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Everything posted by jester

  1. jester

    Big Apple Takedown

    It will probably be HHH, in which case, don't worry. He'll no-sell it.
  2. jester

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Actually, a Paris Hilton-like heel would be awesome and would have massive heat with a WWE crowd. Why did 95% of House of Wax's audience go to see that flick? To see her get offed. But this would require the writers to come up with a personality for one of the Divas, which is beyond them and Vince thinks it's unnecessary anyway. Just recycle the "I hate you because you posed for Playboy" angle for the 1000th time.
  3. jester

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    These types of arguments are stupid. Sure maybe he'd have trouble against someone like the fucking Big Show but Randy Orton is a big guy and I don't think there's any kind of problem with his credibility in that area, particularly when you're talking about him fighting retired guys. This is why I never bought into the Legend Killer gimmick. He didn't kill any legends. Most of his wins were tainted, or they were against people that HHH had already slapped around, like Foley. Maybe I should have put this in the State Your Unpopular Opinions thread, but I believe they not only should have given Orton the win over Undertaker at WM, it should have been clean. Orton might have a screen persona today.
  4. jester

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Austin got a significant amount of hate on this board at the time. It wasn't universal, but there were plenty of people that thought he was a scumbag, and continue to do so. Me, I don't know the specifics of either Orton or Austin's issues with women. What's fact, what's rumour... Needless to say the buzz isn't positive. What I do know is what I see on my screen. With Austin, I see that they should just tape one appearance and play it over and over again. There wouldn't be any difference. I call him Stale Old Steve Austin. With Orton, the most aggravating thing is that WWE can't seem to figure out if they're pushing him or not. One week he's HHH Protected, the next week he's Barry Horowitz. And restholds are when you cut away to commercial, not when you "tell a story in the ring." In short, fuck them both for being deadweight in the ring. If they're both misogynist dickheads, fuck them for that too.
  5. jester

    Hulk Hogan Interview

    I think that: 1. Hogan didn't really deliberately sabotage Warrior's reign, at least not that night. He's just taking credit for it now because it makes him look smart. 2. Hogan is always on the hustle, and will work everything until the day he dies. Whatever will get him another high-paying job or publicity, he'll say it or do it. 2. Even if you accept that Hogan stole all of Warrior's thunder that night (which I don't), that was hardly the reason Warrior's title run flopped. 4. Even Warrior is not solely to blame for the weak run. It was more to do with the fact that WWE couldn't find a meaningful program for him with a credible heel after his big title win. (To be fair, how do you top beating Hogan for the belt back then? They were pretty screwed from the get-go). 5. Hogan's ego is such that he would probably claim that it was his own politicking that REALLY destroyed WCW...if Bret Hart took credit for it first.
  6. jester

    Hulk Hogan Interview

    You know, the politics behind a Hogan/Austin match are about 10,000 times more interesting than the match itself is bound to be. They should make it a 4-way by throwing in HBK and HHH just so they'll need the UN to work out who jobs.
  7. jester

    Hulk Hogan Interview

    "I knew as soon as he made a little money he would get lazy or disappear - and that's basically what happened." Pot to kettle. Pot to kettle. Come in, kettle. You're black. Over.
  8. jester

    ECW vs DX

    I agree that it's not a good idea to have the two together like this. All the attitude and edginess should go to ECW for now. Call it brand confusion if you will.
  9. jester

    Has Mick Foley ruined his legacy?

    I've hated him for some time now.
  10. jester

    Has Mick Foley ruined his legacy?

    Foley is doing what he's always done--take Vince's money. He's not an altrustic type. He just plays one on TV.
  11. jester

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    This is one of the most enjoyable threads we've had here in a long time. A few more of mine: Billy and Chuck was a great angle. And by not following through on the angle, WWE pissed away some good money and support from a community that probably wouldn't have normally given them the time of day. The Undertaker must lose clean at a Wrestlemania sooner or later. The Rock should not be brought back unless he can commit to something approaching a regular schedule that includes wrestling. Mick Foley's column that "criticizes" WWE is Vince's way of having it both ways: making an unpopular decision and appearing to allow people to question it. Without anything meaningful happen.
  12. jester

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I liked Goldberg too. I don't get the hate for him. Some people accuse him of being selfish and only it for the money with no real love of wrestling. Then they turn around and praise Hogan. Boggles the mind.
  13. jester

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    In hindsight, Austin should have jobbed to Lesnar that night he walked out on Raw. How many people has Austin put over since? It is complete and utter bullshit that Undertaker put over Lesnar. Allowing a pin with a broken hand and then going on to beat Lesner and Big Show in a handicap match is not putting someone over. Respect feuds do not work. NOBODY can cut a 20 minute promo in WWE. Not the Rock, not McMahon, and especially not HHH. 20 minute promos do not belong on WWE programming. Shane McMahon should get some horrible disease in the testicles so his balls get cut off for a change.
  14. jester

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Some of Mick Foley's opinions on wrestling aren't insightful, but tragically deluded. Hurricane's superhero gimmick was awesome. In the glory days of Hogan and Savage, HHH probably would not have gone beyond Intercontinental belt level heel, and not because of politics. Women's wrestling could get over, and have sex appeal if they booked it right. The problem with Randy Orton has more to do with WWE's backwards star-building system than Orton himself. Hulk Hogan has always sucked donkey balls.
  15. jester

    Who will be the new GM on RAW?

    The problem with GMs in general (Face, Heel, or Impartial) is that they tend to make the wrestlers look weak, in my opinion. If Wrestler X has wronged you, you don't go begging to the GM to make it right, or to give you a match where you can get payback. If you're a strong character, you harass the wrestler that pissed you off until both parties agree to have a showdown.
  16. jester

    Who will be the new GM on RAW?

    The new GM will be a large talking walrus named "Mike." I can't wait for Austin to return and do the usual Austin vs Authority Figure Angle. They can bring back the Redneck Challenge thing, only this time it will be Austin against a walrus.
  17. jester

    Orlando Jordan released

    He was released for stealing Lawler's gimmick?
  18. He heard they might reprise his character for Three Ninjas 5 and had to make sure he had a clear schedule. No, more likely he didn't want to return the job to Superman.
  19. jester

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    So post Spirit Squad, he'll be calling himself Nicky Christopher? Then Grand Master Nicky? Wouldn't it be Grand Master Nick-ay? Grand Master TIMMAY!
  20. jester

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    This is Raw. It's mostly one homoerotic scene after another. True. They should realize it's too late to go after the gay crowd. They already pissed them off with Billy & Chuck.
  21. jester

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Poor Shelton. Homoerotic scene with the boss.
  22. Give Foley five bucks and a can of Beefaroni, and he'll write this in his next blog.
  23. jester

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I would love to know what their definition of that is. "Wait, I've got a better idea than that, Stephanie!" "I thought WM 3 had a gate of 70,000." "Does it really make sense for Shane to get all that offense?" "You know, HHH owes me a job."
  24. jester

    Ross to Call Raw Matches at Mania

    The overall problem, from the matches to the booking to the announcing, is that WWE has created an environment where it's very hard to excel. JR might not be so bad if he didn't have to put over the same old bullshit week after week while Lawler babbled about the latest Playboy issue in a voice like a castrated chipmunk. Styles might be better if he didn't have Coach and Lawler bickering with each other and everyone backstage screamiing that he sucks at his job. The talent at WWE is expected to change to fit the mold of the company. Wouldn't it be nice if it were the other way around once in awhile? As soon as you sign on to WWE, the first thing they tell you is that you're doing everything the wrong way. Makes you wonder why they hired you in the first place. Smart coaches in real sports know that part of their job is to not cramp the talented players' styles.
  25. jester

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    Cool. While getting out the sledgehammer, and taking his sweet ass time, HHH made Cena sell that ballshot for about a month. And made him look even weaker. Ah, I'm sure it's just hhhater paranoia.