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Everything posted by JangoFett4Hire

  1. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    I've been with quite a few women and such, but I'm still shy when I first meet someone. And I'm 30!
  2. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    If you guys want to read a book that might help you with the ladies, try Neil Strauss' The Game. Some helpful tips in there, bro. But, you probably have no interest in being a ladies' man, do you?
  3. JangoFett4Hire

    Stoner Music

    I can't listen to angry stuff. It's gotta be mellow... 3 Feet High and Rising Yoshimi vs the Pink Robots! either of the last few Wilco releases... Radiohead (OK and on...) the first Boston album (seriously!) a lot of people hate 'em, but i like the jam bands like phish and moe and robert randolph... Soundtrack of our Lives S and G's Sound of Silence or Bridge (minus the title track) Zep's Houses of the Holy any mid-to-latter day Beatles Bowie's song Memory of a Free Festival James' Laid (seriously!) j5's quality control Stones' Exile on Main St
  4. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    You make it difficult to root for you.
  5. JangoFett4Hire

    Stoner Music

    NWA's too angry. Portishead's Dummy is another good one.
  6. JangoFett4Hire

    Stoner Music

    My Morning Jacket's It Still Moves, and Dino Jr's good stoner music.
  7. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Hawk, get her e-mail, strike up a conversation and get her # from her yourself.
  8. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    If you're gonna do it, do it.
  9. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Dude, you're sick.
  10. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    This is like a sopranos episode... all this build-up... where's the payoff?
  11. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Sorry. Pegasus and Hawk-man. Wow, 24 hours until D hour. MArvin- Heaven isn't too far away. Closer to her every day. Not matter what the smarks say I know you're gonna find a way!
  12. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    You two gayed up one thread already. Take it to PMs por favor.
  13. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Pegasus- stop living vicariously through Mahvin and get off your ass and make it happen for yourself. Why not you?
  14. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    No offense dude, but you've earned it. It's up to you to go out and prove her wrong. DO IT! Go out and have fun with it.
  15. JangoFett4Hire

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Beatles- She's Leaving Home Zeppelin- Stairway
  16. JangoFett4Hire

    Blast mouth shooters?

    I heard them mentioned in a Wonder Showzen skit, but dunno what they are... Google and UD proved to be little help.
  17. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Art School Confidential.
  18. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Im going. YEAH Dude. Only thing that will keep you from going will be a nuclear holocaust, right? Remember, be chill, keep expectations low, before and after the movie keep the conversation light and flowing, and most importantly: kiss her goodbye. Don't shove your tongue down her throat but a peck on the lips is good. If she kisses back, you'll figure out what to do next.
  19. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    "dont give up thats not kool" Words to live by (kinda. It's actually 'don't' and 'cool' but we all get he point...) Dude, you are putting way too much pressure on yourself. Play it cool. When you send women messages like that, it screams DESPERATION. And women smell desperation easier than dogs smell fear. You wanna aim more for the nonchalant end of the spectrum. Not totally "eh, whatevs" about it, but make it seem to her that you have stuff going on too, and you're not checking myspace every 5 minutes to see if she sent you. Take it from me, lunatic, I've been there. I've learned the hard way. Ladies love to be shown interest, but they freak out when you show too much this early in the game.
  20. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    Per Heaven: Hi my name is heaven...i live in MD. i like to meet to new people and make new friends. all around i'm a good person and like to have fun. i like football(redskins) and nascar(kennith). i'm not a disliker like everything... Nice, she's open-minded.
  21. JangoFett4Hire

    Im going to need some advice..

    I am curious about one thing Marvin. Answer honestly, are you looking for the future Mrs. Lunatic, or a possible 'good time'? Whether you're looking on-line or wherever. What are your expectations? Hardcore, serious LTR? Or a casual dating scenario? (Not necessarily fuck-buddies, but no concrete commitment either...) Don't be on the look-out for an instant girlfriend.
  22. JangoFett4Hire

    Chokeback Yankees

    Enjoy, you NY sheep herders!!! http://www.kickina.com/chokeback/
  23. JangoFett4Hire

    Pictures I Like

    Dude, where did you find that bulldog flick?
  24. JangoFett4Hire


    LOL http://baumanletters.ytmnd.com/
  25. JangoFett4Hire


    Anything with Josh Ballard is LOL-id Gold!