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Everything posted by jester

  1. jester

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    I don't want to see Bret in WWE whether he's wrestling, refereeing, or saying a goodbye promo. Wrestling and McMahon have fucked him in the ass time after time. Heading back would only be asking for more. I hope there is one person out there who can say no to Vince McMahon and mean it, forever.
  2. jester

    HHH likes it Old School

    My only real objection to HHH's statement comes at these lines: In other words, once again it's the worker's fault that they can't get over. Do they honestly expect us to believe that the reason Batista and Orton are getting the spotlight now is because they tell the best stories?
  3. jester

    Who is smark-proof?

    I think JR said something very much like that on the last Raw.
  4. That's one of the JR cliches I hate the most. He means to say "SCOLDED" dog. A dog that has been yelled at for doing something bad lowers its head, turns tail and runs. It's actually a good description for a cowardly heel. I cringe every time he says it.
  5. jester

    Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

    I wonder if this is part of the "negotiating" tactics of WWE. As in, Dustin wants a new contract with more money, and WWE wants to demonstrate they are serious about not giving it to him. In any event, it sucks. Goldust and Booker made Raw watchable when it was at its lowest. Of course, Vinnie never seemed to realize this.
  6. jester


    I suspect HHH may may know it's going to be harder for those two to get over when they're basically playing HHH Lite and standing in his shadow. That way he can look like a company man who did everything he could to get the new guys over....it's not his fault it didn't work.
  7. jester

    WWE: Bribery Works!

    We should use this to point out real "errors" WWE makes. "In your last article, you described Randy Orton as 'a bright young superstar with lots of potential who has already made his mark in his short time with WWE'.' In actual fact, Orton is another generic OVW product, has done little of note, and his one memorable gimmick was cut short when he joined Evolution. So do I get my $2.50 off?"
  8. jester

    Gail Kim breaks Collarbone

    Poor Gail. Since winning the women's title on her first night, it has been massively downhill for her.
  9. jester

    Austin's Return Storyline

    That's what I was thinking. Austin stunning about 20 people, drinking beer, mugging for the crowd, repeat on every Raw for about two months. How long do you think it will take for Austin's popularity to diminish? How long before the marks get sick of him like they did with Hogan back in the 90s?
  10. jester


    Won't happen. Lita's dog is being held down by Lucy.
  11. jester

    Perhaps we gave HHH to much credit....

    This would only work if they had a Blindfoldweight Belt* with 24/7 rules. So we'll see wrestlers suddenly whip out sacks to put over their heads in order to wrestle. *Would have no more or less credability than most Raw belts really.
  12. Personally, I am never giving up on Evolution jokes Evolution is a fava bean.
  13. jester

    When in trouble...

    Yes. This exactly what will happen again. CONSULTANT WHO GETS FIRED: "There are problems with illogical storylines, a focus on people who don't actually wrestle..." CONSULTANT WHO KEEPS GETTING WORK: "Everything in WWE is just fine the way it is. The problem is your audience. They just don't appreciate all the hard work you do, Vince. Bret Hart may also be at fault somehow too."
  14. jester

    True or False with Nash and Angle

    That's why I wouldn't like to see Nash on commentary. I think he'd make too many shoot comments to play up his buddies and bury anyone who didn't have his tongue up Vince's ass.
  15. jester

    Brock Lesnar's Mystique is Gone

    Exactly. Imagine if this had happened instead: Undertaker jobs three straight PPVs to Brock, including a final heavy gimmick blowoff match, like HIAC. Brock would have huge heat, because he dominated a guy that hardly ever gets beat. That's what Foley did for HHH. But nah, in all probability they're going to spend that enormous rub Taker has to give on that hot up and comer Vince McMahon, and just to get Stephanie back on TV...
  16. jester

    Brock Lesnar's Mystique is Gone

    This is going to bring up the usual Taker-hate and anti-Taker hater stuff, but I really think it's worth mentioning. Brock should never have lost to Taker. Ever. Their whole philosophy of trading jobs has led to this "Brock is just another wrestler" feeling. I'm not saying it's Taker's fault, but with everyone trading wins and losses, nobody can stand out. Everybody looks half-assed. When they made HHH a star, they clearly established that Foley could not beat him. As in, the old guard could not beat the new guard. As much as I hate HHH now, it was the right thing to do then. Who "can't" beat Brock now? They've got him in a program with Sparky Plugg? A heel of Brock's supposed level should kill him just by sneezing.
  17. jester

    True or False with Nash and Angle

    I agree with Nash's answer on Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck.
  18. jester

    Best Of The Monday Night Wars

    You forgot the part about how the end of WCW, all the backstage chaos, the leading cause of kitten murder and all bad things can be attributed to Bret Hart.
  19. jester

    WWE News

    I'm with a lot of the Orton hate on this board, but I have to agree with you here. If you took Randy Orton out of that spot and dropped in just about any other rookie, would there really be much difference? When Orton was doing the RNN updates he at least had a personality--a guy with a drastically inflated sense of importance, which was drawing some reaction. There were for more people on this board that liked Orton then.
  20. jester


    I've heard that Holly is the guy they send out to test the new guys, and see how they handle a non-cooperative opponent. That may also be part of the reason why Holly pounded that Tough Enough kid.
  21. jester

    Could kayfabe work in this day and age...

    People knew wrestling was fake long before kayfabe died, so I don't think that's the problem. I think what they need is internal consistency. While the show is on, there should be 100% dedication to kayfabe. At house shows, TV tapings, everything in the WWE canon. After the show has wrapped, if say, Jericho goes on OTR and talks about his character, that's fine. James Gandolfini goes on talk shows and talks about his character, but that doesn't stop people from enjoying the Sopranos. Of course, that show has way better writing, which is also a big factor.
  22. Remember when Brock first came in and the fans chanted "Goldberg" at him? Good times.
  23. jester

    News, Rumors, Shit, Stuff, etc,.

    [WWE FRONT OFFICE] You new guys need to "step up" if you want a major push and be a superstar. But you can't have promo time, can't wrestle more than a 1:20 in squash mash to the Hoss of the Month, and if we do give you more time, then you need to slow down your in ring style. Now, why the fuck aren't you new guys over? What's wrong with you?[/WWE FRONT OFFICE]
  24. jester

    WWE: We never have off-seasons

    I prefer the idea of cycling guys around. Another reason you can't do an off season is because what would the lowcarders do all that time? They get paid to wrestle and if they're not doing it, they're unemployed. The big stars could handle two months without wrestling income (and could probably get it elsewhere anyway, like with a movie role), but what would guys like Shannon Moore do? Unless Vince allowed them to work TNA or Indie gigs...
  25. jester

    WWE: We never have off-seasons

    I think that they are better off being continual. If you give people a break from wrestling, they might realize they don't need it. Especially with the product in its current state. This way, a constant source keeps the habit fed.