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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    Maybe Joe is Karen's new man and he'll turn heel thus killing not only the match but his character right out of the gate. ... Yes.
  2. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I am...but that's not news. One of the things I've liked about Lockdown in the past is that it forces the wrestlers to be a little more creative...since some cage spots will already have been done. As far as I'm concerned...all 3 previous Lockdowns have been fun shows...and I expect this one to be as well.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I'm feeling good about tonight. Could someone interfere in the match? Of course. It would be like them to do it. But I think we're getting out of this one clean. I'm looking forward to the fact that they aren't in Orlando tonight too. The road ppvs always "feel" better and I'm looking forward to the crowd. I wish I'd have taken the drive.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    To be fair...that may all be in France since that's where he lives.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    I guess I'm not that surprised by Depp. He never seemed to take his fame to seriously...it's the acting that he likes. I've heard he spends a lot of time visiting sick kids dressed as Captain Jack.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    Those lists are so backwards from what you'd think. Captain Kirk won't sign for me...but Johnny Depp and Mr. Hollywood George Clooney are all about it. And two questions: 1. Who the hell is asking Julie Andrews for autographs? 2. Where does that cunt get off saying no? Be happy they even recognize you. Jack f'n Nicholson is signing! Who they fuck do you think you are?
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    Larry Zbysko never came back either!!!
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    Christophe Daniels has not come back! Anyway...I like that they added that contract signing since it's a great heel move by Angle to put Joe in that position based off of something that Joe said. Does it telegraph a win? Absolutely. Which I think is the point. I think more people will order if their sure Joe's finally winning than if they think he's going to get screwed again. ...of course...he could always get screwed again. Getting fired opens up a whole bunch of new ways for the creative team to mess with his character.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    Total Non-Stop Action

    The lack of information really isn't all that surprising. TNA wanted to announce they had a video game deal as soon as they could...but the game isn't going to be getting a ton of video game press while it's in development. It's still a few months away so I'd expect to see the marketing start in a bit. What has me most excited is when Samoa Joe talks about the game (like at his conference call the other day) since he's a big gamer (AJ's talked like this too...and is also a big gamer) and he says the game is turning out exactly how he wanted it when they brought him and AJ in to discuss it at the beginning. He's sure it's going to be something wrestling gamers are going to love...and that has me pumped.
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    The Old School questions thread

    Alright...I'm watching Wrestlemania 3 and I'm up to the midget tag team match. Was there any specific storyline reason that Bundy and Hillbilly Jim were teaming with midgets? Were Bundy and Hillbilly Jim even feuding going in?
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Joe vs. Angle V

    Angle made Joe tap clean the first meeting. (Joe's first loss) Joe made Angle tap semiclean the second meeting (Angle hit himself with the chair off the ropes spot IIRC then got choked out...also their best match) Angle beat Joe in a 30 minute Iron Man match when he didn't tap as the time expired. Angle beat Joe to claim all the TNA titles when Karen turned on Joe.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    Joe vs. Angle V

    Alright...I was meaning to do this last week...but shit happens. Lockdown is still a few weeks away and TNA has already put more thought and build into their Main Event than they generally ever do. There's been some scattered talk in the general discussion thread about the approach that TNA is taking with this match (doing more of an MMA style build with training features and hype videos as opposed to generic runins and pull aparts) and I think it's actually working out pretty well for them. The Angle segments seem to be pretty well recieved at least. I said in the byline that we should try to ignore that this match his happened 4 other times...but we really can't. Angle is 3-1 in the matches. They were all pretty decent (Angle/Joe II being the best...and not just because Joe won that one), but they haven't had a match in a while and well I always trust Joe to bring it...Angle has been looking much crisper and ready to go in the ring (His series with Christian being the most recent example (including good house show notices)...but even including Global Impact vs. Nagata and I'll throw in BFG vs. Sting). So I have no real doubt that the match won't make for a really good main event... But it's the build to the match that has been most intriguing to me. Some bullet points: 1. They finally took Angle back from comedy BS to serious ass kicker He's much better this way. With the goofy Karen stuff on the backburner Angle is able to come accross the way you want your champion to look...unbeatable. When he was on Pros vs. Joes he looked like an absolute monster...and I kept thinking...why don't they just do that on TV? When they did Global Impact his interviews were all about how he was the best and he took his match seriously...and I kept thinking...why don't they just do that on TV? Well...they've been doing both. 2. Samoa Joe leaves the Impact Zone I didn't know how I fealt about this when I heard it...but now I'm on board. Mostly because it forced TNA to come up with another way to build the match without having Joe and Angle interact with each other. When the company took their 2 biggest stars and main evented them on their biggest ppv...that should have been enough. Instead they had Kurt Angle attacking Sting's son and Kevin Nash playing his psychiatrist. Change is GOOD. 3. Karen Angle APPEARS to be out of the picture I'm taking this one on faith. I don't know where TNA managed to dig up enough for me to have faith in them...but they'll get one last (again) chance to do the right thing here. Anyway...it seems like they've been making it as obvious as they can without actually saying it that Karen won't play into the Lockdown match. She's obviously going to be the catalyst for Angle/Styles post Lockdown...but the way they've been going she wouldn't fit into what's going on in the Joe match. They've duped me into trusting them before...but they've surprised me by sticking to this more serious approach to the Joe/Angle match...so I'd HOPE they won't blow it with a sports entertainment finish. It would make less sense than ever. So we've got Angle preparing to prove that he is the better wrestler one on one against Joe. We've got Joe preparing for his do or die chance at the title. We've got a cage that I think actually will allow them to just have a straight match. And we've got TNA taking an approach to the match that they should have take the FIRST TIME they faced each other. Better late than never? Too little to late? Does the build (so far) for Angle/Joe V make you more interested in the match...or are you pretty sure that they'll either blow it in the next few weeks...or worse...at Lockdown?
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Yeah...GTA is coming out at the perfect time for me as a 360 user. There's a lull afterwards long enough to sit down and get deep into the game. Although...I have a stack of half played games or less that I could get through if I wasn't so lazy.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I don't think she's going to get involved in Angle/Joe. They removed her storyline from any mention in their program. If anything I think they'll ask Angle about it backstage and he'll just blow it off.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    hmm...Adam Sandler. Billy Madison is good. Happy Gilmore is less good...but still alright. Wedding Singer is awesome. Big Daddy had a few moments that I liked...it's watchable. Little Nicky is horrible. So is Mr. Deeds. Never saw 8 crazy nights or Anger Management. i actually saw Click and didn't hate it. It wasn't good...it wasn't bad...it was just there.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    Total Non-Stop Action

    http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32767.html New trailer. Also...some internet people got a chance to play with the game over Mania weekend and they seemed to like it pretty well. I can't find the Mike Johnsons stuff from PWInsider but here's the guy from 411: http://www.411mania.com/games/previews/725...ii)-Preview.htm
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    If there going to pull a heel turn...they should go the full monty and turn everyone but Christian. He's fucked over everyone in the company at some point or another. Maybe not turn everyone...but they should at least abandon him to get his ass kicked.
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    The OAO Impact Thread (4.10.08)

    The NWA TNA Week 303 Preview This is the last Impact prior to their big Lockdown ppv. So far so good on the main event build...can they make it another week? Sting & Kevin Nash vs. Team 3D 3 weeks...3 Sting matches. Neat. The build for the Lethal Lockdown match continues here in a big way with the most decorated tag team of all time against a legend...and Kevin Nash. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Big Sexy...he hasn't been injured once since returning. Sting will have to do most of the work here...and that's a good thing. The Motor City Machineguns vs. Scott Steiner & Petey Williams I'm digging Steiner and Petey. The Guns are always good...but they never win. Are Steiner and Petey on the ppv? I don't think they are...which is strange considering Steiner will be main eventing next month...but whatever. Should be pretty decent. Consequences Creed vs. Jimmy Rave This is the final X division Xscape match qualifier for Lockdown...and Creed's return to the company after winning them over with his impromptu performace at Bound For Glory in October. I am all for guys that aren't WWE leftovers coming into TNA. We'll see how they use him and how he does. Rave is also in the match... Eric Young vs. Black Reign Whatever. I'm guessing it's a setup for a still unannounced tag match at Lockdown and nothing more. I get a kick out of Super Eric though. Roxxi vs. Angelina Love Velvet Sky is the hot one. Angelina Love is not Velvet Sky. Since the Queen of the Cage match was announced, it's good that they'll have a Knockouts match that doesn't feature the big 3... their matches sell themselves at this point. Other Stuff: Angle has demanded that Samoa Joe comes to the arena and signs a contract stating that he will retire if he doesn't win at Lockdown. I think that Jay Lethal is still dating So Cal Val and Sonjay is still doing run ins. Lethal is the definition of a fighting champion, folks. Side note...at this point he'll have been dating Val for like 5 weeks. He better be getting some. The final Rough Cut for Kip and BG should air as well. So good... soo much better than it should be... Plus they'll announce the last matches for the ppv... here's a hint... there are like 6 tag teams with nothing announced as of yet... This is the go home show so we'll probably see some backstage interviews with Booker, Roode, Kim and ODB to push their matches too. I might be alone in this...but I kind of like that they haven't been pushing those matches as hard as other stuff on TV (Young + Kaz vs. the monsters, the other knockouts, the XScape qualifiers) because those 2 feuds have been going for months and people are familiar with them. At some point you'll run out of things to do if you do it every week. Discuss...and such.
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Ha...I listened to that station all the time in Saints Row. It was terrible...but I didn't like the music and was too lazy to add my custom tracks.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I'll make my predictions: Scott Steiner wins the cuffed in the cage match because he should be kept strong for Sacrifice Roxxi wins the Queen of the Cage Kip James I'll go with Awesome Kong and Saeed. It probably goes the other way...but if you pick Kong to win all the time you'll end up with a pretty good success rate. I'll pick Booker and Sharmell...but I could see Roode winning too. Roode won the last ppv match...Booker won on TV... I don't know...always bet on black. I'll pick Lethal in the Xscape match but could honsestly see almost anyone winning I'm picking Team Tomko because they need the win more I think... unless they close the show with it (which Lethal Lockdown always has) then I'll take Team Cage Joe.
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Have they announced any of the music yet? They usually would do that long before now.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Smackdown (4/11/2008)

    oh...sorry I didn't see that you'd posted in between my response.
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Smackdown (4/11/2008)

    This is exactly what I said before you decided to make it a pissing contest. So explain to me how he wouldn't understand what tapping out was (which they put over on commentary) but does get the concept of getting his foot on the rope? Why is the commentary telling me one thing when the work in the ring is showing me something different? I don't see how you consider the question "reaching" for something to complain about when I first put over that I liked te character...and then made one comment about something that didn't make much sense. This is the appropriate place to make such a comment isn't it? In the Smackdown thread of the Smackdown I had just watched? I like to do that sometimes... Post about the things that I watch.
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Smackdown (4/11/2008)

    My only point was that it's absurd for them to talk about him not understanding how to tap out when he knew enough to use a rope break. It's absolutely retraded to continue questioning in commentary what he understands (which...they do) when he shows to understand pretty much everything. The left hand isn't watching what the right hand is doing.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Smackdown (4/11/2008)

    They didn't tell us he didn't know anything about wrestling? So...they didn't spend the match commentating about whether Festus had any understanding of his situation, opponent...or whether or not he knew that tapping out could have ended the match? That was just my feed then?