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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    He's right...it does. I didn't get a chance to hear it until everyone else was talking about how good it was...and I was underwhelmed. I spent alot more time listening to Catcher in the Rye and There was a time and ignoring Better. Then a while later I decided to give it another chance and...yeah...I love it.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Count yourself as very lucky. The live versions that leaked before were just plain awful IMO. This is by far the best version that's come out. My head still holds the previous versions against it...but I have a feeling this will grow on me. It's already started.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    What does your surname mean?

    They haven't researched mine. That makes me feel unimportant. boo.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Main event got really fun at the end. AJ's pele onto Dvon as he stood in the familiar 3D set up was a thing of genius.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    The lack of Beautiful People on this show is bothersome. They grow the ratings every week for the last month and they get left off the show. Boo-urns.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    I briefly thought that the announcers were going to let the scene play out without them. That thought ended at the first sign of physical contact. Although that "damn" by West was well timed and the perfect comment when Lethal slapped Dutt...they should have remained silent after that.
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Kaz vs. Kozlov was what it was. Fun to watch and I've forgotten all of it (except the russian hat dance) already as I type this. I guess that wasn't a part of the official X cup? So at least Team TNA isn't out to a ridulous 3-0-0-0 lead I guess.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Kong vs. the "fan" (who I believe is the girl that they had just signed IIRC) was really good stuff. Kong is so good at looking strong and yet vulnerable at the same time. The "fan" got in a ton of offense in that match but it was almost always as a result of a mistake Kong made (bringing the chair in the ring, missing the spinning backfist and hitting the post). Good stuff.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Hernandez wearing his tag title on a chain around his neck is roughly 7000 kinds of awesome
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Intresting Gail Kim video package. Interesting as in completely different with indy footage and comments about her career. I know it's killing Jingus that they're pushing Kim going for revenge on Love while Roxxi sits around bald as a cucumber doing nothing.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Guns match was pretty good. Not as good as last week...but I don't think anyone expected that it would be. Picked up after the commercial break. So your OFFICIAL X Cup standings are: Team TNA - 1 Team Mexico - 0 Team Inernational - 0 Team Japan - 0 Team Japan has finished last every other year...so they'll get the bottom of the 3 way tie. GET OFF THE MAT TEAM JAPAN. ... Anyways. AJ Styles is attacking everyone backstage.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    The Impact thread 6-19-08

    Ok...so as we try to figure out the World X cup. Round 1 is tag matches worth 1 point This MCMG vs. Davari and Dux match Then a tag match between Japan and Mexico (Speed Muscle vs. Bucanero/Guerrero???? Don't tease me!) Then round 2 is singles matches which I'd assume would use the rest of the guys from the teams worth 2 points. ... Round 3 is a 12 man elimination tag match featuring the 4 guys NOT in the Ultimate X match in round 4...maximum of 3 points (for how many people you have left) ... Round 4 Ultimate X between 1 member of each team worth 4 points. ... That's a mouthfull.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Let's talk policy: game updates

    coughoverppolicingfornoreasonwhatsoeverendcough ... I think this thread has been more of a waste of my time than scrolling through a post in the baseball thread has been
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    NHL Offseason Thread

    It would solve my headscratching question of how exactly Pittsburgh was going to be able to pay Crosby, Hossa, Malkin AND field a pro hockey team. That system of paying a lot to a handful hasn't worked out for Tampa lately...and they play in a shitty division. I've been wondering if someone would offer Malkin a huge offer sheet this offseason (he is a Restricted FA now right?) but this would work too. I don't believe Malkin is long for Pittsburgh since he's gonna want Ovechkin like money...
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    Random Thoughts

    They were taped a week in advance, so you'd have to go back an extra week to dig them up.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I was either going to take this or a Guitar Hero game at some point...just because I'm so bad at the guitar controller that I'd have time to master it. Which would kill some time.
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Yeah. KKC and I had a conversation about that a little while back. It's less about finding the biggest name you can, and more about finiding the biggest name/best wrestler that fits what you're trying to build. You also have to have a feel for the way the draft is working. If people are taking more modern US guys...and there's one you want...you have to jump on them. It's why I took MVP and Matt Hardy earlier when I did.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Rock Band. Hey...if the island has any natives I can teach them to ROCK AND ROLL!!! ... And if not...well...it's like 3 games in one anyway.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Well I was going to take Steen and Generico here becuase I figured they'd have been a good fit for my tag division. Since that's not going to happen...I decided to still finish off the tag teams. There's a specific thing that I'm looking for in my tag division and with this pick I'm happy that all 4 of my teams can match up with each other pretty well I think. It also completes my idea of LAX being the "dominant" team because Hernandez has a size advantage over the rest of the division...which will be cool when someone finally takes him down. ... I'm well aware that my last 3 tag teams are all competing in the World X Cup tournament this month. It just happened that way. Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    What Are You Paying For Cigarettes?

    It's 18 in New York. I thought it was 18 across the board.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    The last paragraph makes me smile: "If it’s just another batch of demos, then they’re perhaps the most well-produced and complete demos in the history of the industry. And damn, they’re really pretty good."
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Superhero Draft

    Spectre rules. Vampiro wins. *loves the Spectre*
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    The thing about living up to the hype is...and this is annoying... The album has become such a joke to most of the world that it's gonna get made fun of if it ever does see the light of day no matter what. All I ever wanted was a really good fing album. I'm pleased to report the following: Of the songs that have leaked: I LOVE Catcher in the Rye, Better, The Blues, There Was A Time and Chinese Democracy (especially since they added that fucking awesome intro...but I rocked out to it since I saw them play it live way way way back on their very short tour). I like IRS and Madagascar alot. And the new songs today (We'll just assume that they're If The World and This I Love...since that's what Wikipedia told me they were) I like already after only a listen or two each. Rhiad and the Bedoiuns is what it is...but this version I didn't hate as much as the crappy live one I heard a long time ago. Still hate Silkworms. ... In summation...bps21 is very happy.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    What Are You Paying For Cigarettes?

    I remember in college being able to get a pack of basics and 2 40s for 5 bucks. ... college ruled.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    *was taking Steen and Generico with his next pick* Damn you Yuji Nagata. I said let's finish off the tag teams...but NOOOOOOOO...you said they could wait. ... I am so jobbing you out to whoever I pick last.