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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Ugh...I just realized I have to hear Michael Cole call the main event. Over/under on how many times he says "Phenom"...17
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Michaels had done it a few times already. Even was asked about it in an interview. He said he had to be the first one to do it so that everyone would kind of accept it as ok.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Why do you say that? Doesn't mean Punk's gonna cash it in right away Nor should he. Edge and Van Dam were ready (coughOVERDUEcough) to get a shot at the top. The MITB has to be his new gimmick as he builds up with wins over more credible opponents.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Don't be. It's really HHH/Cena apathy.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Taker and Edge get the Main Event slot. Good for Edge.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Really clever finish. Awesome use of moves that are over as matchenders.
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    YES!!!! Perfect move by Orton. YES!!! I can't believe I'm happy Orton won. ... YES!!!
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I love how they call Cena "controversial". There's nothing controversial about his character. Maybe if there was the crowd wouldn't turn on him every match.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    HHH's enterance at Mania 22 Says "not so fast" Compared to "Gangsta' Cena"? I think not.. WAY worse than Gangsta Cena. Whatever they were going for with HHH's Thor enterance missed its mark completely.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    SHAWN MICHAELS ISN'T A DRAWii! ...sorry...couldn't resist.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    But Austin was two things: 1. The top star in the company and 2. The guy people were rooting for going in and all match long. Orton...was treated as an afterthought in the buildup to the match and well...there's actually probably more people rooting for him than Cena.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    A college marching band played his theme song.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Orton isn't HHH...who was the other one? Austin? Cause that shouldn't count. He wen't in face and the crowd never let him turn anyway.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    HHH's enterance at Mania 22 Says "not so fast"
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Putting it on early means Orton could actually retain. The voters don't think there's a chance in hell...which is another reason I'd do it.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Snoop rules. And he got the girl. Wow...HHH isn't last? GO ORTON!!!
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    It worked because Flair's offense is so limited that it made it more believable that he could compete on HBK's level. Thank God the lights didn't go out last match.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    They should have had someone else call this thing. JR sounds every bit as befuddled having to follow a classic moment in wrestling history with this as you'd imagine.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

  20. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    God Damn Candace for getting hurt again. now I've got Ashley on my screen.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Flair asking for it was probably my favorite Mania moment since I thought Austin broke the sharpshooter at Mania 13. Of course they left that part out of the post match video replay. But whatever. It happened. and it ruled.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Flair asking for it was awesome. But I really hate that Shawn was the one to do it.
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Flair's dirty cheats are just great. He needs to bust out the choking the guy with his leg while arguing with the official
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I'm actually kind of glad they put this on early now. This is the only match I'm emotionally invested in so I can just sit back and enjoy the rest of the show when it's over. *Huge Flair mark*
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    It's how he won the NWA title in the cage isn't it?