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JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

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Everything posted by JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

  1. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Good matches with bad finishes

    Even though I loved this match, Austin v. Rock at Wrestlemania X-7 was the one of most disappointing finishes ever. Trying to turn Austin heel in Texas was an exercise in futility. What I didn't like was how the Rock was totally jobbed out that night and on Raw the next night. Its a shame such a dumb finish put a damper on such an awesome PPV. Also Triple H retaining the WWF championship at Wrestlemania 2000 was disappointing even though it was obvious they wanted a huge buyrate for Backlash that year .
  2. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan


    At least now we can get the JaMarcus Russell era kicked off in Oakland. McCown needs to be benched for the rest of the season.
  3. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    I witnessed a fatality yesterday.

    A memory I'll never forget happened about a couple of months ago actually. I was driving on a stretch of the highway near the I-5 freeway with some friends and I noticed a slow moving car CHP car with a spotlight ahead of us. I passed the CHP car and next thing I know was freshly dead body in the middle of road. I literally had to move out of the way not to hit it. When I was in elementary school, a bum decided to hang himself with soccer nets in the yard several hours before school started. Safe to say we didn't have recess outdoors that day. Not related to me, but a friend of a friend of mine witnessed his buddy killed execution style over a cocaine deal gone bad about a year and a half ago.
  4. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Sports Media Analysis Thread

    The "new" Dan Patrick show has been in the Los Angeles market for about the last month and a half. Its really the same as his ESPN show without the ESPN of course. However his kind of insider info about ESPN make it enough to catch the show once in a while. I listen to him in my commute really only because our ESPN station runs Colin Cowherd in the morning. Speaking of Cowherd and his ilk, to me, is one of the reasons I'm starting to hate all of the Sports Media. Cowherd, like many other sports "journalists" are loud, contary for sake of being contary, and aren't really knowlegable about anything. I mean more than half of sports journalists haven't played any type of pro or college sport. Its not just just Cowherd either. Jim Rome, Bill Simmons and others are all guilty of being more style than substance. I mean, all I ask is for a sports journalist that isnt vapid and inane. Is that too much to ask. I guess we are seeing the ESPN-izing of sports journalism. Shame too, because there was a time in this country where we got some compelling stuff from sports journalists.
  5. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Worst President Ever?

    replace George Bush with Andrew Johnson and your list is spot on. Johnson serverly crippled Southern Recontruction and engaged in the worst kind of political favortism. His impeachment and remaining presidency severly limited the office of the president until the 20th century. In a way, Johnson's policies and time in office set the tone for Southern poltics and policy until the 1960s.
  6. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Worst President Ever?

    Well Im defintely not an anti-democrat nor do I buy in MikeSCs view of the world. I had no idea that Carter was an (possible) anti-semite until MikeSC gleefully pointed it out to all of us. I don't really know either way so maybe Czech can enlighten us.
  7. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Worst President Ever?

    Well Wilson did screen and enjoy racist epic Birth of a Nation. Wilson was noted as having some interesting comments on Social Darwinsin, eugenics and civil rights. I don't have the time to really search for some quotes but if you are really interested I would be happy to pull some quotes for you. EDIT: Wikipedia has an interesting section on Wilson and race if you want to start your search there.
  8. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Worst President Ever?

    Well as far I know (wasn't alive during the 1970s, so this just comes as knowledge from Books and older people) Carter wasn't an outed anti-semite during his time in office. If he was than you are correct.
  9. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan


    Bears/Raiders I fully expect a Bears victory in Oakland. As for the the Raiders, I hope after this game, Lane Kiffin benches McCown (again!) and starts playing JaMarcus Russell. The season is a wash and its pointless not to play him after this game. The Raiders look a little better than last year, but again its the defense keeping the Silver and Black in games and the offense coming up lame again and again. As far as i'm concerned, Dante Culpepper's time as an NFL starter has sadly run out. Without his mobility, Culpepper has shown questionable descision making and has really shown that his mobilty was more than half of his game. Without it, Culpepper is a below average NFL quaterback. This team as a decent core (mostly defense) but without any decent veteran leadership (which is a Raider calling card) as well as an outdated offense, this team will be a bottom feeder for the forseable future. I really like Lane Kiffin, but its hard to put together a team when the owner still thinks its the 1970s. Its hard to be a Raider fan these days.
  10. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Worst President Ever?

    I don't usually post in the CE forum (I was scared dammit!), but this really comes in as no surprise to me. Its truly amazing that Bush went from the dizzying heights of his popularity post 9/11 to supposed worst president ever in a mere six years. In terms of recent history of the past 50 or 60 years, I wouldnt rank Bush as the worst president (that honor still belongs to Nixon, but Nixon is an interesting and complicated character in American political history), but to me Bush is the epitome of ineffective. Ignoring the war for a bit, Bush is stubborn on issues such as stem cell research, gay marriage and healh care. Bush also succeded running up record debts and presided over an economy that has seen the once mighty US dollar lose value to the Euro and Canadian dollar. He sucessfully divided half of the country even though he was billed as the a great Uniter. Also Bush hurt/has done extensive damage to the credibitilty of the GOP to the point where the canidates for 2008 distance themselves from him. In terms of worst president in history, Bush isnt the worst but I'd put in at the top of the bottom half. Since we are talking about worst presidents ever here is my list: (My personal list, mind you) 1. Grant 2. Harding 3. Nixon 4. Wilson- Terrible racist and well as violator of civil rights during WWI 5. James Buchannon 6. Andrew Johnson- another racist 7. Carter- just ineffective at a time where America was still hurting post- Nixon 8. Herbert Hoover- I don't think he was that bad at all but handling Great Depression reserved his spot. 9. Thomas Jefferson- At first I thought he was one of the best but further reading sees that Jefferson was stubborn, hated the Marshall Court, had an ill fated attempt at ousting incompentent judges and poorly handled the Burr treson case. 10. George W. Bush-
  11. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL WEEK NINE!! All my exes live in Texas.

    I pine for the days of 2002-2003, I really do
  12. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL WEEK NINE!! All my exes live in Texas.

    The Titans are scraping by the teams that they should be beating up until today, and I don't think they have the overall offense to get them by a more experienced, solid team like Jacksonville. I know they beat them already (by 3), but they'll play again next week, so we'll see again. First, regarding the comment about the AFC. I hate the AFC not because everybody (incorrectly, but I'll get to that in a moment) talks about how dominant it is over the AFC, but that has nothing to do with comment about Indianapolis. I don't like the Colts as a top team because, even with their Super Bowl win this past year, they've choked at inexplicable times and never really look like a top squad, although their record is supposed to reflect that. That makes it feel like they rack up wins against inferior competition, which, given the division they've played in for the past few years, is not too far out there. Note that I'm talking about their overall run the past few years, and not this season, which even with some key injuries, they've put together a hell of a run even with today's loss. As for the AFC's dominance over the NFC, it's an illusion done in by the two teams out there who are really playing in a league of their own as no team in either conference has shown they can really compete with them well. The rest of the league is absolute parity. There are 9 teams in the NFC at or above .500, and 10 in the AFC. Now, are the Cowboys and Packers better than the Patriots and Colts? Clearly not. But I would say, and their records reflect this, that they are better than most of the AFC is right now, and much of the NFC is competitive with the AFC. I'm not saying that the NFC is better by any means- GOD not with that NFC West- but the two conferences are much more competitive with each other than one might think. I don't think so, YPOV. Most, if not many people believe that Moss screwed over the Raiders by "doggin' it" his couple years in Oakland, then playing hard once he got to New England. The same could probably be said for his demanding a trade out of Minnesota as well, leading some to believe that the only way he'd be satisfied is by playing for a contender and being a featured receiver (he was reportedly very unhappy with Jerry Porter on the Raiders, and may have pretty much killed his career by demanding to be better featured in their offense). That said, Moss is nowhere near a character issue on the level of a Terrell Owens, but everyone remembers a lot of antics like him getting into his shouting matches with his quarterbacks, or walking off the field with 30 seconds left in a game against the Redskins, and all that. Couldn't have said it better myself VX
  13. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL WEEK NINE!! All my exes live in Texas.

    The Titans? I'd pick them over the Jags at this point. How does Indy not cut it as a dominant team? I know you hate the AFC because everybody always talks about how dominant it is over the NFC (Rightfully so), but I don't understand that comment. I love the Pats right now, and this is the first time I've liked them in a while. I will root against them most of the time, but I respect the hell out of them NCM; how did Moss screw over his former team? Are you bitching for the sake of bitching? Maybe because I'm a bitter Raider fan, but it seems to me that Moss really dogged it in his two seasons in Oakland especially last year. In all honesty, I'm kinda glad he is getting what he wanted (play for a contender), but I'm really kinda jaded at the fact that he was a clubhouse cancer and malcontent and all of a sudden he turned it around when he got to play for a good team. I really question Moss' intergity and work ethic when times get tough. I actually kind of wonder what Moss would be like if the Pats tanked this year.
  14. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    MLB Off-season Thread

    I agree. I always thought that getting rid of Grady Little would keep Matt Kemp a Dodger. I really have to blame the Dogders collaspe this season on Little and the vets like Jeff Kent and Luis Gonzalez. I really want to see Kemp stay a Dogder ( of course the Dodgers have a track record of trading up and coming propects. Pedro Martinez come to mind), but if getting rid of Kemp means that Johan Santana puts on Dogder Blue than I would glady accept that.
  15. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Hey, What's New In Baltimore? NFL Ravens Week 8 Thread

    I like this Patriots team for some reason. And I was an ardent Patriots hater for the longest time. Besides Brady, Moss and their defense this team has all the qualities of an "evil" team like the Yankees during their heyday and the Three-peat Lakers. They have an pompous, cranky, aloof asshole for a coach, a "pretty boy" Quaterback that has no qualms spreading his seed around, and a reciever who totally dogs it for two seasons and "miraculously" finds his game again. Not to metion they run up the score on everybody and think their players are expendable assets. On a more serious note, This team is probably the closest this generation will see to a domiant team. For me personally, I'm going to enjoy the Patriots as long as they keep doing what their doing because this is the first domiant team in the NFL I have ever witnessed (I was born in 1985, so I was too young to remember the 49ers and couldn't appreciate the Cowboys). I really hope that they go undeafeated or come close to it. I guess I'm just a sucker for witnessing and accepting greatness.
  16. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Boston sports fans.

    I say past the mention of USC is fluff. Any team that routinely draws crowds upwards of 80,000 can't be determined as "fluff." Without my ill advised metion of the Sparks, Xtreme and Galaxy, LA during 2000-2004,even without a pro football team, had 3 NBA Championships, a College National Champioship in Football (2 if you count the split in 2003), A Stanley Cup Final apperance and a World Series Title. Not to mention hosted an NBA and NHL All-Star games in that period. Thats a pretty decent 4 year period for any pro sport city.
  17. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Boston sports fans.

    Los Angeles had a pretty damn good decade in the 1980s with mulitple NBA Finals apperance that yielded 5 championships. The Rams had a Super Bowl apperance and were competitive throughout the decade (I think that they had two NFC Championship apperances as well). The Raiders won a Super Bowl two years removed from moving from Oakland. The Dodgers won two World Series Champions in the decade as well. UCLA and USC were winning Rose Bowls this decade as well. Even the Kings with Marcel Dionne had both Miracle on Manchesters as well as landing Gretsky in 1989. As far as the present I'd say from 2000-2004 or so Los Angeles had a good run with professional and collegiate suceess. The Lakers had a three peat and overall 4 finals apperances. The Angels won a World Series in 2002 and the Dodgers at least won their division in 2004. The Kings had a good underdog run earlier this decade and the Ducks had a suprsing Stanley Cup Run. USC remergered from mediorcity in the 2002 season and everyone knows what happens next. The LA Sparks won two WNBA championships. I even think the Galaxy won an MLS title this time period as well. You can't forget the LA Xtreme won the first and only XFL championship in 2001.
  18. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL Week 7: You Mean There's A Football Team In Denver?

    I really don't see the problem of postphoning one game to the end of the season and pushing the playoffs back one week. Im sure if they do go that route (which I personally don't think the NFL will do) then I fully believe the NFL can make it work. I'm just looking at the issue from the perpective of a season-ticket holder. I would much rather have the game played in Los Angeles or moved towards the end of the season.
  19. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL Week 7: You Mean There's A Football Team In Denver?

    Well Los Angeles does have a decent Charger fan base. It would be nice for the Chargers to have a little bit of a home crowd, rather than play at a neutral site (which had a pretty pathetic crowd) like they did in 2003. Ticket holders can that are not affected by the fire can still make it up to the game if they want to. If I were a Charger fan I would much rahter have the game played in Los Angeles where its about a 3 or 4 hour drive (it really depends if the OC fires are contained by then) than a 4-5 hour drive to Glendale or Tempe.
  20. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL Week 7: You Mean There's A Football Team In Denver?

    They could push the playoffs back one week and have the game played the week where the playoffs were supposed to start. If the game has to go on, its has to go on. I just think it been in the Chargers best interest (since 40 Charger players and personel where dislocated because of the fires) for the NFL to move the date of the game. Im sure the Chargers werent really thinking about football anyways this week.
  21. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL Week 7: You Mean There's A Football Team In Denver?

    Since we are on the Chargers and San Diego I really hope the game with the Texans is postphoned until the end of the season. Even though I am not a fan, It really was travesty and an embrassment that they played in Arizona in 2003. The NFL has not had a good track track record in relocated games (New Orleans having a "home game" in New York in 2005 comes to mind). If it is not possible to have the game postphoned, they should play in Los Angeles at the Coliseum. Its football ready and Los Angeles has a pretty decent Charger fan base here. It's probably not what the NFL is thinking, but its still better than playing at a neutral site. As for the Katrina comparisons, I agree its not the same as Katrina but when a half of a million people are displaced its pretty bad. Its looking pretty bad down there for the moment and overall its been a a bad week for Southern California including myself who had to endure an evacuation because of the fires in Santa Clarita
  22. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    I want to visit the States

    It makes Harlem look like the Village. Oh God, not another my ghetto that I don't even live in is worse than that this area battle. Yawn
  23. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    # 258 Dumb thread about the Montreal Screwjob that suggests WWE shuld reconize the 10 year "anniversary"
  24. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    NFL Week 6: The Bills Could Not Pay Their Way To A Win

    Get NFL Sunday Ticket on Direct TV. Im really looking forward to Oakland and San Diego, however. I wanna see how the Raiders stack up and if this is for real or not.
  25. JaMarcus Russell's #1 Caucasian Fan

    Heel of the Franchise

    More Heels: UCLA Basketball: Steve Lavin. Lucky son of a bitch that underachieved in the regular season but made deep runs in the tournament. Great recruiter, but a horrible coach. The media was on him like white on rice. New York Mets: Bobby Bonilla. The Mets fans can elaborate on this one. USC football: Paul Hackett. Ran USC football into the ground in the late 90s. Marion Jones: New heel. Cheater and now a Liar. CJ Hunter must be feeling good right now