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Everything posted by jester

  1. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Holy shit, more restholds than a... match with a lot of restholds.
  2. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Holy shit, Lawler and Molly are working together to put another heel over. Did the Lawler from five years ago suddenly jump through a rift in time?
  3. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    <<Blow,>> comme que diable, Patick. Tu es un chaud diable! Je suis en grande rouge boit du crayon.
  4. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    I wonder if there's a show with some wrestling on somewhere.
  5. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Ok, SYM is a better alternative than this. In fact, so would Daikatana.
  6. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Piledriver on limo time?
  7. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Oh good. At last A REAL MAN to save us all. Fucking Shane.
  8. jester

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    "Modified spinbuster slam" Oh, was that what that was?
  9. jester

    Two Rumored 'Mania XX Matches

    Rumor has it that HHH wants to be a face. If he's going to be a face at WM20, no way is he jobbing.
  10. jester

    WWE's saddest sight

    Nash "run-ins" during his last few feuds. Heel wrestler starts beating down face. Crowd pops as Nash appears Five seconds go by. Ten. Fifteen. Nash is halfway down the ramp. The crowd goes for a quick piss break and to get some popcorn. The crowd comes back, Nash is just cliimbing into the ring. At home, the broadcast cuts to commercial. When we get back, Nash is finally attacking the heel. Well, the heel is jumping into Nash's arms so he can slam them, anyway.
  11. jester

    WWE's saddest sight

    The Rock cheerfully babbling on like a beloved face in his prerecorded Raw X speech while the crowd booed, chanted "boring" and "turn it off."
  12. I never much card for the guy, but I didn't start hating until about WMX8. Though I did feel rumblings as early as the invasion.
  13. jester

    Ratings going down the toilet

    I don't think it's the brand extension that has lead to blah ratings. If Vince were to panic, he'd probably do something really fucked up, so much so that it makes the Katie Vick angle look reasonable.
  14. jester

    Good question

    geniusMoment has potential.
  15. jester

    The $100, 000 Bounty

    I wonder if some random psychopath will come out of the woodwork and take a shot at Goldberg? Could you imagine the chaos if that happened?
  16. Snow and Coach were also shitting all over La Resistance. I don't think Vince so much believes in "Shades of Grey" so much as he has actually forgotten the concepts of "heel" and "face." BTW, I'd take Coach and Snow over the Lawler/JR/Austin Love Triangle any day.
  17. jester

    Jericho's commentary last night.

    I think Jericho should be a heel announcer too. That way, judging by recent WWE events, he might actually be allowed to go over in his matches.
  18. jester

    JR & Austin on Byte This

    Ok, but how do you do it? The workers are completely at the mercy of writers and the bookers. If they don't give a worker any space on a show, be it a TV or house show, they're screwed. Even just wrestling well won't help you if you're booked in a two minute six man throwaway match. Who is going to notice you? Bottom line is that in order to go from a nobody to a somebody, you have to get approval and assistance from management. Otherwise, you're not going anywhere.
  19. jester

    The $100, 000 Bounty

    This could also be used to elevate a low/mid-card heel. Just have him chairshot Goldberg at the right moment, and then he can be all over Raw flashing his cash and drawing heat. I think it's a pretty good angle with lots of (dare I say it) potential. It made me sit up and pay attention, which is more than Raw has managed in months.
  20. jester

    Was the Ladder Match any good?

    I agree. Fun match, good excitement. I'm sure someone is going to bitch about RVD's selling as usual, but fugg 'em. It was the best match on free TV I've seen in awhile, and the best finish to a Raw in a long time.
  21. jester

    Latest Shopzone Haul: It's a big one!

    Ok, I just went to a scary visual place...
  22. jester

    JR & Austin on Byte This

    Oh, is that how it works? So if I'm a low/mid carder in WWE and the writers have nothing for me, I can just book my own programs, angles, and promo time? "Hey Taker, would you mind shortening your entrance time for me? I need five minutes or so to cut a promo on Angle, who I'd like to feud with. Thanks, you're a real pal."
  23. jester

    What's stopping a union in WWE?

    I believe in order to get a union you have to have a great deal of solidarity between the workers (no pun intended). You don't have to have 100% in favor of a union, but it does have to be a large majority. Now, with the most influential and powerful wrestler about to marry the bosses' daughter, it would be next to possible to spring a union on Vince.
  24. jester

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    Dude, that was comedy. Rock would never do that if it was a serious feud. All right, look at it this way. HHH was a face not all that long ago. Faces are supposed to look vulnerable to some extent, otherwise there's no tension. Did any heel get away with a promo where he looked wittier, tougher, or cooler than HHH?
  25. jester

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    HHH never gives his opponents any more of an edge than necessary. Occassionally even he has to job or take a beatdown, but he won't give an inch anywhere else. Especially promos. Example: remember when Rock came back and Hurricane was harrassing him? Rock acted like the usual cocky asshole. Then Hurricane made a remark about the Scorpion King, and Rock seriously freaked out. He didn't act cool, didn't brush it off, he acted like he was deeply insecure. When has HHH ever done that?