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Everything posted by justsoyouknow

  1. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Dictionarys Dik-shun-air-ease Noun: Proper spelling of Dictionaries. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. Variations: Dictionariez; Dictionariezation Credit: Yahoo.com Guys, leave him alone! Yahoo says that Dictionarys is a word!
  2. justsoyouknow

    Ever been forced to go to a concert?

    My ex-girlfriend was one of those punk girls who went to all the underground concerts and everything, and she convinced me to go to a concert with her. The venue was, literally, underground. I don't have any "punk" attire, so I had to to go in my Abercrombie and Fitch clothes, which is a big mistake, let me tell you. I left like an hour early and just walked around town by myself, since she didn't want to leave yet. We broke up soon after. The only highspot was when the band talked about how they used to be a metal band, but they switched over to Ska, the "superior genre of music", which elicited cheers from most of the kids. I booed vehemently. They then pulled out a Flying V and proceeded to play "Where Eagles Dare" by Iron Maiden. That was the only part of the concert I enjoyed. I'm pretty sure that some guy grabbed my ass, too. Fucking punks.
  3. justsoyouknow

    1,000,000th post on TSM

    "Yeah, Johnson, we're buddies...just wait outside here for a little bit. I'll be RIGHT back. If I'm not back in like an hour or so, just sit tight, I'll be back soon. Yeah...you're my boy, Johnson. Yeah, we're friends. GOD DAMNIT, JOHNSON, SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT US BEING FRIENDS!"
  4. justsoyouknow

    Who loves the bears?

    Dude, even if you type "Why don't you use a question mark." into Microsoft Word, it automatically gives you a grammar error and suggest that you put a question mark on the end. You're wrong. Just admit it. Do I need to diagram the sentence for you?
  5. justsoyouknow

    Who loves the bears?

    No, unfortunately, you're not right. Who, or what, did you "check" this with?
  6. justsoyouknow

    Who loves the bears?

    Actually...."Why don't you use a question mark" is a question. Any sentence that is prefaced with "Why" is automatically a question....here is an examle: "Why are you such a cocksmith?" "Why are you still here?" "Why do you feel the need to continue to post in threads where you've already lost?" "Why do you deny your ignorance, but point out the flaws in everyone else's posts, regardless of their validity?" There. Happy? "Why don't you use a question mark?" Unless, of course, you meant "Why" as in interjection, in which case, the sentence must read, "Why! Don't you use a question mark?" Glad I could help.
  7. justsoyouknow

    The Upright Man

    Don't worry about him, he's drunk.
  8. justsoyouknow

    An interesting email someone just sent me...

    What is this, the third time that this has been posted?
  9. justsoyouknow

    Popularity contest on a message board,

    WHOOO! wait....above as in ABOVE #298 or above as in BELOW #298?
  10. justsoyouknow

    The Upright Man

    How'd you get that picture from the cafeteria lunch at my school?
  11. justsoyouknow

    Popularity contest on a message board,

    #298? Someone holds themselves in very high regard. Where would I be on the list, fellas?
  12. justsoyouknow

    The Upright Man

    Upright Organ or Fooster? Answer wisely...
  13. justsoyouknow

    The Upright Man

  14. justsoyouknow

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    I voted for you...
  15. justsoyouknow

    The Upright Man

    I thought he was just going to flame me over PM. I told him I doubted his validity as Donkeylips.
  16. justsoyouknow

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    Yuppies drive BMWs, not Mustangs. :::looks at keychain::: Fuck. I'm a yuppie.
  17. justsoyouknow

    Incandenza's Blog

    So is organized religion, but millions of people still go to church....
  18. justsoyouknow

    Incandenza's Blog

    Inc drunk is more entertaining than Inc sober. Just wanted to share.
  19. justsoyouknow

    The Upright Man

    You want to have ass sex with Johnson? Gross. ...Hey, wait a minute, you wanted to cyber with me a while back.
  20. justsoyouknow

    Children of the WWE

    At first I thought that this was a piece of fan fiction about children that come out of cornfields at night wearing WWE shirts to kill innocent townspeople. I guess I was wrong. The WWE used to be infallible in my eyes...that is, of course, up until I realized that they were recycling the same old shit, week after week. It turns out that the WWE was wrong, and evil. I used to be a "Child of the WWE". I owned a Stone Cold shirt and a Kurt Angle shirt. I wore them in public approximately once, then I realized what a tool I looked like. As far as whether or not their opinion is valid...it all boils down to this: you know those guys you see at baseball games with their scorecards, that know every single fact about every single player, and like to talk strategy and all that jazz? Those are the equivalent of Smarks. Take a look around the stadium and you'll see that there are far more people that are simply there to enjoy the game. These are the equivalent of the marks. They don't make the game their life, they just make it a PART of their life. The marks outnumber the smarks. Fact of life.
  21. justsoyouknow

    Sisqo arrested...

    Was this man that was shot at rollin' in his 5.0?
  22. justsoyouknow

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary, Zack is a manwhore. Don't trust him when he says that he loves you. No one loves you like I do. No one. Love, Justsoyouknow
  23. justsoyouknow

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    OMG CHEATING BAN PLZ~! ...actually, I condone it. Good show, gentlemen. ...I think I deserve to be in here more than Rico. Just saying.
  24. justsoyouknow

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    Nevermortal Choken One IDrinkRatsMilk Zack Malibu evenflow Ripper DangerousA R2DFooster McSockman Corey Lazarus Incandenza Your Paragon Of Virtue chave Cancer Marney Mr Rant SweetNSexyDiva Downhome stardust The New Me Kotz Banky RavishingRickRudo Youth N Asia Canadian Chick WelshJerichoMark FrozenBlockOfPissReborn CobainWasMurdered Agent of Oblivion Kinetic Razazteca Chosun One ShooterJay HartFan86
  25. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Ah. I guess I should keep both ears to the radio from now on. Whatever. Bryant still = overrated.