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Everything posted by jester

  1. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Quite a bit actually. But the thought of explaining it makes my brain leak out my nostrils and ooze into a corner whimpering.
  2. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    I like JR trying to pump up Rico's legit credits (former cop, etc), while he's prancing around with face paint. If you want him to be taken seriously, the fey act ain't gonna cause it.
  3. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Rico vs. Maven Ok, keeping with the theme, what run in would make the least amount of sense for this match? I say Warrior and Honky Tonk Man storming the ring, hitting each other a few times and running to the back.
  4. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Well, JR excuses it as Austin being "unpredictable." If there was a heel commentator with a brain sitting next to him, he could point out that was a wee bit hypocritical.
  5. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    And both RVD and Steiner look like bitches in one fell swoop. Good work WWE.
  6. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    It's ok Steiner. Hit him. It's not like it's Shane or anyone really dangerous.
  7. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Thank god Austin's here to come to Stacy aid. Instead of a wrestler like RVD.
  8. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Whoa, that looked like a stiff one.
  9. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Steiner vs. RVD. Oooh, "style clash" would be generous.
  10. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Now you see, WWE, the correct response is "How about we call you a hearse?" and then Jericho kicks the hell out of Shane. Now the Dudleys. Could this be a bigger clusterfuck?
  11. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    That footage looked like Test was closing his legs as Shane was moving. I think it was Test's fault.
  12. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    razazteca, are you and I the only ones watching?
  13. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Kane's condition is "guarded"? on WWE.com they said he was stable!
  14. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    They've added the Kane limo thing to the opening music.
  15. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    Shawn looks bored.
  16. jester

    WM XX Celebrities

    They'll phone up Mick Foley and he'll say "I dunno... I've got a load of laundry to do, and Collette's been bugging me to paint the garage door..."
  17. jester

    WM XX Celebrities

    If they handle the celebs like they handled the guest appearances at Raw X, they'll start phoning people two days before the event, and not get anybody.
  18. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    I hate your life for even thinking of that. I wouldn't worry too much about this happening. If someone proposed it, they'd get as far as the "then Kane gets the advantage" part and then they'd kill it. My prediction tonight is that it's Kane's turn to have his balls electrocuted.
  19. jester

    The One & Only RAW Thread

    I think you'd see plenty of complaining about Flair if he continually went over people, or if it took four or five guys just to give him a beatdown, like Taker. When was the last time Flair convincingly beat someone he should have put over? Let me guess though. It was probably Jericho.
  20. jester

    Test Breaks his Foot

    I think Shane should start doing the pedigree. Let the political shit storm commence!
  21. jester

    WWE Books the New Jersey Rex Plex

    Or the empty pink studio where the AWA went to die! HHH vs Randy Orton in a Turkey on a Pole match!
  22. jester

    John Heidenreich

    Actually, Nathan Jones main eventing would be entertaing to watch for its train wreck value, since Nathan Jones flopped harder than anyone in recent memory.
  23. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    They should have had HHH up the ante. $200 000 to whoever takes out Goldberg. And that can be his excuse for appearing on Raw every week--keep upping the bounty on Goldberg as more heels fail to get the job done. I'd take that over a chance to be in Evolution.
  24. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    He was wearing it during the la res attack
  25. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Uh oh. Someone mentioned sex. The Lawler who could actually commentate on a match is gone.