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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. Kinetic

    I Got Arrested Last Night

    Yeah, I really think that drunk driving convictions should come with heavier penalties. For instance, I would be more than willing to give up certain rights of my own if all drunk drivers were stripped of the right to hold public office and this law was enforced retroactively.
  2. Kinetic

    I Got Arrested Last Night

    I got a DUI in October of last year. It basically boiled down to me having to pay a little over $500 in court costs (if you have the money outright, don't get a public defender because there isn't anything genuinely helpful that he/she can do for you and it'll cost additional money) and I lost my license for a year. I also have to take 30 hours of alcohol education classes before applying for a new license, which will end up costing $300. I had a few extra things going against me, though, in that my BAC was really high (I blew a .17) and I was under 21 at the time of my arrest. My only saving grace was that I had no prior convictions on my record, so I'm sure you'll benefit from that as well. On the plus side, I got a pretty amusing anecdote out of the whole ordeal and record-high gas prices don't phase me at all. Edit: Oh, I also had to do 24 hours of community service, which was a total pain in the ass.
  3. Kinetic

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    As long as we're on the subject, I'd like to hear some of the more hawkish figures in here lay out any sort of a practical game plan for how we're supposed to wind up the Iraq Diversion portion of the war on terrorism in any way that could possibly be considered an overall success. On another note, I'd like to point out how utterly ridiculous the notion of diffusing an insurgency by destroying an incredibly important religious shrine is. That's like dealing with a violent Catholic uprising by destroying the Vatican.
  4. Kinetic


    They look much more attractive in the Mr. Bean picture. Light is not kind to these girls.
  5. Kinetic


    Are you kidding? I'd tell everyone I know about the time I got some action from two phony lesbian Russian recording artists.
  6. Kinetic

    Look at this picture of Lindsay Lohan

    I don't really get it. She's hot, but not hot on a level altogether different from that of her contemporaries. Also: "That 70s Show" is miserable and her breasts are most probably real, although I've never had a particularly good eye for these things unless they're so fake that I couldn't possibly not notice.
  7. Kinetic

    The most overrated albums in your collection

    Talking Heads- Remain In Light Sonic Youth- Daydream Nation Marvin Gaye- What's Going On
  8. Kinetic

    Cutting Down On Drinking

    I basically had to give up large portions of my social life a few months ago because I can't get drunk around large groups of people without saying or doing something totally embarrassing and offensive to everyone around me.
  9. Kinetic

    Music vs. Bush

    The absolute worst example of this is a lot of the hardcore punk bands I've seen in town. The typical pre-song political diatribe goes something like this: "This is a song about how, like, a lot of people feel really disaffected by the current administration and how all the grassroots groups and stuff really need to come together this year to get Bush out of office and really affect larger change in our political system. 1, 2, 3...WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
  10. Kinetic

    Rate songs on albums.

    I personally think, in response to Edwin's Prince reviews, that "Dirty Mind" the song deserves at least an 8 or 9. I also think that "Lonesome Cowboy Bill" from Loaded deserves a negative rating for being about the dumbest goddamn song you can possibly imagine a once-great band recording.
  11. Kinetic

    Music vs. Bush

    The Pearl Jam/Death Cab For Cutie3 ticket is coming through Asheville, as well. I consider any form of Bush-bashing here to be a major form of preaching to the choir, although if I gave a shit about any of the bands on any of these tickets, I'd probably drop a few dollars to see them.l I can't imagine this affecting anyone's vote in November, though; especially a town with as liberal a downtown scene as Asheville.
  12. Kinetic

    The Perfect Pop Song

    Who says pop cannot be subversive, too? Third Eye Blind had a very big hit with "Semi-Charmed Life," a song about speed freaks and oral sex. And that's totally attributable to the fact that the song is catchy. I mean, shit, Lou Reed's "Walk On The Wild Side" was his biggest hit and the single version actually contains the phrase "giving head." Anything can fly under the radar if you have a catchy tune.
  13. Kinetic

    The Perfect Pop Song

    "Killer Queen" is actually a pretty amazing pop song, as well.
  14. Kinetic

    The Perfect Pop Song

    Then explain the enduring popularity of "Louie Louie" and the use of "Lust For Life" in bank and cruise ship commercials. If a song's catchy, most people won't give a second thought to the lyrics.
  15. Kinetic

    The Perfect Pop Song

    A song about a gay sex with an older man isn't strictly pop, is it? It's catchy as fuck. What it's about is immaterial, as far as the pop argument is concerned. That it's about gay sex with an older man makes it all the more likable.
  16. Kinetic

    The Perfect Pop Song

    "Kiss" is really a better example of a great poppy Prince song than "Purple Rain." This is the sort of topic on which I'll change my mind over and over again, but I'll go ahead and say The Smiths' "This Charming Man" or the Kinks' "Victoria."
  17. Kinetic

    Rate songs on albums.

    One of mine, as well. David Watts- 10 Death of a Clown- 8 Two Sisters- 9 No Return- 6 Harry Rag- 6 Tin Soldier Man- 8 Situation Vacant- 10 Love Me Till The Sun Shines- 8 Lazy Old Sun- 7 Afternoon Tea- 8 Funny Face- 8 End of the Season- 7 Waterloo Sunset- 10+
  18. Kinetic

    Rate songs on albums.

    Lou Reed- Berlin Berlin- 5 Lady Day- 9 Men of Good Fortune- 8 Caroline Says 1- 6 How Do You Think It Feels- 7 Oh, Jim- 9 Caroline Says 2- 6 The Kids- 8 The Bed- 7 Sad Song- 8 The Kinks- Arthur Victoria- 10 Yes Sir, No Sir- 8 Some Mother's Son- 8 Drivin'- 7 Brainwashed- 10 Australia- 7 (mostly for the jam at the end) Shangri-La- 10 Mr. Churchill Says- 9 She Bought A Hat Like Princess Marina- 6 Young And Innocent Days- 9 Nothing To Say- 6 Arthur- 7 Elvis Costello- Trust Clubland- 7 Lovers Walk- 6 You'll Never Be A Man- 8 Pretty Words- 8 Strict Time- 9 Luxembourg- 5 Watch Your Step- 9 New Lace Sleeves- 8 From A Whisper To A Scream- 8 Different Finger- 6 White Knuckles- 9 Shot With His Own Gun- 7 Fish 'N' Chip Paper- 8 Big Sister's Clothes- 8
  19. Kinetic

    Rate songs on albums.

    I have a hard time comprehending how, as far as McCartney songs from the White Album are concerned, you can rate "Honey Pie" over "Rocky Raccoon." "Honey Pie" is probably the shittiest thing Paul McCartney wrote with the Beatles.
  20. Kinetic

    Thread for people who think people who watch

    Would it be inappropriate for me to request a moment of silence for Pedro here?
  21. Kinetic

    Thread for people who think people who watch

    The only noteworthy moment from the London season was when the punk rocker had his tongue bitten off by a hobo. He was asking for it, though. The last thing you do to a heckler is put a part of your anatomy in his mouth out of spite. Just ask Paul Reiser.
  22. I really regret ever posting that idea, because it seems to be one of the more popular things here and I get absolutely no credit for it.
  23. Kinetic

    Pitchforkmedia loves King Crimson

    The only exclusion I find totally inexcusable on anything other than a fanboy basis (i.e Diamond Dogs and Station to Station are my two favorite Bowie albums and neither are represented) is Horses. How in the fuck is that not one of the 100 best records of the 70s? How in the fuck is it not better than the first Van Halen album? Beyond that, though, I guess it's not a bad list. I'm glad Marquee Moon made the top 10.