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Everything posted by jester

  1. jester

    triple h pinned tonight

    HHH just knows the truth--announcers kick wrestler's asses. Just look at JR and Lawler's records in the ring. They should all be thankful a McMahon wasn't around to demolish them all. Ok, that was bitter. I'll stop now.
  2. jester

    The Suckbag Superkick

    That would be like when Gayda stayed up after taking a top rope Bulldog from Trish. And pretty damn funny. If you wanted to make the move extra Gayda, you'd wait until well after the move and then fall down...in the wrong direciton of course.
  3. jester

    Coach, Trips, and Goldberg

    I remember that distinctly. I made a joke image about it, I was so pissed. It was Victoria's first or second match with WWE. She did the fake injury thing (similar to what they just did with Test). Unfortunately, they were also in the middle of the "Molly is a virgin" angle. So while Molly tried to put over Victoria, Lawler was babbling about her virginity. There was virtually no comment on anything Victoria did as a result. I don't care if Vince was on the other end telling him to say that stuff or what, but that night Lawler's shtick actually deprived someone on some heat. Molly just couldn't handle Lawler's horseshit. Sometimes that happens to JR too. Lawler goes into overdrive and JR can't get a word out. "Victoria and I have been training, and she really-" "Molly, are you a virgin?" "I don't know, Jerome. Are you a child molester?" That might have shut him up.
  4. Whoa...just THREE pages for Smackdown?
  5. The "Undertaker going back to the Deadman" thing is rapidly becoming the new "Raw renamed to Nitro." Any match between Taker and Vince is going to be the focus at the expense of anything else. The only reason why "building new stars takes time" is because they keep focusing on this crap.
  6. jester

    Goldberg Gets Storyline Changed

    Wrong person to ask. I am so bored with HHH I don't want to see him on my TV in any capacity. I'd consider it a step up if they put that belt on Spike Dudley.
  7. jester

    The Announcing Situation

    Teddy Long would make an AWESOME heel commentator.
  8. jester

    Goldberg Gets Storyline Changed

    This company is also probably convinced that a screwy win for HHH would ADD EVEN MORE HEAT! for a third match where HHH swears this time he'll put Goldberg over, honest this time... No really, wink wink. We all know that a career stip in a match is worthless. We also know that a second loss to HHH would firmly establish Goldberg as Chump Who COuldn't Get it Done Against HHH # 87. And we also know that this is a company that loves to not pull the trigger at the right time. Luger's countout win over Yoko, anyone?
  9. jester

    RAW/SmackDown transaction

    Long did mention something about "negotiations" or whatever before introducing Mark Henry. It was pretty vague, but I thought it covered the whole Smackdown question well enough. You don't need a lengthy explanation, not for Mark Henry. "I made a deal" is good enough. You couldn't get away with doing that with a big name like Undertaker or Brock though.
  10. jester

    Brock Lesnar's new nickname

    VIAM. It is truly the answer to everything. I think the same person who came up with "Ruthless Aggression" came up with this one. You know, that phrase that really rolls off the tongue and caught on like fire. I think WWE hired the marketing genius who came up with New Coke.
  11. jester

    TONIGHT'S Smackdown Spoliers

    Is WWE giving up on Lesnar or something? He's jobbing a lot in such a short space of time...
  12. jester

    Two McMahons Go Over

    The funny part was that when Coach was back on commentary for the Lawler match, JR started putting down Coach, saying things like "There's a match on." My first thought was that JR never says that when his boyfriend Lawler goes on about puppies or a wrestler's virginity. If I were Coach, I would have just said "Puppies" nonstop.
  13. jester

    Eric Bischoff

    I thought Bischoff had a good asshole vibe going, but with Austin and the McMahons around he gets away with nothing anymore. They don't even wait until the end of a show to have Austin undo what he does. I really wish they would gradually turn Austin into a heel GM. I mean, he's half way there now. He's BUTT-buddies with JR, when before he'd stunner him and leave. He's an authority figure, instead of being the ultimate anti-authority figure. They wanted to have a sell out heel Austin at WM17? Well, here he is. But they are still selling him like the great face hero.
  14. jester

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    It made me sick watching Jericho, who should be tearing up the ring with another good worker, or cutting a killer promo to get HIMSELF or his opponent heat, standing in the background of his own show, nodding like a stooge to what Vince said. And could they not have had RVD make the save, and be the one to knock Kane into the dumpster? Oh right, that might get a WRESTLER over. Silly me.
  15. jester

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    Look, I mentioned this in another thread, but it's all very simple: McMahons > Announcers > Managers > Wrestlers. Managers can beat a wrestler. Announcers can beat managers and wrestlers. And McMahons can kick everybody's asses. It's all very realistic. Next week on Smackdown: Stephanie McMahon vs. THE ENTIRE ROSTER. Stephanie loses, but not clean.
  16. jester

    Smackdown has a paper champ

    I agree. HHH says too many comments like that, and when do we ever hear anything like that said about him? Another point. Would HHH be expected to sell as much as Jericho did for Shane McMahon if they had a match? Or would he need help from Coach to beat Lawler?
  17. Good point. So let me update my strength chain: McMahons > Announcers > Managers > Wrestlers.
  18. Actually, I would have been okay with it. Because I think Bischoff should be kept strong for that epic Bischoff/Ross II match we all want to see. I'm personally hoping that keep the one running long enough for a Wrestlemania blowoff. We all know that in WWE's universe the strength hierarchy is as follows. Announcers > Managers > Wrestlers.
  19. jester


    I don't want anyone to die, but IT'S TIME HHH LOST THE FUCKING BELT. To someone. Anyone. Preferably, someone who is healthy enough to wrestle every Raw and do house shows. I didn't see the show, but it sounds to me like Goldberg finally had some momentum from the crowd. Gee, maybe a belt around his waist would have cemented him as a WWE Superstar for good? Now he looks like yet another guy who just can't get the job done against HHH. In the main event scene, we literally have nothing to look forward too. If Goldberg had taken the belt, we'd at least have some new possibilities. Now we have the same old same old.
  20. jester

    Oh, Dear God...

    I volunteer Randy Orton to do the J-O-B.
  21. jester

    The Shanequa Controversy Thread

    They read them the Raw story/booking plans while they pose. Snappy comeback 1: "No, if that were true there would be nothing but pictures of the Divas curled in a foetal position, sobbing." Snappy comeback 2: "You fool! That's obviously not true because everyone knows they don't plan anything!"
  22. jester

    Ultimate Warrior MAY Return Again!!

    If they do bring him back, he should be given a new gimmick. That of a complete, left wing, pro-Commie, anti-war pinko nut. Just to watch him squirm. Hey, make him join La Resistance.
  23. jester

    The Shanequa Controversy Thread

    There are pics of Linda Miles on wwwdivas.com that make her look much better. The one that started this thread is easily the worst of them. There are even a few where she still looks ripped but feminine.
  24. jester

    The Shanequa Controversy Thread

    You're right CC. They have some brutal ones. Through the magic of angles, lighting and airbrushing, they could make me look hot. But for some reason these photographers seem to catch the divas' faces at the worst possible angle. Jacqueline is far from the most attractive of the divas, but come on, some idiot with a web cam could have taken a more flattering picture than this:
  25. jester

    The Shanequa Controversy Thread

    You're not the only one ... that's obviously not the best picture in the world, but I'd still throw it in her. Count me in. That's a lousy picture of her, but she's not the beast some are saying she is. Jazz gets a hard time unjustly too, IMO. A bad picture can make anyone look like hell.