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Everything posted by justsoyouknow

  1. justsoyouknow

    Racism and the double standard

    Things change? Shit happens? Have you seen these kids? I have no problem with the immigrants who come here to make a decent living, but the majority of the Hispanics in Arizona are illegals, who most of the time come here to sell drugs. I don't want to be racist or anything, but there was just a huge drug bust where 157 warrants were issued to Hispanics. If you don't want the stereotype to continue, stop fulfilling it. The kids in question are the kids at school. The gangbangers who do nothing but start shit with everyone. These are the only Hispanics that I see around these parts.
  2. justsoyouknow

    Most Underrated Bands.

    I concur. Also, Ryan Adams is tremendously underrated. As a songwriter, he is top-notch, and his vocals are extremely decent, refelecting the mood of the songs perfectly.
  3. justsoyouknow

    Chris Jericho on Tom Green tonight

    ...I'd go to a Nationwide Fozzy Stadium Tour.
  4. justsoyouknow

    Chris Jericho on Tom Green tonight

    Is he on there to talk about wrasslin' or is he on there for Fozzy?
  5. justsoyouknow

    Racism and the double standard

    Poor, repressed White Anglo-Saxon Protestants? I fail to see how that's relevant.... But anyway, as far as someone saying that the whites will be the minority, it's coming sooner than you think. Arizona is going to be more than 50% hispanic by the year 2007. My question is this: once that happens, are white children going to get minority scholarships? It's only fair. Or are Hispanics still going to continue to get the money for the sole fact that they're Hispanic?
  6. justsoyouknow

    Top 50 Worst Music Artists of All Time

    Kansas? Manowar? The Doors? ....Dust in the Wind is an awesome song! Every time my friends and I get drunk, someone inevitably starts singing this song, and it fucking spreads like wildfire. And Manowar? How can they say Manowar is one of the worst bands ever? Real men play on ten! And the Doors are great to listen to when you're tripping. That is all.
  7. justsoyouknow

    Bob Barron crashed my MusicMatch!

    Charge Barron the $48 for a new sound card.
  8. justsoyouknow


    The movie was quite excellent, though it had it's weak points...for example, the way that they magically changed guns during shootouts or the way that Colin Farrel stuck to his sidearm for the majority of the movie, despite being an expert marksman and whatnot... Spoiler (Highlight to Read): And why did they go into the bank in the beginning armed with M4s? Sure, the carbine does a lot of damage and everything, but isn't standard SWAT automatic weapon the MP5? Higher rate of fire, more mobile...ah...just critiquing. And am I the only one who thought that the good guy-turned-bad guy was Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age?
  9. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    :::Submits Application::: Experience: Secretary of Justice in the Abbey Party Member of the board for more than a year Flamed Eagan a couple times Slipper-fetching Class of '02 (Highest Honors) References: Kotzenjunge CWM Goals: Seeking upward mobility in Bankywood Industries v. 69.
  10. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Sir, yes, sir!
  11. justsoyouknow

    What are you listening to right now?

    Josh Todd - Mind Infection
  12. justsoyouknow

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    Even if Vince DOES use Ultimo, I have a feeling that he'll just become "Smackdown's Numbah TWO Announcah!"
  13. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    :::Comes down the hallway on all fours, slippers in mouth:::
  14. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Oh...damn. I really wanted a slurpy. Can I pay some dues so I can get a slurpy? That would be awesome!
  15. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    This seems like fun...how exactly does one go about getting a slurpy from AM?
  16. justsoyouknow

    What's the worst thing you've ever done?

    Kids, the moral of the story is this: It's better to be pissed off than pissed on.
  17. justsoyouknow

    I need your help

    I'm extremely partial to "Absolved By His Own Blood"...could carry a Christian conotation, could have some sort of S&M conotation, could mean a few different things. But "Needs More Cowbell"...that's just art.
  18. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    Thank you, Zack. You can't rape the willing. And it's only illegal if she wakes up in the middle of it.
  19. justsoyouknow

    I need your help

    Needs More Cowbell Wasted Space 2000mg of Taurine Potent Liver Cleaning Herb Yeah, I'm out of ideas.
  20. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    ~RAPIST!!! Hey, she offered me some of her slurpee and things progressed from there....not my fault. I WAS PROPOSITIONED! ENTRAPMENT!
  21. justsoyouknow

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    City Guys was...different. Nothing can compare to Saved By the Bell for sheer awesomeness, however. And Slurpees and Vodka mix fairly well...there was a girl in my first hour who came every day with a Jamba Juice with Vodka mixed in...god I miss her and her drunken easiness.
  22. justsoyouknow

    I just went on the worst date ever.

    It could've been great...you could've named your kid "Daymes" But hell, you deserve better if she wasn't willing to let shit like that slide. From what I've seen of you, you seem like a fairly decent guy (you don't reply to PMs though...) so I hope that everything goes well for you in the future.
  23. justsoyouknow

    I need your help

    ...that's genius. Might as well call the band, "Everyone Gets In Free" or something like that.
  24. justsoyouknow

    Kane's last 2 tombstones

    Well then, Kane's doing a tombstone properly, if your opponent's head doesn't have to hit the floor.
  25. justsoyouknow

    Bands ever back this up when they say

    Excellent points there...although it all comes back to the same argument about whether or not musicians are simply in it for the money or if they truly do have a passion for the music. Even shitty bands such as The All-American Rejects have claimed that they're in it for the girls alone. Kid Rock's claimed it, Motley Crue lived it, there's no denying that there is no such thing as "musical integrity" anymore. But Dramain is right...if he wanted to sell records, the second album should have sounded a lot like the first. But musically speaking, the second album was superior...I mean, the man sings a ballad, for crying out loud. Bands always go back to their roots. To them, their roots are when they were struggling to make it, hungry for money. When you're hungry for money, you put out contemporary shit that the public eats up. So Korn is going back to their roots...they're putting out contemporary shit that the public eats up because Jon Davis needs a new car or some petty shit like that.