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Dr. Zoidberg

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Everything posted by Dr. Zoidberg

  1. Dr. Zoidberg

    Best. Concert. EVER!

    I saw David Bowie last night. It was the most phenominal thing ever. I just couldn't stop smiling until maybe five songs into the set, and he played some Velvet Underground and Pixies tunes too... Jesus is he the man. Anyhow, I'm very interested in how all of those acts unfolded... mind giving a little description of each? I'd love to see the Stones, am seeing the Cure in May, and haven't heard anyone's first-hand account of how the Sex Pistols reunion went. Ah man, David Bowie was fuckin awesome. After the third song, he went like "You all sang that song the best out of very tour I've been on...can you do the next one?" Everyone cheered, so he sat down, the band started to play...and no-one sang. He got up after awhile and said "That was fuckin' tragic." It was awesome. The Stones have got to be the best live band EVER. They put on the best show, the atmosphere is incredible, and they know the perfect way to get the crowd into it. Incredible. If you ever have a chance to see them, take it without hesitation. The Cure will always rule. No matter what. They, while I didn't see it live, put on an incredible show, and it made me an even bigger fan than before. When they played 'Bloodflowers' I wanted to quit school and start a band. The Sex Pistols are also very good live, but kind of lost their "It" factor, which IMO, was Sid Vicious. They still were of the rule and all, but Johnny wasn't as dickheaded and assholish as people make him out to be. Still, it's the Sex Pistols. How can you NOT enjoy that? Eric Clapton, I was too young to fully remember, but I do remember he ended with Cocaine, and his encore was Layla. So, that was pretty cool.
  2. Dr. Zoidberg

    Going to Wherehouse tomorrow

    Well, I got "Disintigration" AND "Heartbreaker" (some stupid bastard snaked my copy of Destroying America/The End...bastard) Both are quite damn good. Ryan Adams is a lot better than everyone says he is, so I might have to check out Whiskeytown, and maybe, Rock N Roll. and about Dredg: Those guys are actually from my town, and i've heard quite a bit of their stuff. Unfortunately, none of it has really peaked my interest. Thanks anyway.
  3. Dr. Zoidberg

    Going to Wherehouse tomorrow

    I've got 40 bucks to spend, and last time I went, I saw a Destroying America/The End DVD two pack for 20 bucks, so I'm getting that, but with the other half of the money, i'm undecided. Help a brotha out.
  4. Dr. Zoidberg

    MTV's Most Anticipated Albums of 2004

    Ah man, I can't wait for the new Cure album. Hopefully, it'll be like Bloodflowers or Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me. and a new Interpol album would be swank. That and a new Le Tigre or Dirtbombs would make me drive to my local Wherehouse. When did they say the new CKY would be out?
  5. Dr. Zoidberg

    Star Wars Ep. III To Feature Longest Fight In Film

    What about that long fight in Kill Bill? Where The Bride took on the Crazy 88's? or are they just talking about 1 on 1 fight?
  6. Dr. Zoidberg

    Ratings Feed 1/28/04

    so is there not going to be a Rags/Cal rematch? Good show, BTW
  7. Dr. Zoidberg

    Post Palooza Booking...

    i might have to turn in my Ragdoll promo a little bit late, like at around 3-3:30
  8. Dr. Zoidberg

    US Indy Dream Matches

    CM Punk vs. Spanky Spanky vs. Paul London vs. CM Punk CM Punk vs. Paul London London and Spanky vs. Second City Saints (Punk/Cabana) Chris Daniels vs. Steve Corino vs. Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki Yeah...woot woot.
  9. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAOAST Anglepalooza 2004 -- The Comments

    so he has sock shaped balls?
  10. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAOAST Anglepalooza 2004 -- The Comments

    Dammit...WHY was I not involved with that show?! WHY THIS ONE!?! DAMN good show. Fav. matches are Dama/Crystal, The Rumble, Shuffle/PRL, and Flaire/Matt. Everything else was gold, but this shit was platinum. I give it a 10.
  11. Dr. Zoidberg

    The OaOasT Anglepalooza 2004 Predictions Thread

    The Ragdoll/K-Money/TNT picks are the only one's that count, so pay close attention, kids. "I Quit" Match for the OaOasT X-Division Championship: "The Phenemonal" A.J. Flaire (Champion) vs. Mad Matt (Challenger) -The Firm keeps the gold. AJ Flaire. Loser Leaves Town Match: Judas vs. Robert "Father" Edwards -The Father gets drunk after a long day of work, finds out his wife got a pizza instead of making dinner, and beats Judas like a red-headed step child. The Lightning Crew Gauntlet: If The Mad Cappa Wins, He Moves On In The Gauntlet. If Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez Wins, The Mad Cappa Can Never Have A Match Against Puerto Rican Lightning. Straight Up One-On-One Professional Wrestling Match: The Mad Cappa vs. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez (with Mr. Boricua) -The Mad Cappa, because he might even be more MAD than MAD MATT OaOasT Adrenalin Championship Match: Spider-Poet (Champion) vs. "Ice Heart" Dan Black (Challenger) -The Po Po Total Decapitation Match: Sly "The Sly" Summers vs. Scotty Static -Sly's the guy Steel Cage Grudge Match; No Escape Rules: Crystal vs. Damaramu -DAMARAMUUUUUUUUUUUU!! Sorry, Crys...The Firm is now 1 for 2 Hardcore Match For The OaOasT North American Championship: Puerto Rican Lightning (Champion with Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall) vs. The Shuffle (Challenger) -The Shuffle. Word, son. Too Good For A Stipulation: Zack Malibu vs. The Superstar -Zacariah T. Malibu XVIII The Royal Rumble Match: Winner Recieves A Title Shot Against The OaOasT World Heavyweight Champion At OaOasT AngleMania III on March 28, 2004: The Final Four will be: Spider-Poet "Shooter" Jay Darring Zack Malibu ????? and I bank on "Shooter" Jay. The Firm goes 2 for 3
  12. Dr. Zoidberg

    The O.C.

    Hey, here's an idea: Assume for a second that maybe someone didn't the see the preview for the new episode or read what other people wrote. Does that sound ok to you? but...yeah, holding a girl hostage with a gun is a good idea.
  13. Dr. Zoidberg

    The O.C.

    What I found odd was how Anna invited Seth to BRIGHT EYES, which is one of my fave bands. Anyway, fuck Oliver. The only real problem is with this whole "Ryan beats the shit out of him" thing is: Now Ryan's in an even deeper hole. It'll be interesting to see how the writers get him out of it.
  14. Dr. Zoidberg

    Ratings Feed~! 1/22/04

    Why was there no Ragdoll/Calvin II? Other than that disappointment, great show. Feedback on TNT v. Money/Crystal would be appreciated. Show gets a 9
  15. Dr. Zoidberg

    Book it up for 1/22/04 HeldDOWN~!

    You can show your appreciation by putting "Heath Kirchart > You" in your sig.
  16. Dr. Zoidberg

    Book it up for 1/22/04 HeldDOWN~!

    NEW DEVELOPMENT!~ I'll save the FTV match till next week, and write the Tag Title Match tonight!~ BTW, Heath Kirchart > You.
  17. Dr. Zoidberg

    Zack Malibu: The Movie

    Well...Zachariah T. Malibu XVIII and I are good friends over IM's. Our talks are most normally filled with "DUDE! I SCORED! DAMN YEAH!" and talks of wrestling. But, on the rare occasions, we also talk of more personal matters. In fact, it was Zack (or Chris) that helped me get over my break-up with my long-time girlfriend. In essence, Zack is the fuckin man.
  18. Dr. Zoidberg

    Book it up for 1/22/04 HeldDOWN~!

    I sadly cannot write the TNT/Money y Crystal match, mainly because I have to finish revamping the FTV match. Sorry, Brah
  19. Dr. Zoidberg

    Book it up for 1/22/04 HeldDOWN~!

    ok, I'm down for the tag match PLUS: From the Vault, hosted by Rebecca Burns and Tiffany Cardinale. This week, its TNT vs. Akira-X and Loki for the IFW Tag Team Titles.
  20. Dr. Zoidberg

    Ratings Feed 1/15/04

    Whoa whoa whoa! I sent you a Firm promo! I know I did, man. It's probably my fault, though. My computer has been smoking the crack for the past couple of days and has been freezing, restarting, and just being a fuck face among other things. I could always try and re-send it, but I'll have to do that later. Right now, I have to go.
  21. Dr. Zoidberg

    Booking for the 1/11/04 HD~

    forget it, I had a better idea
  22. Dr. Zoidberg

    Man, she IS on crack

    Yet Spanky and Paul London BOTH carried him, thus proving my point that Spanky and London are Gods compared to Low Ki and Daniels.
  23. Dr. Zoidberg

    Booking of Intensitude

    It is OFFICIAL! TJ Burns, 1/2 of the OAOAST Tag Team Champions and resident IRA Represenative will face the BEST IZ has to offer..."Shooter" Jay Darring. Oh Yes...Oh GOD Yes.
  24. Dr. Zoidberg

    The Anglepalooza booking thread!

    it's TJ BURNS, Bridges is Tyler Bridges. and take BURNS out of thar. I have plans for him.