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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    WrestleMania 25

    I would have bet that we'd be looking at Edge/HHH, Cena/Batista, HBK/Taker as the top 3 matches. I would have been wrong...but I would have bet it. Now it's harder to say. They could definitely get a lot of mileage out of HHH/Taker since it'll actually be believable that Taker would lose for a change. But I don't think the title should be involved if they did that match.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    The whole arena thing was harder than I thought it was going to be. When I started thinking about it I had it narrowed down to 4 pretty well (knowing that there was 0 chance MSG would be there). Kiel Auditorium (which Franchise took before I went), The Omni (which I took) and two others that I'll enter in here once they either get selected or...dont.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Then something tells me I can guess what one of the other ones is for sure since I had to flip a coin.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Mike Adamle: The Thread

    I don't know what you can do with him. I feel he's hit his peak by somehow turning the announcement of the first ever match between two HUGE babyfaces into the least exciting sentence ever spoken.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    But Nolan will care. I don't think he'll do a third one unless he gets his way. He's got a nice run of movies in his career going for him.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Wario Ware Inc. Super Monkey Ball 2 ESPN NFL 2K5
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    Yeah but Sam Raimi made Sony a shitload of money on the first 2 Spiderman movies and they still stuck their noses in his work on the 3rd one. This is true. Hopefully the steaming pile of shit that was Spiderman 3 will convince WB to stay hands off.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    huh...that's the first time I forgot to PM someone after one of my picks.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Impact Spoilers for 7/31

    ahh...the glory days of that stretch in 05 where they had no tv and put Impact on the website. It was their best period ever, TV and ppv wise.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I spent the last like...day...going back and forth on what I was going to do with that pick. It was all over the place. so much so that I had to create around 6 months of storylines in my head to decide who the best fit was going to be.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    I look at it the other way. I think WB would be open to whatever Nolan wants to do for the next one. His vision of the franchise just made them eleventy-billion dollars. I think he's got the stroke to do what he wants after TDK. Especially since they're gonna want him back pretty badly one would imagine.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Okay...I've decided to take a manager...just because I'm getting a shot at one so quick off the board. The problem I faced was that...I don't think my guys need managers. They aren't great talkers...but they aren't really the kinds of guys that I worry about managers either. I'm not going with the version of Taker that would require one (I kinda want the Taker from his Mania XX return until now. Cause...he's had some really good work the last few years), Hansen and Steamboat I don't think need one...and a lot of my guys are foreigners. So they COULD use one...but I don't have anyone I want in mind to lead a foreign stable. So I decided to just put guys together from my list that make sense to me as a heel faction. When I look at my top 4 guys I drafted (which were the singles guys I went after...and if I'm gonna use a pick on a manager...it's going to a top guy) I think that Taker, Steamboat and Hansen can stand on their own without any needed help. Owen could use help though if he's gonna be taken seriously in a program with Taker or Steamboat (my top faces). So he's in as the centerpiece of the group. When I looked at my 4 tag teams Any of them could be heels or faces. I want LAX as a heel...but they don't fit into a group with Owen Hart. The other 2 teams are from Mexico and Japan. I like that my roster is spread throughout different regions...but I don't want them with Hart either. So that leaves the Guns. And I think Sabin, Shelley and Hart all fit beautifully together as a heel faction. What they all have in common though is that they're smaller, faster wrestlers. So the group would need a tough guy. I'm still figuring out who that's gonna be. There's a couple different ways I'm thinking of going. And they will be managed by... J.J. Dillon ... That was a long write up to get to there...but it was kind of fun thinking things through like that. Now onto the arena selection. I have so many small, fast guys and foreign guys that I can't really run in one of the old WWF towns. They like something that I can't provide. If I were willing...I'd probably have a good run in Mexico since they like the fast style and they like foreign stars coming in...but I'm going to run in the US. So I'm looking for an arena in a location where I think that the in ring product can be the sell. I kind of want to run the promotion like it was the old NWA on crack...if that makes sense. So I randomly selected this one: The Omni Atlanta, GA ... ... That was exhausting.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    I'm looking forward to this as well. I like slasher movies even when they're bad...so it's a win win for me. If it turns out to be a good one...that's just gravy. Also...Yes. Part 6 fucking rules.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    It's comparing the proverbial apples and oranges. I thought Eckhardt was fantastic and his roll asked him to carry a large portion of the film. At the same time I thought Ledger was note perfect in a roll that didn't have him carrying things so much as creating an aura of anything could happen. Since Eckhardt DID carry his weight...and Ledger DID take an iconic character and redefine it... I don't know how to judge them against each other. ... Also I thought Gary Oldman was the best...
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    Hugh Jackman? ... but he's the Wolverine.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Impact Spoilers for 7/31

    I want them to turn Sting heel. Just because I'd kinda like to see him play heel for a change.
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Apolo I'll probably just have LAX beat the crap out of him a lot for leaving the gang.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    Sound's like someone Marvin would have.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    I liked it better the second time too. I missed a lot the first time both from loud audience reactions and being caught up in the movie.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    they wanted to do a Justice League movie before. I think IIRC they decided even at the early planning stages of that to keep Bale's batman seperate from it since it was a succesful franchise.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

  22. The Ghost of bps21

    The Dark Knight

    I'm sorry...are you in someway suggesting that this wouldn't fit in to the Batman Begins/Dark Knight world? ... CHILL!!!
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    I bet I end up seeing it about that by the time I'm done. Different people keep wanting to go...and I'm always in. I saw it on Imax for the second time today...and I've seen it twice on a regular screen. Today's showing came out of nowhere as a friend called me out of the blue to see if I'd go with him. I think I already had plans to see it with someone else on Tuesday. ...maybe I keep going because I have nothing better to do.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    I only saw Iron Man once. But I've seen the Dark Knight...a few times already. I don't know why I keep going back. I mean...I know I love the movie...but I don't have any real reason. I just wanted to keep watching it I guess.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    Weekend boxoffice report July 25-27

    I really liked Iron Man. Alot. I thought that it was more kinda...I don't want to say kid friendly...but definitely more of a mass apeal movie than TDK. When the positive reviews and buzz started to surround Iron Man I thought that it was going to make a ton. Which it did. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that TDK beat it (since it also had overwhelmingly positive buzz and reviews) but it's just such a different movie. I half expected a lot of casual viewers to be kind of turned off by it since it wasn't anything like your Spidermans or Iron Man which have been the proven money makers.