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Everything posted by jester

  1. Lita and Trish vs. Molly and Gail Kim Prediction: I think they'll give Molly/Kim so they can get a feud started with Lita. I like Trish, but they need another face in that division to take the spotlight for awhile. Steiner vs. Test Prediction: I think Steiner can get over without Stacy, but Test can't. Also, future story threads can be made for this never-ending feud if Test wins. So...Testicles. La Resistance and Conway vs. All the Dudleys Prediction: I will be bored. The only question is if Spike comes out of the match dead or paralyzed. Christian vs. Jericho vs. RVD Toss-up. The problem with this belt is that no matter who wins, they could easily yank it off them the next night on Raw. Ehhhh.... Christian or Jericho. JR and King vs. Coach and Al Snow Please let it be Coach and Snow. JR and King can down to Heat and practice until commentary until they remember how to do it again. HBK vs. Orton If they are actually going to run with Orton, he needs the win here. This Legend Killer gimmick ain't going to work if he doesn't kill a legend. I think the match will be decent, but I doubt anyone will give a shit about Orton anyway. Kane vs. Shane Mcmahon Probably Kane, but never underestimate this company's willingness to jack off a McMahon, or its willingness to shoot itself in the foot. I would still give the outside chance to Shane. Goldberg vs. HHH Goldberg. By the way, we will know if WWE has finally reached WCW levels of out of control politics and selfish booking if Goldberg gets the belt without pinning HHH. Remember, the match stips say HHH could lose on a DQ. I wonder if HHH will be "kept strong" for this exciting new movie or whatever excuse they use this time...
  2. jester

    Possible Unforgiven Spoiler

    When Snow and Coach are bad, they are bland and boring. But you can ignore them. When JR and Lawler are bad, JR stutters nonsense while Lawler squeals like a special needs child who has learned that he's going to meet Elmo. When they are that bad, you can't ignore them. So give me Coach and Snow.
  3. jester

    Possible Unforgiven Spoiler

    Actually, the should let Molly commentate on the match so she can get a little payback, "And the fat ass makes the tag to the child molester. The child molester with a wicked chop to Snow. Say, I think the old pervert has MAN PUPPIES! Woohoo!"
  4. jester

    Possible Unforgiven Spoiler

    I will take them over Lawler & Ross. Let's see how Coach handle Raw when he doesn't have Lawler constantly whining about his boyfriend being set on fire by Kane.
  5. jester

    The One and Only RAW THREAD

    It will be interesting to see what they do with the Goldberg/HHH situation. Last week Goldberg got the beatdown. If you believe the theory that the guy going over at the PPV always gets punked out at the last free show going in, Goldberg should get beat up again tonight. But would they really do that two weeks in a row? On the other hand, if Goldberg comes out on top tonight, and beats HHH at the PPV (as the rumors indicate he will), that's two weeks in a row that HHH has to make someone else look strong. Is that really going to happen?
  6. jester

    Savage challenges Hogan for WMXX...

    They'll have Randy Orton come out and give sloppy Diamond Cutters to every one of them to try to enforce his "legend killer" gimmick. And the crowd still won't give a shit about him.
  7. jester

    Savage challenges Hogan for WMXX...

    If they want to make it the true battle of the uncooperative past-their-prime-and-refuse-to-admit it egomaniacs, they should make it a three way dance between Hogan, Savage, and Warrior. That's what, $60 million in salaries for one match?
  8. jester

    Chris Jericho turning face?

    I doubt that. If HHH is a face too, he is going to be shown kicking the hell out of heels that Jericho builds up. As in: Jericho feuds with Test, loses. Test goes on to feud with HHH, and immediately breaks his ribs when HHH gives him a mean look.
  9. jester

    More stale than a 3 month old loaf of bread

    I think Austin is stale. I hate seeing him bully the cast of Raw and them not really being able to get back at him because he can't wrestle a proper schedule.
  10. jester

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    Yep. Dead on. After they lost Hogan in 93, Vince tried to make another Hulk Hogan. He never did. What happened is that Austin came along, with his own style and attitude, and caught on huge. Now, they can't make another Austin. They have to wait for the next guy to catch fire. And it won't be because he's like Austin or Hogan, it will be because he's his own thing that the crowd reacts to and loves. What that is, I don't know. But all attempts to remake Austin are doomed to fail. They just might kill of their next big star because they force him to be another Austin.
  11. jester

    If Vince was on commentary?

    I'd like to see McMahon commentating on Raw, if only to see how he shills the stupid shit he puts on the air week after week. It might give us a clue to his mindset. For example, during the Katie Vick Fiasco we'd see his lead and determine how he thinks we're supposed to react--horrified, disgusted, laugh our asses off, etc. Besides, anything is better than Lawler/JR. A sheep bleating for two hours straight would have just as much insightful commentary.
  12. jester

    Respect Women Wrestling

    I agree that people are unduly harsh on women's matches. Especially Scott Keith. I'm not a Keith hater, but man, that guy gives the women no slack. I think people would care about women's wrestling more if they gave it some good angles. Unfortunately, WWE's idea of a good women's angle is "They all fight over who gets to be the one to blow Vince."
  13. I think I have a good film part for HHH. Let's cast him in Scream 4 as the first victim. And let's write the part so that he has to play it like the typical screaming bimbo who runs away, passes up obvious chances to escape or fight back, and then eventually dies cornered and wimpering. And play it endlessly on Raw to hype the movie. Think he'll go for it?
  14. jester

    The NWO in 2002

    And it seemed like every Raw Flair would say: "I know you're upset about not getting a title shot Austin, but I promise I'll make it up to you. Tonight you'll have a tag team match with Bradshaw against the NWO..." Yeah, THANKS Ric. That really makes up for it.
  15. jester

    Edge in 2001

    I think Edge is going to get a monster pop when he finally comes back. A smart company could take that and push him to the top. Don't you wish Edge worked for a smart company? Hopefully he doesn't go the HHH route from there.
  16. jester

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    I think the shows should always start with a wrestling match. A decent little opener between midcarders, or even lower carders if they can work. I think the promo should come in the middle of the show. If you absolutely must have one, it should always establish a major point. Not just "let's have a match later tonight."
  17. Hells yeah. Got that shit on tape. Bundy slid a fucking 18 wheeler out of the way and then got his ass kicked by a pissed off kung-fooed up Richard Pryor...hot stuff... Wasn't he also in the Pryor/Wilder comedy Stir Crazy?
  18. jester


    I'm with Downhome. If they now put the focus on RVD as the main player against Kane, I will be bery happy. In fact, I'll stop bitching about excessive McMahon screentime for nearly 10 minutes. Shane's Kentucky Fried Nuts = ratings!
  19. jester

    The Kane Fire Dumpster Angle

    Can I be someone? Can I can I can I?
  20. jester

    Jay Bower names Test

    If that's the case, he really should have changed the name. "Wrestler of the Week" suggests a wrestler who has distinguished himself above other wrestlers. It's like when they show the "Player of the Week" in a sports highlight reell If even a mediocre player suddenly comes alive and hits .400 for the week with three homers and 12 RBIs, you can see why he's given the nod. Did anybody watch Test last week and go "Wow, Test is really on fire this week"?
  21. jester

    Did the NWO get

    I only know the NWO story mainly through SK recaps, but from what I understand HHH and NWO are a good comparison. The NWO kicked the hell out of everyone, making the crowd go rabid for the day when some hero like Sting or Goldberg would kick the hell out of them and end their threat. HHH kicks the hell out of everyone, making the crowd go rabid for the day when some hero like Booker or RVD will kick the hell out of him, and end his threat. The NWO never fully got their beatdown, always avoiding it through some pathetic screwjob that pissed the crowd off and taught them that they would never be fully satisified. HHH never fully got his beatdown, always avoiding it through some pathetic screwjob that pissed the crowd off and taught them that they would never be fully satisified. WWE has a chance to correct the HHH part by having Goldberg kill HHH at Unforgiven. But because of the match stips, the outcome looks predictable. I think they should have an extra underdog element by having Evolution interfere NONSTOP throughout the match, and Goldberg wins anyway. Evolution can get its heat back when Batista returns.
  22. And he's even used to swinging a hammer around, too. Perhaps my hhhatred is blinding me, but I just don't think HHH has the personality to do much with a movie career.
  23. You know what would make this news even sweeter? Chris Jericho landing a high profile movie role. Of course, that would only mean HHH sodomizing him in the middle of the ring upon his return...
  24. jester

    Brock Lesnar's new nickname

    My favorites: "Cereberal Assassin"--As much as I hate HHH, this is an awesome name. Applies more to his backstage work than his ring work though. "The Natural"--Butch Reed had a goofy gimmick...a black guy with blonde hair. But if you play it more straight--a person is a "natural" at wrestling, it's a good nickname. "Hitman" -no explanation needed. "Stone Cold" -ditto. "Mouth of the South" -That name probably wouldn't have worked with anyone besides Jimmy Heart, but I like. "Playboy" -nobody is calling for the Buddy Rose comeback, but I am surprised nobody has picked up this name. Especially since there have been several rich guy snob gimmicks it would be a natural for.