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Everything posted by justsoyouknow

  1. justsoyouknow

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Master of the fake reveal.
  2. justsoyouknow

    Xbox 360

    I paid for the year of service, played for approximately two months, then my dad's dog ate my wireless adapter. So now I've been paying for nothing. This seems like an unfortunate situation, though.
  3. justsoyouknow

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    You could always leave.
  4. justsoyouknow


    You look stupid and generic.
  5. justsoyouknow

    My Cat just chewed through my headphones wire

    Or stop being thirteen.
  6. justsoyouknow

    Not Just Wrestlers Tied...

    That's hysterical. I demand congressional hearings to get these steroids out of the music industry.
  7. justsoyouknow

    American Gladiators

    Hey, she's not attractive when she's naked, either.
  8. justsoyouknow

    Fundamentalist Christian Chat Rooms

    This is amazing.
  9. justsoyouknow

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    He doesn't mean in. Believe in Jesus.
  10. justsoyouknow

    Box Office Report...

    I saw Sweeney Todd this weekend, and I was surrounded by old people. At first, I was startled, until I heard them all buying tickets for the Bucket List. Then, I was very sad. Old people watching a movie about old people doing shit before they die. I swear, if there's a giant takeoff of skydiving elderly, I'm going to flip.
  11. justsoyouknow

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    24) After kicking roommate out of room for incident described in number 5, you pace around your room, smoke some pot, listen to some music, and chill out. Fifteen minutes later, you open your bedroom door to find roommate standing there with a Polaroid camera. He immediately takes a picture, then sits down on the couch. You ask him what that was about, and he replies, "I just wanted to see what an uptight asshole looks like". Amazed, you have to ask him how long he was standing outside of your door. He replies, "About ten minutes."
  12. justsoyouknow

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    4. You come home from work to find your roommate in your room, playing your video games, smoking your weed, wearing your clothes, with his hair done up exactly like yours using your hair products. When you ask him what the fuck he's doing, he replies that he wanted to know what it would be like to be you for a day.
  13. justsoyouknow

    Pictures I Like

    Greek = anal. If you wanna eff Jesus in the ay.
  14. justsoyouknow


    I bet you never even listened to the Paramore CD, Dan.
  15. justsoyouknow

    Book recommendations

    I started to re-read The Road, then decided to move to a different McCarthy novel, so I dusted off my copy of All the Pretty Horses that I never got around to reading.
  16. justsoyouknow

    TSM Kangaroo Court

    This is a fucking stupid idea. Everyone who's posted in this thread should be ashamed.
  17. justsoyouknow


    She'd look okay on the end of my cock.
  18. justsoyouknow

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    God, now that Matt Young has a picture of himself flexing as his avatar, I'm totally afraid to step to him.
  19. justsoyouknow

    Recent Purchases

    I picked up the I'm Not There Official soundtrack...interesting, to say the least.
  20. justsoyouknow


    I can throw a football over a mountain.
  21. justsoyouknow

    What kind of music kick are you on?

    Two Gallants, Springsteen, and Stars of the Lid, currently. Anything mellow and stripped down.
  22. justsoyouknow


  23. justsoyouknow


    Read your blog a couple of times. It's called a context clue.
  24. justsoyouknow


    I went to the Tempe Town Lake Block Party. Spent over a hundred and fifty dollars, watched the Love Me Nots and Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, did copious amounts of shots, and slept on an apartment floor until I had to be at work at 11 this morning. All in all, my New Year's Resolutions are as follows: stop smoking, start taking care of myself, stop being such a pussy, start banging more hot chicks. Oh, and Matt Young is such a fucking faggot. For real.