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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. Kinetic

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

    Awwww! I want a kitten. All our adult cat does is sleep, eat, and stare out the window. I want to see some romping.
  2. Kinetic

    NFL Offseason Thread

    I've been going back and forth on the Favre topic. I think the Bucs are actually significantly better than most people think, as we've got solid starters and quality depth at every position except for QB and WR (and even there we just need someone like Clayton, Bryant, Dexter Jackson, etc. to step up at the #2 spot opposite Galloway). I'm a little concerned that it's too late in the offseason to bring in even a guy with as much experience as Favre and expect him to learn Gruden's ultra-complicated, hoodoo-voodoo, two-runs-an-incomplete-pass-and-a-punt offense, but I suppose that playbook could be dumbed down like it has in the past for the likes of Bruce Gradkowski. I don't know. If we could get him for a 3rd round pick and, say, Chris Simms, I'd have to say go for it.
  3. Kinetic

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Taken from one of the 500 or so Favre threads on the official Buccaneers message board: I'm waiting for it to be announced that Favre actually has been traded to Tampa to see even the most jaded anti-Grudenite weep tears of joy, only to have Favre Plummer us and decide that he'd rather stay retired than play in miserable, sweltering Tampa Bay. I must say that it's been kind of nice hearing my team discussed on ESPN the last few days, even if it is in conjunction with a story that I'm totally sick to death of.
  4. Kinetic

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Happy 24th, Shaved Bear (pronounced Shav-ed Be-air.) One of early TSM's more noteworthy gay pioneers, Shaved Bear is best known for his contributions to the sprawling, utterly impenetrable "Mission to 1000" thread--most notably his "Mmmm...type somethin dirty, baby" catchphrase, which briefly became a board sensation. The subsequent blossoming of an AIM friendship with former TSM mainstay Flyboy was the subject of much ridicule and innuendo. Perhaps feeling that his work here was done, Shaved Bear departed TSM just as the board was making its transition to a slash fiction discussion forum in the summer of 2004 and hasn't been heard from since.
  5. Kinetic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I brought a can of something called snus home from work today after being pressured by the Newport rep into pushing it onto unsuspecting cigarette customers. The first minute or so of having this little pouch in your mouth is like a mild form of torture. Like Ralph Wiggum said, it tastes like burning. Edit: Aggghhh. I swallowed some of the juice. The fuck, Norway?
  6. Kinetic

    Black Kids

    Oh, that Pitchfork. I guess recycling the "monkey pissing into its own mouth" video would have been too obvious. I really do hope that they write a real review for this thing, as I feel it's necessary for them to fully atone for this crime before I can ever again trust one of their 7.9 ratings for totally nondescript Finnish psych-pop outfits.
  7. Kinetic

    So I'm back.

  8. Kinetic

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Now that I think about it, I'd have Brees and Romo above Hasselbeck or McNabb.
  9. Kinetic

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Are these fantasy rankings or reality rankings? I'd probably have them fifth and sixth behind Manning, Brady, Palmer, and Roethlisberger, but all but the first two can be debated.
  10. Kinetic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The Wikipedia entry for "Nighthawk" has proved most illuminating. I've bolded the parts that are most relevant to our friend, TAFKA Milky:
  11. Kinetic


    Despite my reputation as the white Wilt, my skillset in basketball consists mostly of having a knack for taking passes to the face and also making rebounds with my face. Hurts like hell.
  12. Kinetic

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    It appears (and I guess it's easy for teams to say this when it's been made clear that he's not on the trading block) that none of the AFC teams that have been suggested as potential destinations for Favre are actually interested in acquiring him. My bold prediction, based on nothing, is that the Packers are eventually going to bite the bullet and trade him within the conference, most likely to an NFC South team. There's just too much bridge-burning and public airing of grievances going on for him to ever suit up for Green Bay again and not be an enormous distraction.
  13. Kinetic

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    The coverage of this would be nuts regardless, but it's amplified due to it happening during the annual sports dead zone in between the end of the NBA season and the beginning of NFL training camps. ESPN is only going to give baseball so much time, and there's literally nothing else going on right now.
  14. Kinetic

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Happy 25th birthday, Jack Tunney! Jack Tunney was known worldwide for his appearances on WWF television as the promotion's figurehead promoter, suspending wrestlers, stripping them of titles and ordering matches, all a part of the peaking days of Hulkamania. But the Irishman, born John Tunney, was actually from a long line of promoters in Toronto. His father, John Tunney, and his uncle Frank Tunney were promoters in Toronto of wrestling, with John being the head promoter until his sudden death. Frank Tunney was an incredibly well-known and liked promoter, both in the city and around the NWA, in which he had great sway. As a young man, Tunney entered into employment in the Queensbury Athletic Club -- the proper name for the Toronto Wrestling promotion for many years -- and worked alongside his uncle, Frank, announcer Norm Kimber, Frank Ayerst, Ed Noonan and wrestlers Whipper Watson and Pat Flanagan. The offices were across the street from the famed Maple Leaf Gardens. Later, Tunney ran his operation out of the Gardens itself. The Tunneys promoted all over southern Ontario, and what they didn't promote, they still had control over, allowing small promoters to run small towns where it suited them. When Frank Tunney died in May 1983, Jack Tunney and his cousin Eddy Tunney (Frank's son) took control of the Queensbury Athletic Club. With the years of experience under his belt, Jack moved into the spotlight his uncle loved, and Eddy was a silent partner. In July 1984, Jack Tunney switched allegiances from the NWA and aligned himself his Vince McMahon's WWF. It was a brilliant business move, signing up just as the WWF was about to hit it big. He had positioned himself as Canada's WWF promoter, leading McMahon's army as they destroyed promotion after promotion. Soon, wrestling promotions across Canada fell on hard times as Tunney helped McMahon take over their territories. All-Star Wrestling in Vancouver expired. The AWA stopped coming into Manitoba. Stu Hart's Stampede promotion began eroding until he too was forced to sell to McMahon (and later starting up again for a few years). Grand Prix out of Montreal fought Tunney, but also eventually succumbed. Dave McKigney's Big Time Wrestling couldn't make a go of it due to Tunney's pressuring of Ontario's Boxing & Wrestling Commission to make insurance too expensive for the little guys. Jack lived life large, and was a big man himself. He dressed well, usually in dark business suits, rode around in a Cadillac and carried himself with a regal air. Jack Tunney was no big fan of the wrestling fans. "Jack is known to be unfriendly to the fans," wrote Jim Friedman in Drawing Heat. He was known to enjoy a drink and cigar until swearing off both in the early 1980s. "He was a very kind and gracious man who did a lot for charities, too," said Toronto Sun writer Frank Zicarelli, who reported regularly on wrestling for almost a decade and often had Tunney handicap the annual Wrestlemania. He met his wife Ann in Grade 4 at St. Bridget's Separate School in Toronto's east end. They married and had two daughters. She died in 1991.
  15. Kinetic

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    *Days off. *My new apartment. It's a very large, very old two-story place with the walls all painted absurd colors by a previous tenant. It's close enough to downtown that I can walk there when I need to, but far enough away that I no longer have to worry about getting hassled by crackheads or finding some frat boy passed out on my lawn. *My cat. *Being able to watch the 4th season of Lost online. I'm not so keen on having to wait until January for the next one to start, however.
  16. Kinetic

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Happy 28th birthday to TheAntipop! Originally coming to us on behalf of a small group devoted to educating the public on the potential health risks associated with drinking soda, TheAntipop eventually became a valued board contributer. Longtime board heads will recall her campaign to recruit respected board members to her Antipop League of Cautionary Tales, which could briefly claim the likes of "Jittery" JaxlMorrison, "Toothless" Tim Moysey, and "Kidneyless" KingPK. This phase culminated in the rightly reviled "Cola Wars" thread, in which the anti-cola cabal did battle with a pro-cola group led by Marvinisalunatic, who at the time was championing a number of the more exotic Mountain Dew varieties. Sadly, Antipop left the internet several years ago due to a series of unwanted and exceedingly creepy sexual advances from Jingus.
  17. Kinetic

    Pictures I Like

    This came to me in a dream. Featuring the latest in computer technology, I present to you "Lil Wayne in the Club."
  18. Kinetic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I have no recollection of this. I remember that it happened and I remember that it was shortly after I had gotten off of the phone with Dan. If I'm calling or texting or even PMing any of you out of the blue, there's a 99% chance that I'm drunk.
  19. Kinetic

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    Except Favre already owns all of the meaningful career passing records. I'm not sure what his desire to continue playing is based on, other than that he doesn't know what else to do with himself. As odd as it may sound, I'm really leaning towards being in favor of the Bucs trading for Favre should the opportunity arise. I mean, if we're going to go with a QB in his late 30s (and Jon Gruden is our coach, so that's a given), I'd rather have Favre under center than Garcia. And I would imagine that Favre would rather go to a team that might be just a few pieces away like Tampa than go to Miami or Baltimore, who are years away from being competitive.
  20. Kinetic

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Good thing they traded for Troy Williamson. If they end up releasing Matt Jones, they've already got another first round bust with hands of solid concrete ready to take his spot.
  21. Kinetic

    Let's make muxtapes

    You're right.
  22. Kinetic

    The Offical TSM Logo Contest

    I worked on this for hours. Don't just dismiss me like that.
  23. Kinetic

    Ask Kinetic

    I don't know how to lead other than by example, so I'll cop to spending the precious free moments I've had over the last few weeks smoking dope (shouldn't be hard to find in Berkeley) and watching Lost on DVD. I've noticed that you're a man of creativity and jism, and the internet should be helpful in getting those things out of your system. Any additional free time should be spent scouring my posts in search of something worthy of becoming a TSMeme.