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Everything posted by JangoFett4Hire

  1. JangoFett4Hire

    CobainWasMurdered's solution...

  2. JangoFett4Hire

    CobainWasMurdered's solution...

    beats the hell out of Hell-O Kitty.
  3. JangoFett4Hire

    The Bitch is Back

    I like Banky just fine. Unlike you, however, I'm not a hypocrite or a suck-up. I'll call people on the stupid shit they pull even if I like them. Yeah, you're a Bush apologist. Bush, the president who is trying to make it unconstitutional to have same-sex marriages, yet you kiss his ass and defend his every move. So, you are a hypocrite. And not married either, in the eyes of your savior GW.
  4. JangoFett4Hire

    CobainWasMurdered's solution...

    One good thing about the crash = wicky wicky is back...
  5. JangoFett4Hire

    NY Giants, a superbowl pick!?!

    Pats looked pretty good tonight, from what I saw.
  6. JangoFett4Hire

    Coolest Songs EVER~!

    Good Vibrations with the weird sound effect bouncing throughout the song.
  7. JangoFett4Hire

    The Beach Boys

    Pet Sounds is one of the greatest albums ever... If not for Pet Sounds, we would have never had Sgt Pepper's.
  8. JangoFett4Hire

    Listen carefully...

    Well that's why they got Vinnie Baker- for the inside presence... but Vinnie is a responsible sort- he doesn't like to drink and drive.... BUAHAHAHAHAHA:LOL:
  9. JangoFett4Hire

    Listen carefully...

    Northing, hence the >... it's not like he anally raped a 19 year old bellhop.
  10. JangoFett4Hire

    CobainWasMurdered's solution...

    Sometimes life imitates art...
  11. JangoFett4Hire

    Czech Republic's Banner

    It's cool looking at posts of mine while I am banned- like an out of body experience...
  12. JangoFett4Hire

    Listen carefully...

    Oh, and Antoine Walker's criminal record > Kobe's
  13. JangoFett4Hire

    Listen carefully...

    Yeah, you all allegedly shouldn't give the alleged troll any alleged attention... so theorhetically, doesn't allegedly starting an alleged thread constitute and attenallegedtion?
  14. JangoFett4Hire

    The Bitch is Back

    Now THAT, my friend, is a shared moment.