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Posts posted by justsoyouknow

  1. Savior self can also be seen at the bottom of WWE.COM next to save us 222.


    I saw that, too, and my 1st reaction was to note that although it lexically reads as "savior self," phonetically it could be "save yourself."



  2. Guys, if MTV showed nothing but videos, you'd still hate the channel for airing terrible videos.


    I've never heard Kanye's version, but its probably just as bad, if not worse than anything Britney did, he's the most over-rated rapper, or performer in general of the past 5 years.


    This is an inaccurate statement.

    The most, no, but he's certainly up there.



    I say he is wrong in both aspects. Kanye isn't really that highly rated as a rapper. At all. People like his music, but they prefer it when he is producing for Common than listening to him. So basically, you can't be overrated if noone but yourself rates you that high.


    Now he is definately number one on my list of people I would punch just randomly if I ever had to spend 5 minutes with them. He passed that albino looking dude in the black eyed peas last year and has been widening the gap every since.



    That's my argument. He overrates himself, but he gets very little attention from anyone else.

  3. I've never heard Kanye's version, but its probably just as bad, if not worse than anything Britney did, he's the most over-rated rapper, or performer in general of the past 5 years.


    This is an inaccurate statement.
