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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    There's an acceptance speech I wouldn't want to give. Millions of people sitting at home hating you.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    Ledger has won every single award leading up to the Oscars, I would be shocked if they went a different direction. Shocked.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    Sonjay Dutt Released

    I think he must just be good friends with Jarrett. BG James is...so it would stand to reason that Kip is probably in Jarrett's friend circle as well. There's no other explanation at this point really.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Sonjay Dutt Released

    Of course Kip James is collecting a bigger paycheck than any of them...and he adds nothing.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Suggestion Box

    teddy bear please
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Sonjay Dutt Released

    I don't mind Sonjay leaving. Petey's the only guy they've let go that I think had an upside worth anything.
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    I fucking hated Wall E and thought that after the first half hour the movie got so bad that everyone liking it is some massive prank being pulled on me.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    Guys Currently Being Groomed For Top Spots

    I think Ted DiBiase is probable the "right" answer. But I picked Morrison because I think it's the "better" answer.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I loved Monty Brown. The guy had something unique. The closing days of the Nashville ppvs were littered with fantastic Monty Brown promos that turned him from nothing into a guy to watch.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    NHL Thread

    They still need to jump 3 teams that are ahead of them to get in. Montreal, for all of their woes, are still in 6th. God...the Sabres are inept.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Robert Roode: Future Star?

    That's what drives everyone crazy about TNA. They should be using the "names" they have like Sting, Angle, Booker and Nash to make guys like Styles, BMI, LAX and Joe look on their level...and instead all but BMI (because they manage to stay out of the program) look weak. That's not a good plan moving forward. It's insane to me that they have a guy like Angle, who makes everyone look good (BG James people...BG James had a good TV match with Angle) and will seemingly put anyone over (Joe, Styles and Lethal have all gotten clean wins over him) and they don't have him out there working with every young piece of talent they can. He's the main one that they dropped the ball with IMO, because he can make anyone look on his level and they've only bothered to do it sporadically at best.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    TNA sets record with 1.9 million viewers

    I've always liked Sting. He's been a favorite of mine since I saw him way back in my wrestling watching days. Maybe it's a case of him just liking the material or maybe it's because it's his last run...but he's been bringing more intensity and he seems a lot more interested in this last TNA run then his previous couple years.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    NHL Thread

    They're 13 points out.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    NHL Thread

    I'm not sure what the Sens realy got out of this deal. I think both Comrie and Mcammond are UFAs after this year. So they basically traded a first round pick for Chris Campoli.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    TNA sets record with 1.9 million viewers

    I should add though...that I very much enjoyed angry Sting at the end. He doesn't cut promos like that very often.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    TNA sets record with 1.9 million viewers

    There was no ref...so there was no way to even end the fight.
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    Funny People

    This looks good to me.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    TNA sets record with 1.9 million viewers

    I figured they had a shot at doing a better than usual number because the whole show built towards something for a change...and the clearing out of the Impact Zone was pretty unique TV. I enjoyed bits of last nights show (BMI's challenge and the match was good, the clearing of the arena and I liked the Sting/Angle fight too)
  19. The Ghost of bps21


    I liked this episode too. I thought though, that Ben said he couldn't ever return to the island when he left...so shouldn't he not be popping up? Looking forward to next week alot.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    Yeah, this last week of Conan has been great. Best stuff since the writers strike (which I thought was brilliant) IMO. CBright, you can watch episodes on NBC.com.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    I wept for the end of the mastrubating bear. I'm glad he got away in the end.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Weighs In On: Jeff vs. Matt

    I don't want to go off topic...but I always did find it funny that your one account that isn't a gimmick is one that lends itself so easily to being one. ... should get back on topic... um...Kozlov and stuff. Note from Management: "On topic" was originally General Discussion.
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    You'll never guess my secret identity

    If anything it helps prove that he IS Kinetic. This all seems WAYYYY too convenient. No...no...this isn't right at all. His hat comes right off.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Weighs In On: Jeff vs. Matt

    Except for the stuff that only Peter loving Truthiness thinks makes sense about Matt being the guy from the beginning.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    What Now, TSM?

    "- Me yelling at bps via editing thread titles, then apologizing - bps reaching his fake 20,000th post." I've been more involved this year than the last few combined! I'm boarding hard for the first time since 04!