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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    CNNs making me start to believe that Obama's going to turn Indiana. The major democratic strongholds haven't been counted yet, and he's running close right now anyway. He's way outperforming what Kerry did in the sections that have been counted.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I had pretty much the exact same situation. It did feel pretty darn cool.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    How I Met Your Mother

    He was awesome in Undercover Brother before even Harold and Kumar. NPH rules.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I made my vote for Obama. This was my third time voting for President and the first time I voted for a major party candidate. There were about 100 people in the building when I got there (I live around mostly old people in my district) and half of them were black. That's easily the only time I've seen that many black voters out in my district. Which is good for me...cause I think they're voting for my guy Actually I live in New York...everyone is pretty much voting for him.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    The Hockey Thread

    Back to Back shutouts for Ryan Miller. Funny story...he allowed 5 goals in the first 2 periods against Tampa Bay and asked Lindy Ruff in between periods not to pull him because he wanted to try to go out and work out his problem and win the period. He hasn't allowed a goal in the 7 periods since.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I'm gonna be voting at 6 this morning (since I usually go to sleep at 7 AM anyway...I'm a second shifter) and then sleeping until 3 or so. Then I'll be watching CNN and flipping over to Fox News when appropriate to see Hannity LOSE HIS MIND.
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    The problem with LowKi is that, even though he left the company under good terms, he's finally healthy and is getting the push he's been wanting his whole career in Japan. They wouldn't be able to use him other than sparingly as long as he's commited to his Japanese work.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Raw - November 3, 2008

    Something tells me I'm not going to like the results of this show very much. Do we get the John Cena return tonight at least?
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I read that the polls that have the larger Obama leads are the ones that include polling people that don't have landline phones, and just have cell phones. That's kind of interesting to me, because I don't have a landline...and most of my friends (ages 25 to 30ish) don't really either. That's got to be something that is more common in a younger voter who has an apartment and doesn't see the need for the landline. You figure Obama's winning the youth vote...and polls aren't reflecting a nice portion of that group.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    Your five favourite guys/teams right now.

    I think week in week out on all the shows I watch the following people entertain me the most consistently: Beer Money Evan Bourne R-Truth Awesome Kong and... hmm... I kinda want to say AJ Styles just because I always enjoy when he's on my TV no matter what they're doing with him.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Fallout 3

    I have none of these things. My guy is barely scraping by.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    NFL Week 9

    Just an embarrassing performance all around by the Bills today. Sloppy, bad football.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    NFL Week 9

    The Bills haven't been able to get out of their own way all game...and they were down 13 until Brett Favre did what Brett Favre does and through an INT for a TD. I still don't see how they're going to come back and win when they can't do anything right though. It's just nice of Brett to keep us in the game.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I actually voted for Nader the last two elections. 8 years ago I did it because it was the first time I ever voted and I guess I thought it was funny. 4 years ago because between Bush and Kerry...well...I guess I thought it was sad. I've toyed with the idea of voting Nader again just to say I voted for the same guy 3 times...and since I'm in New York it doesn't matter... But I'm voting for a major party candidate for the first time. I am fully in the tank for Obama.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I'm just...so happy that this is all going to be over soon.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    11-1-08 SNL

    McCain and Fey's open was fantastic. After that...Affleck was PHENOMENAL. I wasn't into his Olbermann (it was too throaty)....but the longer it went, the better it got. What a ridiculously brilliant lampoon of a guy. Two thumbs way up for the most enjoyable SNL show I've seen in forever.
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    The Hockey Thread - October

    I went to my first Sabres game of the year tonight. The bar owner of my local tavern gave us two tickets in the 200s for free (they run about $173 apiece...anyone who says alcoholism is bad...is wrong). Thomas Vanek is sick. He's now put in 11 goals in 11 games. Sabers win 5-0.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    I'm goign to a TNA house show

    Angle vs. AJ Joe vs. Christian Tanahashi in an X division match Beer Money vs. 3D Awesome Kong match LAX match ... That sounds like a pretty darn good show.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    The "independent contractors" know that before they sign a contract. They're making an informed choice.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    Yeah. They did a 1.16 rounded up. The ratings have been moving up after they bottomed out a couple months ago. This is either the, or near, the most viewers the show has ever had. We'll see if they can keep it or even build it. Streamlining the storylines has to help.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    I'm goign to a TNA house show

    Today's Obvserver update says that Tanahashi will be working all 3 shows on this swing. That's pretty awesome. Even if he's just serving as job guy in a meaningless first half match that doesn't get as much time as you'd hope... That's still pretty awesome.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    He's a heel who kind of only does the heel things when he's actually right. Like on Impact where he helps AJ up, and doesn't do anything physical until Styles spit in his face. He wasn't wrong there. I think what they're going to go for is that Sting is in the Main Event Mafia, and he believes he's right...but he isn't so over the line that he's going to impose his will like the rest of the group. Kind of like...he actually wants to make the young guys understand something...but they just keep proving him right time and time again. Eventually, since he's said 2009 is his last year, he'll end up respecting Joe and AJ and the group will turn on him so he can have his final face run. If they do it right, Sting coming to respect them could actually be a pretty good storyline.
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    Everything that TNA lacks in the understanding of running a wrestling show... It's like...the opposite when it comes to running a business. They've managed to turn the company profitable while buyrates went down and ratings stayed the same. I think it has something to do with all of their international TV deals (they've got a ton of them) and the number of liscencing deals that they've made.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    I think it's OK to have a big gang as long as it comes down to the main guys when the big promos go on. I don't need Horace Hogan in the ring when Hulk, Nash and Hall are talking. There's some things that they can do that would be fun. I think they should try and get a guy to be their X division guy. They should try and get Jerry Lynn back (I think his main complaint in leaving was that they weren't using him as a worker, and he only had so much time left). Being the guy that AJ keeps leaving out of guys who built TNA (he talks Lowki, Daniels and Joe) is a good setup. Try bringing him in and put him in the X division. It immediately puts some heat on the division. Team 3D does fit if they had any interest in the tag titles, and they were already alligned with Booker and Angle. I'd like to see them put some kind of a representative in each division at least...so that it doesn't come off as the titles (Tag, Knockouts and X) being meaningless since all the TV time goes towards the MEM vs. AJ/Joe war. ... Also...bring back Christopher Daniels.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    iMPACT Spoilers for 10/30/08

    Christian is about to be forced in storyline wise. Although that's probably just the start of writing him off the show.