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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Ha. That's what I just commented on too.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    A guy on CNN just nailed what I think to a tee. She helped herself...but not McCain. Biden was pretty much given 90 minutes to rip McCain apart, and Palin didn't make Obama seem like a "risky" choice at all. If anything, coming out of this debate...I feel like Obama is the safer choice and McCain (and he's done himself no favors by picking Palin, suspending his campaign, voting for the pork filled bailout plan) is the one who just doesn't "get it"
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Okay, glad I wasn't the only one who saw that. 48 points for Palin and 26 for Biden? I mean, Christ. Even the other Republican rated Biden (barely) ahead of Palin, and put her down for 4 times as many negatives (I think. I believe it was 9 and 2 on the negatives). I think he was watching the Jets/Cardinals game on tape delay.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    She came off as likeable. Which is the thing that helped McCain in the short term when he picked her. I'd like to think that Biden's debating would take away from that and it wouldn't affect the polls...but I'd be kidding myself if I thought it would.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    That Rollins guy was watching a different debate.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    LOL at CNN in the room of 32 people. "Raise your hands if you think Biden won" ... "Ok...that's overwhelming"
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I saw that too. I wouldn't wish the death of a child on my worst enemy. I couldn't imagine what kind of a personal hell that must have been for him. I didn't miss it. And that was one of several things which won it for him. Um no. In case you haven't noticed... pretty much everyone, including me, thinks that Biden won. He meant the TV pundits.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Dead on correct.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    And she blames the "filter of the media" for her being a retard.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I have to imagine that Obama is really happy right now. Biden managed to talk down nearly every single McCain talking point over the course of this debate. And he did it without losing his cool or straying into "crazy Joe Biden" talk.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Biden is going to destroy the "maverick" label in 3...2...1...
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    He is the man that we need to leave...lead... You had it right the first time.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Every woman in that crowd would totally do Joe Biden right now.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    "John McCain has already tapped me" ... ... Everything has become clear.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I can't wait to see what the pundits have to say about this debate. IMO, Biden has clearly dominated from the word go...but Palin didn't fall on her face and her bar was set so low.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    "Her reward is in heaven" ... ... FUCK YOU
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    You're right. This is a really stupid question. Waste of a few minutes.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Team of mavericks. I want to punch her in the stupid face.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Did anyone else laugh when Biden said Obama dying "would be a tragedy of epic proportions" because they pictured Palin saying it...and how fucking scary that would actually be?
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    I'm surprised she hasn't asked for some water yet. I also love that her lines on CNN, much like the McCain campaign...are flatlining.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Those lines are moving way up when Biden's on the talk. At least those 32 people are hanging on his words.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, she did fine on Energy, I just disagree with the republican ideas there. Biden has destroyed her on foriegn policy, the economy that she wouldn't talk about, and absolutely thrashed her on health care.
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    "I'll talk about both" Biden is absolutely killing here. Absolutely killing.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    It didn't start that way. She was winning the women in the first ten minutes big time. ... she lost them.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    Campaign 2008

    Joe challenging her to discuss McCain policy is a BIG win.