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Dr. Zoidberg

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Everything posted by Dr. Zoidberg

  1. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Poster Tournament II: THE FINAL~!

    I back the ZACK
  2. Dr. Zoidberg

    Ratings Feed for 10/9/03

    Ohman, HeldDown is the BEST show ever.
  3. Dr. Zoidberg

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    Oh my god, stop screaming my name when I got a hangoveR!!!~ *does the "Jim Beam truck" thing and sprays Zack, alfdogg, CWM, and Popick with Jim Beam. "WHOOOOOOO *belch*....OOOOOOOO!!"
  4. Dr. Zoidberg

    IZ Booking for 10/13/03

    That would be killer. Thanks, man.
  5. Dr. Zoidberg

    IZ Booking for 10/13/03

    hey, LPYC, if you're up for it, how about The Dream Machines vs. TNT? Non-Title match?
  6. Dr. Zoidberg

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    ::drinks the beer with Zack and CWM, which only adds to his already drunkenness:: Hey...you know what...WE'RE the real Evolution, man...me...I'm Flair...Zack, you're HHH...CWM?...You're Flair...I mean...Flair...wait...ok....let me start ov... ::collapses:
  7. Dr. Zoidberg

    HeldDOWN booking for 10/9

    ...how did you get a no-holds barred match? I'm totally cool with it, though
  8. Dr. Zoidberg

    MMa is MMGAY~!

    I love MMA. I saw one fight today that was very good. It was Guy Mezger vs. ...oh shit, what's his name? The Gracie killer? The Japanese guy who beat all of the Gracies? Anyway, it was a good fight until lame ol Ken Shamrock started yelling at the ref for having the fight go into overtime. and Gary Goodridge is a fuckin beast.
  9. Dr. Zoidberg

    Post PPV HeldDOWN~! Booking

    Fo GET it!~
  10. Dr. Zoidberg

    Make sure your character stats are updated

    LPYC, I updated Ragdoll's stats
  11. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAO Dirty Deeds Feedback Special~!

    where's the Stairway to Hell feedbackery?! and thank you, BPP
  12. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAO Dirty Deeds Feedback Special~!

    ....wait...Matt's gone?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
  13. Dr. Zoidberg

    IZ Book-orama

    ok, LPYC, PM me...i need your permission to do something
  14. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAO Dirty Deeds Feedback Special~!

    DAMN good show, and that Main Event just sobered my ass up. Awesome. Feedbackery on the Stairway to Hell match would be much appreciated.
  15. Dr. Zoidberg

    IntenseZone Wins First Rating Week!

    yeah, too bad that this is the first AND LAST time it will happen kinda sucks to be on IZ
  16. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAOAST Saturday Special

    I think you should...it'll build character and I am SO drunk, guys...I fuckin love it
  17. Dr. Zoidberg

    Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

    dude, what a cunt. That's a really shitty thing to do.
  18. Dr. Zoidberg

    OAOAST Saturday Special

    Thanks for posting that, Zacariah... Feedbackary would be appreciated
  19. Dr. Zoidberg

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    *watches shadow leave* Wow...that guy is a JERK!
  20. Dr. Zoidberg

    Ratings Feed 9/25/03

    I propose there be a OAOAST Shotgun Saturday Night type dealie...where there can be promos and a match I'll write a promo if other people write promos as well
  21. Dr. Zoidberg

    Spicy Mchaggis

    and their bagpipes player
  22. Dr. Zoidberg

    Dirty Deeds Prediction Thread

    Dirty Deeds September 28, 2003 Falls Count Anywhere Match for the OAOAST Title: Calvin Szechstein Vs. Shooter Jay Winner: Cal Tag Title Match: The Dream Machines Vs. Colvid & Axel Winners: Axel and Colvid Triple Cage Match for the OAOAST Contract: Blurricane Vs. Bizarro Blurricane Winner: Blurricane Farewell Match: Zack Malibu Vs. Spider Poet Winner: Spider Poet Stairway to Hell Match for the X Title: Ragdoll Vs. Mad Matt Winner: What? I can't predict my own match! DUH!~ Last Man Standing Match for the North American Title: Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. K-Ness Winner: PRL Sly Summers Vs. Crystal Winner: Crystal, but only if she dresses really sexily Jailbait Vs. Jingus Winner: Jingus
  23. Dr. Zoidberg

    Make sure your character stats are updated

    When's the Title Histories gonna be updated? I wanna know my title's legacy!
  24. Dr. Zoidberg

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    Oooooooooo, he TAGGED you, BPP! ::sits an watches the name calling fest::
  25. Dr. Zoidberg

    Best HeldDOWN~! matches

    Ok, nobody's nominating. Zack, just do the follow up post with the Finalists. Those would beee: Shattered Dreams vs. Zack Malibu: Iron Man Match from License to Pin Axel vs. Mad Cappa The Glass Tables Match Ragdoll vs. K-Money: Career Match from License to Pin Caboose vs. Mister Warrior and just because I mark huge for it: SpiderPoet vs. Goblin: Hell in a Cell