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The Ghost of bps21

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Everything posted by The Ghost of bps21

  1. The Ghost of bps21

    When will TSM be deleted?

    ALina deleted it.
  2. The Ghost of bps21


    Well...clearly... Titling your post HUHHHHHHHHHHHH???????!?!?! in the same folder where you could find the answer to your question proves you are TSM material.
  3. The Ghost of bps21

    Sting's next (last?) run

    They would have to do it as a respect match...unless Joe was a heel for some reason going in. I like the idea of playing up that Sting is 2-0 with 2 World titles at the show... I would have Joe win Sunday (which I think that he is) and then defend against Steiner at Sacrifice (which...is what would happen) and then mix in guys like Tomko or Styles (Styles/Joe for the TNA title? Yes please) to fill out the time (and Slammiversary has the KOTM anyway) and just have Sting come out and do a deal where he says "you haven't proven anything until you beat me" and then end the match with a handshake and Sting raising his hand. Easy. Happy. And Sting can do whatever he wants after that without losing any face at all.
  4. The Ghost of bps21

    Sting's next (last?) run

    That's actually nice to hear. Obviously anything can and does happen...but they've been pretty good about putting the match they want in that BFG spot. 2005 they wanted JJ vs. Nash...but Nash got hurt and it actually turned out to be a pretty sweet deal with Rhino... 2006 they built for JJ vs. Sting for a year... 2007 Sting/Angle was the obvious choice...and even though the bulidup sucked...they did have that match. I think it's the obvious choice...and you have to figure they do to since they seem to be putting the ball in Joe's hands and they're going to use Sting in that top role at their big show for as long as they have him. Hell...even if Joe isn't champion at the time I still want to see them do Sting/Joe. It's exactly what I think Sting should be doing.
  5. The Ghost of bps21

    When will TSM be deleted?

    They say new server in two weeks. I'm readying the fallout shelter.
  6. The Ghost of bps21

    The OAO Impact Thread (4.10.08)

    Well...thank you. At least now they give me something to preview. Back in the day I'd sometimes be sitting there with...like...one match announced heading into the show. Those were some really hard previews to write. I'm working on a proper one for the Lockdown thread that'll go up after Impact, when there are no more spoilers to worry about. Back to the topic... Because they chose to focus so much more time to the lower feuds (and also the Lethal Lockdown) and the other matches (Angle/Joe, Kong/Kim/ODB, Booker/Roode) already have so much history... Lockdown has to have the most buildup from top to bottom of any show TNA has ever put on. There's a story to every match and in some cases (Rough Cut, the unique Joe/Angle build) some damned intriguing ones at that. They always work hard at the ppvs...and with some decent material to work with for a change...I think Lockdown is going to be something else...
  7. The Ghost of bps21

    Dream matches

    Definitely watch the Umaga match. That match f'n rocked. Hard. I still haven't watched the Michaels/Cena match from RAW. It's on my HBK dvd...I just haven't fealt like sitting and watching an hour match recently.
  8. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Profile: Christian Cage

    I, personally, agree with you about Styles. From the start of TNA until they started adding in bigger name talent (like Christian and Sting) AJ was kind of THE guy. And that was based solely on his ring work. It was well deserved...but he HAD to add another dimension or he was just going to be outclassed by the rest of the guys. I think the early emergence of Joe is really what made that obvious. Joe had that something on top of his work that made him stand out...AJ didn't. He's played his bufoon role really really well...and now when he does move up to the next level again (obviously when his character matures to the point)...I think people will be more apt to buy into it. It looks like there going to do it with Angle...and that's really good because Angle's the guy at the top. To bring it back to Christian...before AJ joined with Christian I remember the two had a ppv match and I remember watching it and thinking...AJ doesn't LOOK like he's on that level. I'm glad they took steps to refresh him...cause the workrate is always there.
  9. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM Profile: Christian Cage

    That rip off music is actually a rip off his wwe theme...that was from a band ripping of Evanescence. It's twice removed at this point...
  10. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM TNA Townhall:The Weekly PPVs

    It really was a great match. I'll always remember that my only complaint about it was that Sabin pinned him out of nowhere. But...it was with his finisher and it was clean... How Fd up is it that it irked me that Sabin got a clean win with his finisher? They had just built and built and built and this fealt like one of those matches that needed the spots where they kick out of fhinishers. Add that last 2 minutes on and look out. ... Off topic...but that's exaclty what Sabin and Senshit did at BFG in 06...which is actually my favorite Sabin singles match.
  11. The Ghost of bps21

    Raw vs Smackdown week 1

    I don't think you could have matched up 2 people that I could care less about in the company. I've been thinking about it and I really can't decide who to vote for. I don't think either one offers that much to be quite honest. Chavo always strikes me as the guy who's going to have decent matches with guys who have better matches with everyone else. He's bland. Kendrick would be great as a highflying tag guy...if that mattered at all to the company. I'm flipping a coin: It came up heads...but I forgot to asign heads to anything... I'll just vote for Kendrick because if I never saw another Chavo match...it wouldn't bother me in the least.
  12. The Ghost of bps21

    Announcing Team Discussion

    I watched Bound For Glory 07 on DVD last night and didn't have any problem with the commentary at all. I really don't think there's a single thing wrong with the way they call matches. They ruin other segments...but the matches I like. I like their enthusiasm. When Homicide hit his tope and banged on the announce table and high fived Don West? Yeah...I liked that too.
  13. The Ghost of bps21

    Dream matches

    I agree. I've never seen a Cena match and thought "Well...that was terrible" even if it wasn't that good...it's at least entertaining.
  14. The Ghost of bps21

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I wanted to take the drive from Buffalo like I did when Bound For Glory was in Detroit...but it wasn't to be. They really need to get around here at some point. Buffalo was good for ECW and we still draw people to the ballpark brawl shows and that's indy guys with a few old timers and a random TNA guy thrown in. Damn them for not getting here yet.
  15. The Ghost of bps21

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/8/2008)

    Crowd couldn't care less about this match if they were getting paid to try and care less.
  16. The Ghost of bps21

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/8/2008)

    Where is Raw in 2 weeks?
  17. The Ghost of bps21

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/8/2008)

    I predict I will be fast forwarding the DVR
  18. The Ghost of bps21

    Sting's next (last?) run

    I was impressed with how much he brought to the table at BFG against Angle. He was busting ass in that match...and realistically all he has to do is hit his spots and work the crowd and they'll be happy. Angle always works hard (he's kindof a psycho) but Sting made that match keeping up step for step and having a different match than I expected. I'm a big Sting mark...
  19. The Ghost of bps21

    Sting's next (last?) run

    I don't think Sting ever wants to work the days he'd have to even with a limited WWE schedule. Hell...he cut down his already lesser TNA schedule this go around. But...yeah...I'd love to see that and him vs. Taker.
  20. The Ghost of bps21

    if Chinese Democracy is released......

    Just release it on him and deal with the lawsuits after I get my copy. ...and my Dr. Pepper
  21. The Ghost of bps21

    TSM TNA Townhall:The Weekly PPVs

    I'll try some quick hitter things that I liked a lot from that era too: AMW vs. The New Church. I loved that feud. AMW had been portrayed as the clean cut undefeated tag team until The New Church (and Slash was AWEOME) came in and beat them. They had a nice brutal feud, and I look at it as the exact moment where AMW kind of became men and the big team that they were to be for the company. Amazing Red. Before he blew out his wheels...this kid was something else. His 2 matches with Styles were real good. XXX forms. Say what you want about S.E.X. (I kinda liked them) but it was really sweet to see Daniels, Skipper and LowKi return to the company. It worked so well because Daniels and Low Ki had different Japan commitments...but being in the 3 man group kept them in the mix whereas it was impossible before. Daniels would become a major player for TNA...and this is how he got his foot back in the door after not being booked for a long time. Also...they had tremendous stuff with AMW. Sting's first appearances. Now...none of the matches were that good...but I still remember thinking when he showed up for the 1 year anniversary how cool it was that Sting (who was way above everyone else on the roster at the time in name recognition) was wrestling on my TV again. Russo's exit. I may be the only person who ever liked this...but I REALLY liked it. Russo had been trying to destroy Jarrett for months...and Hogan was supposed to be coming in...so they needed to write Russo off of TV. Now...people (myself included) don't like that Russo's stuff doesn't make sense a lot of the time...but his exit from TV character made perfect sense. He finally just got fed up with it and tried to take JJ out himself with a chair. It ended with JJ beating the piss out of him...and I don't think he was ever put back on camera again IIRC. I loved it. Super X Cup. That show was the shit. Teddy Hart vs. Juvi, Sabin vs. Kaz, Sabin vs. Juvi. A really fun tournament that was their best show of that era...and it was a taped one... I'll add more later.
  22. The Ghost of bps21

    Dream matches

    I could pretty much watch Sting wrestle any of the top guys in WWE. He's not great in the ring or anything...but he's got that "thing" that makes me like his matches. I don't know what that thing is...but I like watching him anyway...
  23. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Raw (4/7/2008)

    They've managed to make me pull for Orton two ppvs in a row now Gotta love that main event scene
  24. The Ghost of bps21

    WWE Raw (4/7/2008)

    That was the fan text voting.
  25. The Ghost of bps21

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Well...then I'll take Use Your Illusion I...since the GNR is about to run out. I'm taking I over II because Coma is my favorite GNR song. Plus...I can listen to any of their albums straight through without skipping...so it really came down to just that one song difference for me. Plus...november rain is epic.