it will run out, and Vince will again flush some money down the toilet to resign him. Repeat.
  2. jester

    Here's an idea

    They should have a morning show to try to hook a younger audience, whether they stack it with cruisers or hosses or whatever. They should be at work on the next generation of WWE fans. I first got hooked watching Saturday Morning JObber Squash or whatever the hell it was called.
  3. jester

    Should Bret Hart be at WM 20 or not?

    "Welcome back Bret! We're going to give you the send off we should have given you back in '97... no hard feelings, huh? Ok, you're going to be in a match with Randy Orton, who has a legend-killer gimmick, and he's going to challenge you because you're a legend. You'll wrestle for 20 minutes and it will all end in a big schmozz. Honest."
  4. I loved the Crocodile Hunter bit. [sees X-Pac} "Look! It's a long-haired grease rat! Watch out, they tend to suck!"
  5. jester

    Cena to Raw?

    Mixxmaster, your sig rules.
  6. jester

    WWE Considering Bringing Back Hall Of Fame

    Watch them induct Orton. "OMFG! ANOTHER ORTON BASHING THREAD! You guys seriously need to blahblahblahblah..."
  7. jester

    the top ten quotes of all time

    "I have been medically cleared to wrestle." -Kevin Nash, shortly before the shortest comeback ever.
  8. jester

    Goldberg Unhappy.....Again

    I don't think ANYONE can make that belt important. You know what they should do? Make Goldberg a General Manager or an announcer. I'm serious. After all, which is presented as being more important on Raw? We've had far more feuds over GM and announcer spots than we've ever had over the Cliqueweight Belt.
  9. May I be even more cynical than everyone else? I predict that if somehow Benoit DOES get the belt at either event, he will have exactly 30 seconds to bring the ratings up to 9.8 and generate five times more money than Hogan and Austin in their prime combined, otherwise his reign will be deemed a failure and the belt whisked away to be put on Big Show. Or Randy "Greg Gagne Lives" Orton.
  10. jester

    One and Only Cancer Returns Thread

    This talk that "EVERYBODY" was hating Goldberg is a crock. There were certainly Goldberg bashers, but he had plenty of defenders on this board too. There were also a fair number of people who came around after they starting booking him half-decently (count me among those). So this talk that "SMARKS ARE NEVER HAPPY" is horseshit. Some people WERE happy. And now, all I know is that because all the major belts are on the whhhores, Raw by necessity has to focus on them. Between the four of them, they have about enough heat to make one really over wrestler. The best worker and talker among them is Ric Flair...and he's the fucking LACKY of the group! You'd think a year of boredom with HHH wearing the belt would have taught them something...
  11. jester

    End of prime for RVD

    The Prime Poster is past his prime. Everyone knows that after you do three runs of your gimmick posting, it starts to decline. I base that on statistical evidence, which I am conveniently not going to present to anyone. The second time he did a run of his gimmick was his prime. It's just common sense anyways. It's all downhill for the Prime Poster now, so I hope you enjoyed his work so far.
  12. jester

    Update On Status Of Stephanie's Consultants

    What are they, proctologists?
  13. I see this one get thrown around and perpetuated by American ignorance of Canadian history Canada was not a nation until fifty-five years after the War of 1812 (if you really want to get technical, 170 years after, but that's another issue), so how could we have lost to a nation that didn't even exist? Back in 1812, what is now called Canada was occupied by mostly Brits, some Frenchies, and several displaced natives. No Canadians though. Not to mention Andy Jackson pwned the Brits in New Orleans While it's true that "Dominion of Canada" did not come together until 1867, the territories Upper and Lower Canada existed well before this, and predate the war of 1812. And Major-General Sir Isaac Brock browsed, bought, paid for, refinished, repainted, fixed up, and polished AND OWNED General William Hull. Uhmm...somebody remind me. What has this got to do with wrestling again? How did we get on this topic?
  14. "We did not lose that war! It was a tie!" -Otto, A Fish Called Wanda I also question that business about the US military being the "only" undefeated military force in the world. Especially when you consider that in many cases, if your army loses, your country ceases to exist. Bradshaw strikes me as a person who not as intelligent as he thinks he is. And more importantly, a sucky wrestler too.
  15. jester

    TOAO Get Orton over Thread

    First, get Orton away from Evolution. Now pump up that "Legend Killer" gimmick by actually having him kill legends. No, not like the HBK thing, but seriously fuck them up. Deliberately seeking out the very successful wrestlers and punking them out, and actually wining feuds moderately clean. For example, have him harass Austin. Constantly. Make Austin look like he's constantly looking over his shoulder. And even if Austin wins a few matches, Orton doesn't let up with the sneak attacks during promos, pre/post match...and have him do it right before Austin is able to do something the crowd loves watching Austin do (give the finger at the corners, drink beer). Now have him do the same thing to Undertaker. Yes, different brands, but Orton doesn't care. He sets his sights on legends, and goes after them until her gets them.
  16. Whether or not this is true, I think the Rock jobs too newcomers too much to give them the rub. Think of how over Cena could be if he pinned someone like the Undertaker in three straight PPVS, a la HHH/Foley.
  17. jester

    Announcers Ignoring Fans

    This isn't about announcers, but remember Rock's pre-recorded speech at Raw X? Rock babbled on like a beloved face while the crowd chanted "Boring," "Rocky sucks" and "turn it off." Meanwhile, poor Jericho had to interact with the damn thing like a heel getting owned by the cool face, like a chump. Jericho could have gotten himself a massive pop if he'd started shooting at that damn thing.
  18. jester

    Stacy turns down Playboy

    Stephanie will pose for Playboy as soon as she feels she's starved for attention. Her playboy spread will probably become the focal point of the Wrestlemania main event feud. As much as I would love to see Trish, Molly, and Stacy naked, good for them for refusing Playboy. They're already treated badly enough by WWE writers. And I wish everyone would back off on Shaniqua. A few bad pics of her on WWE.com and suddenly she's Mark Henry in a bikini. Shaniqua isn't half the beast people says she is. Neither is Jazz for that matter.
  19. jester

    HBK/HHH at SS '02

    Put me in the "it was a good match but for the selling" camp. That's a big admission for me, since I hate the two pricks that were involved in the match. I will say this though. Anybody here who is justifying HBK's sudden no selling better not be one of those same guys who bitch about RVD's lack of selling. All the "he fought through the pain" and "he was playing possum" talk could easily be used to defend RVD.
  20. jester

    The "fired" heels

    Remember that consultant they hired to check out their writing process? If that person is a complete Yes-man, they just smiled and gave thumbs up to this angle. If they were genuinely trying to improve their writing process, that person's brain just exploded upon seeing this angle. I bet they'll keep Stacy with those two without any comment on the Foley thing.
  21. jester

    "The Rise and Fall of WCW" DVD

    I would be VERY surprised if they included the Fingerpoke of Doom and cited it as one of the milestones on the way to WCW's collapse. Even though it was. Kevin Nash is still under contract with WWE. And although he hasn't done much more than eat Cheetos and rehab, there is NO WAY they are going to lay any of the blame on somebody on their payroll. They will probably spare Hogan too, in order not to sour him on his eventual return. Bret Hart, on the other hand, is fair game.
  22. jester

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    Oh that gets sickening after a while... Ohhh Vince screwed Bret whaaaaaa.... these people probably didn't even hear of Bret Hart before 97 and jumped on the contravisery Bang wagon... its not like at day one Vince tripped him in the hallway and it was the prelude to dark things... Bret was with the WWF since the mid 80's and spent a Dozen + years with them before 97 so Vince HASN'T CONSTANTLY screwed him over you nitwit. Nitwit? Well, that was unnecessary. And I didn't just find out who Bret was. I was watching him since he originally teamed up with Neinhart and was managed by Jimmy Heart. Bret claims that Vince told many lies and failed to deliver on many promises over the course of his entire career, so Vince screwing with him is nothing new. But yeah, that's Bret, who is biased. Fine. Let's assume Vince was a perfect angel until Montreal. Montreal alone should be enough to keep Bret away. But since then, Vince has taken constant potshots at him on the air. He's been back and forth with giving Bret permission to use footage of his WWE days. And oh yeah, his brother fell to his death at a PPV. The guy has every right to walk away. In fact, I'd say he owes it to himself.
  23. With a top hat, a cane, and midget clowns...yeah, that's the ticket. I was thinking more along the lines of the "he doesn't speak" part.
  24. I think Austin should return as the Ringmaster.
  25. jester

    Booker T/Jerry Lawler

    Exactly. If Lawler is going to be a heel, he should run down ALL the faces, and praise ALL the heels. But he loves Trish Stratus because she has a nice rack, and he hated the Unamericans. I'd like to see him rip on Booker and then have Booker say, "shouldn't you be cruising daycare centres looking for your next ex-wife, Jerome?"