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Posts posted by justsoyouknow

  1. My dad is a large child at heart, and his parents deprived him of his rightful childhood - my grandpa was vice president of American Express, and as such, forced his family to move all over the country at a whim, causing my dad to have to uproot and leave all of his friends and meaningful relationships behind. His one outlet for his childhood whimsy was Disneyland, which he still loves to this very day. He has an annual pass and goes like four times a year.


    And Milky, if you could come, that would be the shit.

  2. In January, my father turns fifty and is planning a huge birthday party at Disneyland, wherein he told me to invite all of my friends, and that he would pay for their room and board, and all we had to do was find a way to get out there. As it stands, we're planning a massive road trip out there. Here's the question: you wanna meet us at Disneyland?

  3. You guys should really consider whether Milky even wants this shirt or if he's conducting some sort of experiment to see if he can get you to advise him on something gay, but you'll all go for it because you're all fans and members of his worldwide cult. I'm just saying, you might wanna think about it.

  4. The part that stood out the most was somehow knowing my ex-girlfriend's number just by guessing it, despite the fact I haven't talked to her in over a year, and she just knew who it was instantly. She told me I should come and see her, and then I woke up.


    I called her in real life. She most definitely does not want me to come see her.

  5. I had a bizarre series of dreams last night. I read The Informers yesterday, so I think it had something to do with that. I was morphing genders, having meltdowns, picking random things and finding them utterly marvelous. The part that stood out the most was somehow knowing my ex-girlfriend's number just by guessing it, despite the fact I haven't talked to her in over a year, and she just knew who it was instantly. She told me I should come and see her, and then I woke up.


    And in regards to this whole "who hates who" nonsense, you guys all realize that this is a place to unwind when you're bored, right? Sometimes, I unwind by being a dick. It's pretty fun.
