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Posts posted by justsoyouknow

  1. Re: Coachella: There's only about ten of those bands that I have any interest whatsoever in seeing (Black Kids being one of them, Tegan & Sara, My Morning Jacket some of the others). I always say I'm going to go, but I never, ever do. Perhaps I'll get around to it this year.


    Re: Sage Francis: He started out incredibly promising, and Personal Journals is where he began to make a marked descent into almost parody. And he's a vegan, so fuck him.

  2. Leena and Yuna, huh. To each their own.


    Hey wait a minute, why this unrequited slam on Yuna? Leena I can understand both hate and love for, but Yuna never did anything to anyone. She's pretty fucking weird, I'll admit... but I don't think it's in a bad way. I don't know what she looks like, but I think somebody told me once she was overweight. Not really a big deal. She talks like an anime character.


    Actually, Leena, Yuna and I all three love cats. That's the connection. KKK and I should be cybering any day, then.


    It was more the draw comparison between your two internet love interests, not neccessarily a slam on Yuna. I'm not even aware if she still posts here.

  3. Oh come on. Leena's fetching, but she's not some unattainable goddess. I fucked a guy who was hotter than her.


    It's her charming personality that wins my heart. Not a hint of sarcasm there, either.


    Then again, if I could fuck anyone in the world right now, it would be Amy Winehouse. Yeesh.


    Honestly, if you're pulling one to those pictures, she's an unattainable goddess. For fuck's sake, saving someone's pictures from their myspace for masturbatory purposes because they post on the same message board about wrestling as you? Gay.


    And I bet you Amy Winehouse is a mynx in the sack.
