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Posts posted by justsoyouknow

  1. I saw Sweeney Todd this weekend, and I was surrounded by old people. At first, I was startled, until I heard them all buying tickets for the Bucket List. Then, I was very sad. Old people watching a movie about old people doing shit before they die. I swear, if there's a giant takeoff of skydiving elderly, I'm going to flip.

  2. 24) After kicking roommate out of room for incident described in number 5, you pace around your room, smoke some pot, listen to some music, and chill out. Fifteen minutes later, you open your bedroom door to find roommate standing there with a Polaroid camera. He immediately takes a picture, then sits down on the couch. You ask him what that was about, and he replies, "I just wanted to see what an uptight asshole looks like". Amazed, you have to ask him how long he was standing outside of your door. He replies, "About ten minutes."

  3. I liked Watchmen a lot up until the last couple of chapters, for reasons I explained in the thread about the upcoming film version.


    I'm rereading The Road right now. As much as I liked it the first time, I find myself loving it this second time. It's up there with Blood Meridian as far as McCarthy's best works go.


    I started to re-read The Road, then decided to move to a different McCarthy novel, so I dusted off my copy of All the Pretty Horses that I never got around to reading.

  4. I went to the Tempe Town Lake Block Party. Spent over a hundred and fifty dollars, watched the Love Me Nots and Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, did copious amounts of shots, and slept on an apartment floor until I had to be at work at 11 this morning. All in all, my New Year's Resolutions are as follows: stop smoking, start taking care of myself, stop being such a pussy, start banging more hot chicks.


    Oh, and Matt Young is such a fucking faggot. For real.
