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Hank Kingsley

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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. I see Chavo "accidentally" costing Rey the match somehow, hopefully slow-building a turn. If Khali is taken off, they can have Boogeyman make a cameo, perform some voodoo, and manifest Khali's soul in the Big Show so that The Undertaker can still get his revenge. And the ECW Champion stays strong because he wasn't in his right mind. Finlay/Regal and the tag title match will steal the show.
  2. Hank Kingsley

    Lashley and Khali removed from GAB PPV

  3. Hank Kingsley

    Lashley and Khali removed from GAB PPV

    Yikes. Throw Matt Hardy in there instead?
  4. Hank Kingsley

    OAO Smackdown Thread - July/21st/2006.

    "Rey Mysterio is just like herpes" I love JBL.
  5. Hank Kingsley

    OAO Smackdown Thread - July/21st/2006.

    This show rocks. Kennedy being awesome, Kash busting out the Trailer Hitch, Finlay and Regal's old-school heel tactics, Ashley, Jillian, and Michelle being hot, and Kiiiiiing Booker. Love the Smackdown.
  6. Hank Kingsley

    The SWF Fantasy League!

    So, taking a page out of WWE's playbook (shocking, I know), I've decided to put together a fantasy rating system to "rank" SWF wrestlers. Unfortunately, building a team with a salary cap and edits and trades like WWE's would be migrane-inducing. Instead, after each show wrestlers will be ranked according to this rating system: Storm/Lockdown/Smarkdown appearance (+3) Storm/Lockdown/Smarkdown match (+5) Storm/Lockdown/Smarkdown win (+7) Board promo (+5) [to be added in the post-show update] PPV appearance (+5) PPV match (+8) PPV win (+12) All shows: Title win (+20) Successful defense (+8) Specialty match (+3) Specialty win (+5) Elimination [battle royal, tag match] (+2) Executed finisher/locked in submission (+1 each) Finisher resulting in victory (+4) Kicking out of a finisher/escaping locked in submission finisher (+3) Foreign object shot [only when said foreign object's use is not inherent in the match; ie hardcore is a specialty match, but no foreign object points are awarded] (+3 each) Final match on card (+3) Disqualification (-4) Suspension (-10) Double No-Show (-15 for all involved) Will this cause people to show more? Always use their finisher to win? Always kick out? I don't know, I'm not trying to change anyone's style with this, this is merely for fun. And always using a finisher to win is boring anyway. Points are cumulative, so if a wrestler appears in a match and wins with, say, a roll-up, his point total would be 3+5+7 = 15. Without further ado [well, ado into the next post to keep it neat and tidy for updates], here are the results after Lockdown (and please, let me know if I made any mistakes):
  7. Hank Kingsley

    Songs that get you pumped up.

    "You've Got the Touch"
  8. Hank Kingsley


    Is the Pit still around?
  9. Hank Kingsley


    Nevermind, Kotz literally refuting Zacalex's insults is pretty funny.
  10. Hank Kingsley


    Thing is, that thread isn't even funny anymore. And apparently Anglesault was "my hero."
  11. Hank Kingsley


    Didn't Drury want to be let back into the WWE folder. Thanks.
  12. Hank Kingsley


    Why did I post here when I was 14.
  13. Hank Kingsley

    Some kid on Myspace kills his mom.

    Poking is the sexiest thing ever invented though.
  14. Hank Kingsley

    Some kid on Myspace kills his mom.

    Because it's like, you have all this info on there like classes and your residence and your summer plans, but you still have people asking "What classes are you taking?" "What dorm are you staying in?" etc. so that they don't come off as creepy for lurking your profile. BUT THAT'S WHY IT'S THERE. But for the love of god get rid of the fake plastic cup pictures.
  15. Hank Kingsley

    Some kid on Myspace kills his mom.

    I've found Facebook to be a much better/creepier cult to join.
  16. Hank Kingsley

    Important words

  17. Hank Kingsley

    favorite bob dylan song

    Besides the ones mentioned, I really like "Love Minus Zero/No Limit" and "Buckets of Rain."
  18. Hank Kingsley

    The SWF Fantasy League!

    The rankings! Lockdown's Big Winner: WILDCHILD! Wildchild - 3+5+7+3+5+3 = 26 Bruce Blank - 3+5+7+3+1+4 = 23 Michael Cross - 3+5+7+1+4+3 = 23 Jimmy the Doom - 3+5+7+1+4 = 20 Landon Maddix - 3+5+7+1+4 = 20 Akira Kaibatsu - 3+5+7+1+4 = 20 Michael Stephens - 3+5+7 = 15 Spike Jenkins - 3+5+7 = 15 Tom Flesher - 3+5+3+1 = 12 Jay Hawk - 3+5+3 = 11 Charlie Matthews - 3+1+1+1+1+3 = 10 Zyon - 3+5+1 = 9 Ciro Vitale - 3+5 = 8 Manson - 3+5 = 8 Austin Sly - 3+5 = 8 Kerry Staunton - 3+5 = 8 Scott Rageheart - 3+5 = 8 Grendel - 3 = 3
  19. Hank Kingsley

    Your Favorite Alcoholic concoctions

    Here's a fun one, a mojito. Grind mint leaves up in some sugar+lime water. Pour the result in with crushed ice, add rum, and top with club soda. Delicious if done correctly.
  20. Hank Kingsley

    OAO ECW TV Week 6 Thread - July/18th/2006.

    Isn't the Smackdown taping beforehand though? Won't Taker's presence on that show kinda give the result away.
  21. Hank Kingsley


    The "BOO! YAY!" slugfests are awesome.
  22. Hank Kingsley

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

    They also need to stop cutting to kids and women in the crowd during matches. What the hell.
  23. Hank Kingsley

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

  24. Hank Kingsley

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

    Okay, what the fuck.