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Posts posted by justsoyouknow

  1. Not really, it's just been criminalized to the point where we're not allowed to say anything about them without it being construed in a sexual nature. I think it should be perfectly fine to compliment a woman on her breasts. "Excuse me, miss, but I just wanted to let you know that you have spectacular tits. I mean, I'm sure you already know that, but I'm just, like, super jealous that you get to see them and touch them and shit. EVERYDAY. I mean, MAN. Boy, I bet they're soft." And have her be like, "Well, thank you. You have a nice bulge." In a perfect world.

  2. Hey, I had almost that exact same conversation. Except it was breakfast, post-sex, and I was telling her about how much money she was costing me. Free rent, free food, I was spending a fortune on condoms and booze, and on top of it, she made me take her to this restaurant called Cafe Boa which was $72 for the two of us. Then to a movie, then to coffee, then to get drinks. While game 7 of the Suns and the Lakers was playing, which she forced me to miss. Her exact words were "I'll call up some other guy. I know tons of guys who would love to take me out." So, over breakfast, I told her she was costing me too much money. When I came home from work that day, she was gone. It was pretty neat.

  3. Picked up The Stranger and Glamorama, by Camus and Ellis, respectively, at the used bookstore down the street. It's turned into this Sunday ritual that my sister and I go after I get bombed with the folks for family dinner night.


    Finished The Trial by Kafka the other day - long, rambling, and completely absurd, but I enjoyed it. I was really taken aback by the ending, so I guess that's a plus. I started The Human Stain by Roth, but couldn't get into it, so I reshelved it for the time being.


    Inc, anything else by Mailer you'd recommend?
