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Posts posted by Neil-o-Mac

  1. Dumbassed question, but I noticed a USB port on the back of my DVR what the hell is it for?

    It's kinda like the expansion ports on Nintendo consoles; useless without "future upgrades" that may or may not exist/make it to market.


    Sometimes those ports are used by engineers to do diagnostics and whatnot as well, I believe.

  2. Walk up to a non-wrestling fan in the UK and ask them to name a wrestler and I'd suggest the majority would name Hogan.


    You'd also get plenty of mentions of the likes of Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and maybe even Kendo Nagasaki in the UK, I reckon, due to how big the wrestling on World of Sport was back in the 70s/early 80s. Obviously more from folk in their thirties/forties, of course.

  3. UT doesn't strike me as a guy that needed a submission finisher, but it made sense when he was feuding with Big Daddy V and Mark Henry.


    I always thought he should have a finisher called "Six Feet Under" or something like that. "Death Trap" would be cool for his gogoplata, though...wtf kind of word is that, though? Spanish?


    Portugese. It's from Brazilian Jiujitsu.

  4. My stream site has been down all day, so no WM live for me. Guess I'll have to wait another year for the first one.


    Unrelated note, Flair's a 3:1 underdog on oddsmaker.com. Michaels, Jericho, Batista, HHH, Finlay, Mayweather & Taker are the favorites. Chavo's match isn't a betting option.


    As someone who works for a bookies, I find the idea that someone's offering odds on Wrestlemania hilarious. Some of that stuff is surely stealing money, even at odds-on (Taker, Michaels, Mayweather).


    Still, looking at the site, MVP could be a value bet in MITB at, if I'm reading this spread stuff right, 7/2?

  5. I'm thinking Rock turned down doing something at Wrestlemania, beyond showing his face and waving, and someone, more than Cena, in WWE isn't happy.


    It's worth bearing in mind that this interview was done before the Royal Rumble - I have the interview audio from The Sun's Wrestlecast podcast feed and Cena kayfabes about not being able to come back for Wrestlemania in an in-ring capacity. Chances are that at that time, Rock wasn't even on the table for Mania as far as Cena knew.


    As far as Rock's involvement in the Hall of Fame/Mania, I'm sure we'll see him come out during Mania to put the verbal smackdown on someone like Santino, hit on Lilian Garcia, do his catchphrases, probably do a double People's Elbow with his dad, and get an INSANE pop.

  6. The Lack of Love for Jack Tunney and Howard Finkel make me sad



    Yeah, J.R. made a comment in a recent blog about how Howard should be in the Hall of Fame much sooner than later. It would be nice if he goes in this year.


    Nobody does 'And NEEEEWWWWWWW blahblahblah Champion...' like the Fink. Best wrestling ring announcer ever.

  7. According to a news item sent to PWI by Jeremiah Evans (though I don't know where he took this from, I don't see it on the DVD section of WWE.com), this is the full calendar for 2008:



    6/03 - The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment





    ...The Rock HAS COME BACK to D...V...D!


    Hey, someone had to do it.


  8. Something popped out to me when I was watching Raw XV again - in one of the history packages, there was a clip of the 'Midget Hardy Boyz' that Edge & Christian trotted out sometime in 2000. I'm pretty sure that the midget Matt was Hornswaggle.

  9. Gangrel, Jim Neidhart, and Mae Young are confirmed for Raw.


    -- Meltz


    YES! I can not wait for his entrance, especially if they let him come up from the floor.

    I wouldn't get my hopes up.


    If they do, I just hope they don't mix it up with the mechanism for Rey's entrance, causing Gangrel to fly through a hoop of flame like a resurrected Evel Kenevel.

  10. WWE getting on the viral marketing/alternate-reality-game bandwagon? How relatively cutting edge for them.


    Look at the source code for www.saveus-222.com, then translate the hex key.


    Damn, they put some work into this.


    How do you translate the hex key?


    Edit: n/m got it.


    Edit 2: The www.saveus-222.com domain's even registered in Stamford, CT. If this whole thing *isn't* Jericho, someone's playing a massive rib.



    WWE got all of the talent together before Summerslam so that Stone Cold Steve Austin could talk to them for a few moments. The speech was meant to be inspirational, but it ended up rubbing a ton of people the wrong way and helped to lower an already low morale within the locker room.


    Austin's speech contained three main points, all of which made people upset.


    His first point was he felt that the wrestlers dressed like slobs outside the ring. He criticized everyone for not looking and carrying themself anywhere close to professional. A lot of people couldn't believe who they were hearing this from. It was unbelievable considering that during the height of Austin's worldwide superstardom in the late-90s all anyone ever saw Austin in publicly was a black t-shirt and either blue jeans or blue jean shorts. Also, when WWE began their new dress code in 2004, Austin was doing his co-GM/Sheriff gimmick on Raw. He was one of the few who was exempt from the suit-and-tie dress code for gimmick purposes (the only others were The Undertaker and John Cena).


    His second point was that he felt WWE had no real superstars whatsoever and that it's time for someone to step up to take the ball and run with it. This also had a lot of people scratching their head, since both John Cena and Edge were members of the wrestler audience.


    His third point was that no wrestler should be sitting back and waiting for the bookers to give them a gimmick that will make them successful. Austin told the story about how he was "The Ringmaster" when he started with WWE in 1995 and how he thought it sucked so a few months later, he came up with his own gimmick, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. This one had a lot of people silently laughing since it's a well-known fact that Austin's wife at the time that actually came up with the name.


    One wrestler in the audience noted that Austin seemed very out of touch with the current conditions and with how much money the wrestlers make now. He was said to constantly use phrases like, "With as much money as you guys make..." This wasn't very receptive since almost half of the locker room barely makes six figures now, as oppposed to the Attitude Era when lower mid-card people like Test and Al Snow were making well over a quarter million.


    A few wrestlers said that they were shocked at how Austin is now seemingly a puppet for McMahon, as some felt these were McMahon's words coming out of Austin's mouth. There was speculation among the locker room that Austin was acting this way because he is not dealing well with the fact that his movie "The Condemned" was a huge bomb in theatres.


    So his wife created the "Gimmick" or the name "Stone Cold"?


    Austin seems dead on except the dress code thing. That is

    just odd all together.


    Hey Steve...how bout you put someone over.

    Acting might not be the one for you, suck it up

    and see if you can still draw in wrasslin.


    Foley and Austin's books cover this. Austin came up with the gimmick - he told WWF creative about it and how he wanted to be "cold-blooded" and have aname that sutied this. Apparently they came up with "Chilly McFreeze". Then Austin's wife (the British one before Debra I think - Jenny something?) says one day that her tea had gone "stone cold" and voila.


    Who was the last person Austin put over anyway?


    I believe it was the Rock at Wrestlemania 19. The Rock finally won the big one over Austin at a Wrestlemania.


    Seriously though, CHILLY MCFREEZE? The writers couldn't come up with anything better than CHILLY MC-FUCKING-FREEZE?!?!


    They also came up with shite like Ice Dagger and Baron Von Chill (or something like that) for what became the Stone Cold gimmick as well. Euuurgh.


    Not long after that, Austin was looking at new T-shirts that were coming out along with Mick Foley and he said "Hey, how about a Stone Cold shirt?"


    The merch department's response?


    "Sorry, Steve, we just don't see a Stone Cold shirt selling."


    That has to be right up there with the record labels that said the Beatles were just a fad. :P

  12. ULTIMATE WARRIOR - WWE Classic Superstars 14




    Is it just me, or does that look more like Sable on extra roids with facepaint?


    He looks a little too thin, but I guess they were going for the post-championship reign Warrior look there.


    To me it looks like they re-tooled a mould for a Christian figure, the face reminded me of our esteemed NWA champ more than Jim Hellwig the first time I saw it.

  13. I just imagine the set has moving metal pieces or something. It's a very vague statement and I look forward to seeing what it's all about. There was a mention of Raw having 28 LED screens but the Mania set having 400+, so I get the impression there will be a lot of video morphing effects (like the WMXX set).

    Maybe the set will morph into a huge Transformer at the end of the night to promote the new film.


    Prime/Megatron @ Wrestlemania.


    One shall stand, one shall fall.


    Optimus via DQ after a botched Hot Rod run-in.


    Seeing as everyone else is doing it, I might as well pitch in on the fantasy booking.


    * * * *


    Pyro, Aretha, etc


    Chris Benoit vs. MVP - US Title


    A decent midcard match to start the show is always a good way to kick off Wrestlemania, not too heavy for the crowd to get tired on, but something they can get their teeth into. MVP goes over in about 15 minutes max.


    New Breed vs. Originals


    Again, this probably won't be anything *too* amazing, and will probably be a pretty by-the-numbers tag match. Burke pins RVD or Dreamer during a big pier-six melee at the end of the match.


    MITB Ladder Match


    We know what roughly to expect here - Sick bumps from the Hardys and probably CM Punk, Edge plays sneaky chickenshit heel before getting punked out by a face-turning Orton, Finlay brings the stiffness, Hornswaggle does a waddle-in from under the ring and eats ladder, Booker acts as glue to keep it all together along with Finlay, and your winner is Misteeeerrr Kennedyyyy!




    Khali vs. Kane


    After the inevitable chaos of MITB, the crowd needs a break, and it comes with this match. I've used a time machine to bring back a match report here, so you can all go grab another beer for this one.


    Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch. BAH GAWD KHALI'S GOT THE DAMN HOOK. Hook to the FACE. Hook to the BAH GAWD KNEE. CHOKEBOMB FROM PUNJAB. Pin.


    Battle of the Billionaires


    Probably overbooked to buggery, this one. Expect a few run-ins on this one, and probably Austin getting his shit in on everyone. Don't think we'll see any bladejobs here - I'm expecting colour in both World Title matches. Anyway, Umaga puts his hands on Austin, eats a stunner and flops right into Lashley, who pins Umaga with his running powerslam of DOOM. Vince protests, eats a stunner and gets shaved. Then Trump and Lashley get stunners. And Estrada. And Lillian Garcia. And JR and Lawler. Okay, maybe not.




    Ashley vs. Melina


    Ladies and gentlemen, the second piss break of the evening comes in the form of the women's match. I expect Ashley to go over here, but it's by no means a certainty.


    Undertaker vs. Batista


    Don't expect this to be Savage/Steamboat II. Blood, weapons, finishers being kicked out of, ref bumps and Undertaker winning after a couple of Tombstones.


    Cena vs. HBK


    I expect this to be based on the normal WWE main-event template, but worked well within that. HBK wins after countering the FU into Sweet Chin Music after about 30 minutes of a surprisingly good match.
