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Vern Gagne

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Everything posted by Vern Gagne

  1. Vern Gagne

    Former World Champion Debuting on Impact Thursday

    Someone was nice enough to switch hours with Justin Credible at Target.
  2. Vern Gagne

    Offseason College Football Thread

    The Big 12 conference alignment would be screwed up if Iowa St or Missouri left.
  3. Vern Gagne

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    The Mr. McMahon memorial title.
  4. Cena Orton can't be trusted.
  5. Vern Gagne

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2007

    My six keepers right know. Mauer (3) Utley (2) Young (7) Johnson (16) Carmona (18) Soria undrafted Oswalt, and Francis are still possiblities.
  6. Vern Gagne

    NFL Discussion Forumtable: 2007

    Brad Johnson is the Cowboys backup.
  7. Vern Gagne

    Former FOX News Correspondent Pleads Guilty

    Rey and Holly.
  8. Vern Gagne

    The History Channel

    They don't really talk about Hitler much anymore.
  9. Vern Gagne

    The What If Topic...

    Brody seemed to be all about the money. What if Andre decided not to sell for Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania III?
  10. Vern Gagne

    This Week in Baseball 7/23 - 7/29

    Nope. It's time to make some trades. Anyone want Luis Castillo? Carlos Silva? Juan Rincon?
  11. Vern Gagne

    Lindsay Lohan Booked On Suspicion of DUI

    She's fallen so far since her 2004 SNL appearance.
  12. Vern Gagne

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    You always have Blade Hart to fall back on. I bet that Foley's son and Rick Rude's son end up in the business.
  13. Vern Gagne

    The new host of the Price is Right is...

    I'm old enough. I just prefered the USA network game shows.
  14. Vern Gagne

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    He does look like a bad Jim Morrison impersonator.
  15. Vern Gagne

    The new host of the Price is Right is...

    I've never got the Price is Right, or Bob Barker love?
  16. Vern Gagne

    This Week in Baseball 7/23 - 7/29

    He's pitching against the Twins.
  17. Vern Gagne

    When should John Cena Drop the Belt?

    Unless he's talking about Hogan in the AWA. He never had to chase the title in the WWE or WCW.
  18. Not new versions, just shows you haven't seen on tv in years. Since it's an athletic competion. ESPN Classic should show the old Battle of the Network Stars.
  19. Vern Gagne

    Orlando Theme Parks

    Go to Gatorland.
  20. Vern Gagne

    WWF Wrestling Observer News (2.24.86)

    A Predator mention, awesome shit.
  21. Vern Gagne

    WWF Wrestling Observer News (2.17.86)

    I'd love to hear the Cossell/Vince phone conversation.
  22. Vern Gagne

    Weekly World News Shutting Down

    I bought the Lincoln was a Woman edition. I loved the End of the World Prophecy editions.
  23. Vern Gagne

    John Kronus found dead

    If steroids can cause your heart to enlarge, does that mean the Grinch was on the juice?
  24. Heenan in all honesty should of retired when the NWO was formed. Interesting observation. I see TNA doing the same thing, way too many times.
  25. Not a big Steve Austin fan. Mick Foley is getting pretty full of himself.