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Vern Gagne

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Everything posted by Vern Gagne

  1. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    When are Edge and Helms supposed to serve their suspensions?
  2. Vern Gagne

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Some how Snitsky remained unscathed in all this.
  3. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    They could always do half the suspensions this month, and the other half the following month.
  4. Vern Gagne

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    Thom Brennemen is acting like Michigan came back against the USC.
  5. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    Orton doesn't seem like he'd admit guilt to anything.
  6. Vern Gagne

    This Week In Baseball 8/27-9/2

  7. Vern Gagne

    This Week In Baseball 8/27-9/2

    Royals haven't had any base runners in this game.
  8. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    They would only be hungry again in an hour though. That's Chinese food.
  9. Vern Gagne

    The College Football Thread 8/30 - 9/3

    Well the Big 10 network is essentially the same three programs repeated over and over again.
  10. Vern Gagne

    NFL Discussion Forumtable: 2007

    Falcons would be the smart guess. Maybe the Bears. Can someone give me an example of a QB whose career was ruined by starting him too early?
  11. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    Strike Three starting today, or if Orton or someone was suspended before the next times they are caught, they'll be fired.
  12. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    My mistake.
  13. Vern Gagne

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    WWE says the names of the suspended wrestlers will officially be revealed on November 1st.
  14. Vern Gagne

    Wrestlemania 24

    He could be Vince's bastard son.
  15. Vern Gagne

    The Sports Mascots Thread!

    Billy the Marlin is always solid.
  16. Vern Gagne

    TNA Impact spoilers

    Michael Vick is free until Decemeber 10th.
  17. Vern Gagne

    The "Ask Al" Thread

    Can Edwin Jackson turn the corner and become a solid starting pitcher? He's looked better in the second half. Did Brady Anderson have the biggest "Where the hell did the come from season" of all-time?
  18. Vern Gagne

    Retarded kid gets caught stealing

    He sounds like Carol Channing.
  19. Vern Gagne

    Fall Programming

    Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  20. Vern Gagne

    Owen Wilson rushed to hospital - suicide attempt

    So Mark Cuban was behind this?
  21. Vern Gagne


    It was Fantasy Football and gambling that turned the NFL into America's number one sport.
  22. Vern Gagne

    This Week In Baseball 8/27-9/2

    Nice play by Nick Punto.
  23. Vern Gagne

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    I don't have the slightest idea what they're doing with Umaga. What occurred tonight seems to imply that he is going heel again, but I have a feeling it's going to be more of a situation where he is neither heel nor face and just destroys everyone. I wasn't sure if Kennedy applauding Umanga was leading to something, or just a basic heel behavior.
  24. Vern Gagne

    Wrestlemania 24

    I wouldn't mind if they retired the MITB match for at least a year.
  25. Vern Gagne

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    The heel to face ratio on Raw is extremely one-sided.