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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Undertaker to be on Kimmel this week

    I'm seriously curious as to what they'll talk about.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    Undertaker to be on Kimmel this week

    Kimmel has a young show. Taker must be going to give it the rub. ... It'll be cancelled within 3 months.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    Undertaker to be on Kimmel this week

    Wow. I'll have to watch that just to see what in the world he could possible talk about.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Names In The X Tournament

    I think Lynn will win it all because they love to keep pushing him while keeping him from any kind of direction at the same time. Strangest thing I've ever seen.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    What's so bad about Randy Orton?

    So...he'll be like the Rock in the Nation? Great. You know...if I had to choose between an Orton push and an Albert push I'd choose Albert. Lucky me I guess, I get both.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    Aahhh!!! I can't believe I forgot to say this the first time I posted: "For a guy who can't cut a promo to save his life...he sure does give the most entertaining interviews" Seriously...no one else flying the company banner will give you this much. Except Austin...and that didn't end well.
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Elm Street: The First Murders...

    I could probably buy that Freddy just slipped into a deeper psychotic state after growing used to his limitless powers and started having fun with the freedom of killing at will. I'd rather the pre-burn Freddy be more slow, methodical and concetrated on his work.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    Nash news from Rajah

    On a side note... I think Thomas Jane may actually make a pretty good Punisher.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Vengeance buyrate

    Some of those people they've blown more than once. Let me ask you this... What's Benoit been up to on PPV since that standing O at the Rumble? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The lesson is: Don't get over.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H's face turn

    Rock was right. Not only did HHH put himself over Booker iin the end (even with the racist storyline that's blow off was that black people could NOT in fact be world champion) but he also put himself over Hurricane for no reason on RAW...when Hurricane was the guy Rock put over that night instead. There is no depth he won't go to. Oh...and why did they change the HHH/Booker finish? To keep HHH strong for his HOT ineviteble program with the debuting Goldberg of course. "Looks at Summerslam card" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Vengeance buyrate

    I'll give you everyone but Booker. Other than catchphrase, spinaroonie and enterance I never heard crowd heat for his actual matches. But yes, they've blown alot.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    Meltzer said it best when it comes to that topic. WWE has to stop looking for reasons to not give fans what they want...and start playing to people's strenghts and not exposing their weaknesses for whatever agenda they have. There are far too few believable main eventers (what is there...2 on Raw? If we pretend Goldberg counts.) to start burying potential ones for no reason.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Elm Street: The First Murders...

    Spoilers I guess. Hannibal is old though...and not worth seeing either way. I hate that those are the options. You're not supposed to like Freddy. I would LOVE a movie to come out and remind everyone that he's a bad guy. It's shit like this that led to the end of Hannibal. For years I heard Hopkins say that people had turned Lecter into a pop icon instead of the killer he was supposed to be. Then what do we get? Instead of chopping off that bitches hand to remind everyone what he is...he cuts his own off because he's a big bitch.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    Nash news from Rajah

    He'll probably be playing "Big Bald Henchman #3" in the movie.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    If people avoided working RVD's legs 99% of the problem would go away just like that. He obviously needs his legs for his comebacks...as every single one of his moves involves his legs big time. Of course the only person who really goes out there and beats on his legs for 15 minutes is HHH.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Does anyone else hate TSM

    Since I got my new computer I just leave it connected and stop what I'm doing every 15 minutes or so to come back and hit the refresh button. Makes watching movies a bitch.
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    Elm Street: The First Murders...

    If done right it would be the scariest film of the whole series. Something tells me that we won't see him butchering little children though. I once wrote that kind of thing into a script and had a kid about the age of 3 being hacked a part. My friend asked me why 3...and I said that I just wanted them to be old enough to know why they were screaming. I really doubt the ratings people would let that slide.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    I should add that not only did HHH finish the match but he had just enough voice left to say "RVD...NO...On...Next...Pay Per View-uh" when he got backstage.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    He jumped off of one of the little holding cells and couldn't jump as high as he thought he could so he had to adjust and ended up hitting HHH's throat with his shin.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    Himself. Other than HHH, RVD's only busted people open....and no injury he has caused has been NEARLY as severe as the one Lesnar did. I also don't think that most of the HHH ones should count (any really outside of the chamber one) since he is a prissy little girly man.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    Train can wrestle, talk, and not injure someone

    Alot of people do that "can wrestle" and "are over" thing better than Albert too... Thus rendering this thread useless...and yet...PAGE 5!
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    Let me join the masses

    IIRC D-Lo was making like 800,000 or something like that. No way he's topping that.
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Vengeance buyrate

    Well...we couldn't have him upstaging anyone since the decision was made to bury him. Remember the RAW the night after the Rumble? He was jerking the curtain in a six man and blew the roof off the place. Later in the show HHH came out to confront Jericho and talk about how it was them at Mania if Jericho could hold onto the belt... and the crowd didn't care.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    Vengeance buyrate

    Did I say there was? I seem to recall...and you quoted this so maybe you can help me...citing the date that he began curtain jerking.