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Everything posted by jester

  1. Well, now that's she's sort of turned heel, maybe they'll have her lust for Vince like everyone else. Leading to that epic Gail Kim/Dawn Marie feud Vince thinks we'd eat up, because VIAM.
  2. I can't remember who it was, but somebody on this board proposed that everything WWE does can be boiled down to "Vince is a moron." It even has a decent acronym. VIAM. Why add every McMahon to the main event? VIAM. Why sign Ultimo without having any clue as to the kind of wrestler he is? VIAM. Why make a deal with the World Wildlife Fund and then break it? VIAM. Makes sense.
  3. jester

    An open letter to Linda McMahon

    Yes. And for the thirty millionth time, it's "COULDN'T CARE LESS." Not "Could care less." Damn that pisses me off. Any feedback they are likely to listen to has to be 100 percent professionally written, and it can't contain any cheap shots (the Lawler pedophile remarks) or stuff like "Fire Ross and Lawler." They are not going to read that and say "Great idea! Get those two losers in here right now so we can their asses!"
  4. jester

    Does anyone else think...

    The reason we aren't getting as much HHH is because the guy is perpetually injured. We can however be counted on to see at least one Evolution promo (mostly done by Flair), and then HHH gets on the mike for the Randy Orton match. Despite the fact that it's Randy Frickin' Orton he's trying to sell, he doesn't do a half bad job. Actually, HHH should be used as a heel commentator. Replace Lawler. Then again, a box of Bran Flakes would make a better heel commentator than Lawler.
  5. jester

    Need Elimination Chamber info

    Hey, thanks Chris! I've been trying to get the phrase "cliqueweight belt" over for awhile now, but it hasn't cought on. Come on everyone! Say it with me! "The Cliqueweight Championship Belt!"
  6. jester

    Has Orton's monster push ended?

    True, but IMO it didn't look like Goldberg needed help to beat Orton himself (which would have been death to what little heat GB has). Even with Flair all over him he look more annoyed with the interference than in danger of losing. Once Austin occupied Flair, Goldberg put Orton away pretty quick. [shrug]
  7. I think they'll do the EC last simply because of the timing issue. There are going to be spots with broken glass and shit, so why waste time betweens matches cleaning it up? If EC goes on last, it's not an issue.
  8. jester

    Has Orton's monster push ended?

    More or less. Austin interfered to take Flair out, and he spun Orton into Goldberg spear.
  9. jester


    Will Bret Hart be back to lead the return of WCW?
  10. jester

    How many people do YOU think will hold the title

    I am honestly at a loss as to who will get the title here. I will say that I am worried that the announcers were going on about "Can you trust Orton?" and "every man for himself" which hints at Orton screwing over HHH. I am worried that they are dumb enough to put the belt on Orton and have him feud with a face-turned HHH.
  11. jester

    Test is Next De Niro!

    I was pretty sure it was a work when it happened...but I must admit the Test selljob gave me doubts for a minute there.
  12. jester

    The ONE and ONLY Kevin Nash's Hair Thread

    Nash's hair should get a "Desire" video package. Or a video tribute like when a wrestler dies.
  13. jester


    I remember a rumor from not too far back that Vince has no interesting in resurrecting anything WCW related. I think the writers just threw that in there. PLEASE nobody start another "Raw will be renamed to Nitro" discussion.
  14. jester

    RAW Debut of ...

    As long as JR and King don't go crazy about him being "the future of the company" while he does an okay-looking clothesline against Stevie Richards, I say give him a shot.
  15. jester

    Nathan Jones News

    No, MCCLURE. You might remember me from such educational films as "Lead Paint: Delicious But Deadly," and "Here Comes the Metric System!"
  16. Not always. He was talking some behind the scenes stuff on Off the Record.
  17. jester

    Nathan Jones News

    On the plus side, they finally found a use for him. Say HHH, doesn't that make you mad? Bad enough the Rock gets to be in movies, but frickin' Nathan Jones? And what have you been in, roid boy?
  18. jester

    Something that bothers me

    Bps is right. With Angle you can understand why they were in a tight spot because if they said anything, there's an excuse for Angle, or worse, sympathy, which they can't have if he's a heel. But in HHH's case, they are not even presenting the injury like it would be with 99.9% of other heels--using suspicious injuries as a cop-out excuse not to face guys like Goldberg. Nope, instead we have to know that he exhausted himself having sex. Yeah, I'd say there's a double standard.
  19. jester

    Nash news from Rajah

    "Big, bald, bumbling henchmen who tears quad during the coming attractions". He's loaded up in the ambulence by the start of the movie Nah, make him the lead supervillain so we can have the most original yet anticlimatic ending to a comic book movie ever. [The Punisher shows up, guns readied for the climatic last fight] Nash: So Punisher... it is down to us....AAUGH! [falls over clutching quad] [movie ends with the Punisher looking around with a "That's it?" look on his face while Nash is loaded into an ambulance]
  20. Actually, this is a pretty good point. The Orton pinning of the Dudleys was ass backwards. They had HHH do all the work, and then Orton sneak in for the pin. They should have had Orton cheating like nuts so that HHH could get the pins. That way, the audience is thinking that it was Orton that screwed the Dudleys. That way, even if he didn't get the actual pins, he gets the heat. The way it was done keeps the heat on HHH, who has slaughtered the Dudleys time and time again anyway. Hmmm....is the smartest man in wrestling up to something again?
  21. jester

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    The whole "RVD doesn't sell" thing is just an excuse anyway. There is only one reason why RVD isn't getting pushed. WWE doesn't want to push him. They will look for anything that justifies that stance and ignore everything else. The end.
  22. jester

    Vengeance buyrate

    And up in here in Canada, they are STILL promoting McMahon/Gowen for all the house shows. They have prerecorded bits during Raw and Smackdown of Vince basically saying how is going to kick Gowen's ass (which he already did on PPV, so I don't know why it's supposed to be big deal), and usually a few cheap shots at the Harts thrown in. They need to encourage people to come to see the wrestlers. If they don't have any faith in them, why should we?
  23. Vince McMahon Or Earl Hebner. Or Former PM Brian Mulroney.
  24. jester

    Hurricane and S.H.I.T.

    Here's where the Hurricane gimmick is going: Rosie keeps making saves for Hurricane. They do a few tag matches. Rosie turns on Hurricane. It might get Rosie over as a heel, but Hurricane is as high as he's going to go. edit: I should say "As high is he's going to be allowed to be."
  25. Orton is over? With who? When he comes out, unless Flair or HHH is with him, there is DEAD SILENCE. The only reaction I have ever heard him get was when he chaired Goldberg, but that was in front of a clearly anti-Goldberg crowd. I will grant that he did get booed for the nipples comment, but that is the only time I have seen him get the slightest bit of heat. Maybe Hurricane couldn't work as main eventer. Maybe RVD, Booker etc would fail at the top spot. Would it kill them to try for more than two seconds at a time? Let's ask ourselves this: if Hurricane had Orton's gimmick with Evolution, and was getting the same crowd reactions, would they still be trying at this point? I doubt it. They'd probably have traded him to TNA for some ring ropes at this point. Orton is not being pushed as a lackey. He is being push as the equal to top stars in a trinity (past, present, future). And we are reminded frequently that he is the FUTURE OF THE COMPANY . Did anybody ever scream that Virgil or Cowboy Bob Orton was the future of the company? If you're trying to say that Orton can't be blamed for the way he is mismanaged, I agree. If WWE knocked on my door and asked if I would like big money and a top spot, I would not say "No, I suck, give it to RVD." But Orton is the most visible sign of a backwards policy. He is a place to focus that anger. It's like when you're mad at your computer, and you whack your monitor. Strictly speaking the monitor is just showing the results, the brain is your tower. But I will not accept this idea that I should just like what I'm given. Orton is not entertaining. There are other wrestlers on that roster who are. I want to see more of them. As long as they keep giving me Orton instead, I will bitch. It's like them trying to feed you gruel when you can see chocolate cake up on the shelf.