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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

    Passion better win. If Becoming part 2 wins (and it IS inferior to Becoming PArt 1) it's doing so based on 2 scenes. The end and Spike with buffy's Mom. With Passion you get so much more. 1. Angel's voiceovers 2. Angel snapping Jenny's neck 3. Jenny being put in Giles bed and it being set up like there's a romantic evening planned. 4. Motherfucking Giles taking it right to Angel 5. Angel watching as Buffy and Willow find out about Jenny 6. THE FUCKNG DISC FALLING BETWEEN THE TABLES!!!!!
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    "Look, last season QBs were pulled because they were SHIT" *Clears Throat* *Clears Throat Again* YOU SIGNED ROB JOHNSON
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    X Division Tournament

    It's a one night thing...if we assume it will be the entire show (which I do...I think they're trying to have their own Super 8 tourney kind of thing) the most they can do is 8 wrestlers. Here's mine: Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian Micheal Shane vs. CM Punk Johnny Storm vs. Red Jerry Lynn vs. Elix Skipper Chris Sabin vs. Micheal Shane (they ARE pushing him) Red vs. Jerry Lynn Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn Chris Sabin
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Possible Spoilers For Future Storylines

    Hmm...Zach as a Mattitude follower... I don't hate that.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    Most overrated films of all time

    1. Matrix 2. Matrix 3. Matrix 4. Matrix 5. Tie between Matrix and Matrix 2
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Hair v. Hair stipulation is off

    I wouldn't have cared either way...and thought that the stipulation was a good idea for RoH...which I'll see everntually anyway. TNA probably should have just worked around it.
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    He's not horrible when it comes to working for the crowd...quite the opposite. He's horrible at workrate type working... but that only matters to people like us
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    "I don't understand people who bemoan Vince's 'WWE style' when he has made him so much money over the years." Because everything is stale. Turning a profit is something that Vince has to worry about...not me. I have to worry about being entertained.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    You're using the wrong example. Three letters as to how to get over simply by NOT using the WWE style: R-V-D
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    I can't wait to see the new Paul London debut with the WWE style and spend life on Velocity!!!
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    JR or Coach... *Shoots Self*
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    I always assumed that WWE would actually put the belt on RVD (the RAW belt that is) just as soon as they buried him to the point that no one cared...and then gave him a little push to get fans carring again. That's exactly what they did with Jericho...who was red hot over...then depushed...then pushed again and given the fake title at No Mercy 2001. They've buried RVD...it just seems that with all the hirings of Steiner, Goldberg and the return of HBK and Nash they forgot to give him is little push.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Hair v. Hair stipulation is off

    Regardless of what you think of TNA, Tim... Raven has a WRITTEN contract with them, and they should have a say in something like this when he's used as a top star.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    From the Inside....

    The first annual TNA SUPER X CUP TOURNAMENT will take place on our September 3rd show. The X-Division names already signed for this one night tourney will be fantastic. Look for a lineup announcement this week. Awesome. They better only have 8... cause that's 7 matches...and the show is two hours.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    Bullshit. I told you why teams couldn't win, and why they could.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    Um, that's a pretty bullshit copout if you ask me. HHH has had the Motorhead theme for almost two and a half years. I'm sure the fans have heard it enough where the pop would be dead if it was just the music they were cheering for. And it's naive to think that there's an arena full of Motorhead fans in EVERY FUCKING CITY. This was the same lame excuse for Taker drawing pops as a heel back in 2002. They said it was the Limp Bizkit music. So they changed it and he was still drawing pops. HHH gets pops for the Evolution theme as well and for random match run-ins. There are people that still like HHH believe it or not, despite what every smark will say about their seemingly endless supply of "mark friends" to lend credence to some nutcase theory they have. But then, ths is kind of a moot point anyway since HHH has been drawing steady heel heat lately, sans Canada where he is over as a face. Don't lose site of the point. Whether it be the enterance, the music or the man... HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO GET FACE POPS. How hard is it to understand that if your a heel and you get cheered YOU FAILED TO GET OVER. Taker failed to get over as a heel, RVD failed when the Invasion started, and HHH fails too.
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    News on Bull Buchanan

    This will make me feel better Ahh...Alexis all tied up. Yep...I'm sick.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    News on Bull Buchanan

    All this is doing is making me feel bad for bull Buchanon of all people. Don't make me do that.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    I remember that because it happened in Buffalo. He had a sit down interview with JR to bitch being held down for the Kliq incident despite being in the middle of one unwarranted push (given how unover he was) and being about to begin an even bigger one.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    Look at old school Flair matches. The BEST part was when he started working over the leg because the whole crowd was like "AWW FUCK...HER IT COMES".
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    Boy this Bryan guy sure seems to know what he's talking about.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    That's because they were capable of drawing the king of heat they were supposed to. That is until people realized that Eddy is God. But Jericho never had to change because he can GET OVER
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    This is why there is heat on HHH. EVERYONE knows RVD's moveset is geared towards a 10 minute match with big moves. And EVERYTIME HHH wrestles RVD its a 20 minute match where HHH works the leg. EVERYTIME. Heels call matches, and right back from their ppv match people were talking about how all HHH did was go out there to expose RVD's weakness so he wouldn't be as over.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    HHH/HBK was good because of the selling? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    Triple H as world champ

    Edge's problem with selling is that he has a goofy face.. Actually his problem is that when he's worked over he completely stops working and the matches get boring. I'd say he sells TOO much. Like everything is life and death and then we get the slow Edge crawl with the goody facial expression that I don't miss one bit.