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Everything posted by justsoyouknow

  1. justsoyouknow

    The New Me's Blog

    This has been tried with you repeatedly, and I think we all know how that's turned out.
  2. justsoyouknow

    The New Me's Blog

    Why is he strictly forbidden to change your posts, but when you change his handle in a quote, we're supposed to immediately fall to our knees and felate you for your amazing humor?
  3. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Shhhh....he's winning.
  4. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    OMG!!!11!! Cash was his dad? That is very possible. My mom is a whore. I'm sure she was. If your dad was anything like you, she'd have to be. Nope, you are wrong there. I am nothing like my dad, thankfully. But my question to you is this, was your mom or dad a horse or a donkey? A mix between both, actually. Quite rare. That would explain why their son is a jackass then. I continue to be an excellent judge of character . Jesus Christ...hands who saw that one coming?
  5. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Who the fuck are you again? Beside the guy with his head up TNM's ass. Just curious... Normally the "laughing" smiley is reserved for funny comments, or moments where words cannot capture the pure, unmitigated wit that is contained in the post. In your case, you just throw things against the wall, hoping that they stick. Sticking a "laughing" smiley to the wall, unfortunately, will not breed laughter amongst the rest of us. Should you wish to continue your futile attempts to hurt my feelings, I will have no choice but to reveal to the entire world your raw and irrational hatred of our far Eastern neighbors.
  6. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Like father, like son... EDIT: Johnson hates Asians. I have proof.
  7. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    I just wanna give it up for Johnson's dad. I was a huge fan of his, and he touched me many times over the years, in some good ways and some bad. I watched the home movies that we made, and a tear came to my eye just thinking about all the good times that we had. It's really a damned shame that someone who meant so much to me is gone forever. I don't know how I'll deal with it.
  8. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    You both verbally ejaculate overly-used insults and then Johnson wants to have a constest over whose was more creative? Fucking retard. If I had a time machine, I'd go back in time and force feed Johnson's mother some birth control pills. ...the entire point is you not making sense? Everything worked out well, then.
  9. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Get a new line? What "Line" would this be? And how would showing my finger to my ass solve anything? Oh, Johnson, you confuse me to no end.
  10. justsoyouknow

    The New Me's Blog

  11. justsoyouknow

    The One and Only...

    Johnson is slowly becoming TSM's equivalent of Puff Daddy. "...I just wanna give it up fo Johnny." Next thing you know he's gonna "sample" a Police song so we all know just HOW MUCH he misses Johnny.
  12. justsoyouknow

    Why Should I hate Bill Goldberg?

    I'm pretty sure he was replying to my questioning of his sensitivity....
  13. justsoyouknow

    Why Should I hate Bill Goldberg?

    Tad bit sensitive?
  14. justsoyouknow

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary, New Me constantly makes me laugh so hard that random beverages come out my nose. I hate Mexicans.
  15. justsoyouknow

    Why Should I hate Bill Goldberg?

    He makes baby Jesus cry?
  16. justsoyouknow

    Top earning tours of 2003

    Unfortunately for Arizona, most of the local bands around here are of the screamo/emo variety...case in point: Arizona is responsible for Jimmy Eat World, Authority Zero, Chester from Linkin Park is from AZ, and I'm pretty sure that the lead singer of the Ataris is from AZ. I'm really sorry, guys. I feel horrible. How much did Warped Tour gross this year, though? Or Lollapalooza? Most kids that I know went to both of those.
  17. justsoyouknow

    Welcome to the era of CWM III

    Well now I'm glad that I changed my custom title.
  18. justsoyouknow

    Are you Banky?

    Good effort, Kotz, good effort. No, no, I am not Banky.
  19. justsoyouknow

    Are you fat?

    ....that doesn't make it right, though.
  20. justsoyouknow

    Are you fat?

    Fat girls put out like mad and give great head. I guess they kinda have to. I'm 6'2" and 160 lbs. A little bit heavy, I guess, but I just dropped twenty pounds, so I'm a lot lighter than I was at the beginning of summer.
  21. justsoyouknow

    Pete & Pete Storyline Question

    I seem to recall Iggy Pop being on there an awful lot someone's father...not too sure, though.
  22. justsoyouknow

    Rodney Mack hospitalizes Shane Helms

    Squegee > Frozen Bottled Water
  23. justsoyouknow

    BacHHHelor Party tonight

    If it was SMH-era Stephanie, I'd be there.
  24. justsoyouknow

    What's going on

    :::Bouncer comes over and throws Zack and Ripper out::: ...AND I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE....
  25. justsoyouknow

    BacHHHelor Party tonight

    How many bachelor parties have you been to? Of course there'll be girls there! They're called "strippers".