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Posts posted by Nighthawk

  1. That wasn't the Spooky Kids era you posted a picture of, you know...


    meh, it's what came up when i typed in spooky kids into google images.


    An interesting choice. Do you actually prefer the Spooky Kids to the later incarnation? I'm a bigger Manson fan than most, but I find that to be unusual.

  2. If I was a loser, what advice would you have. (P.S. I am a loser)


    The most important advice is to stop thinking of yourself as a loser.


    It's a simple answer, but attitude is pretty much everything here. Like Charles Foster Kane, or Daniel Plainview... successful in every ojective sense of the word, but miserable. Not to go all Fight Club on you, but it really is a matter of changing your perspective.


    Look at religious people. They're all happy and satisfied. For no reason. It's a placebo effect.


    You're not retarded. Or crippled.


    Don't drink as much, either.


    Who's your all time favorite wrestler and why?


    Interesting question to answer, because I actually am such a huge fan of wrestling, but in a different way than most anyone here is, that I know of.


    I'm a big fan of crazy death match wrestlers, mostly Japanese, some Americans, but the fan base here is so retarded that I prefer the Japanese approach. Necro Butcher is my favorite current American wrestler. I also don't really have any "respect" for the business, in the traditional sense, so I appreciate a guy who doesn't buy into all that.


    Mick Foley is the answer... he was the closest to embodying all the qualities I enjoy in wrestling.


    I really enjoy watching Jun Kasai as well, but I haven't seen enough of him to say much about it.


    Whats your favorite achololic beverage? Also whats your favorite brand of beer?


    Bourbon, I suppose. Once, when I was working in a sporting goods store, a customer complained to someone that I smelled like whiskey, to which they replied "Please... bourbon!" So I guess that's it. I once had an eighty dollar shot. Not worth it. Rageahol, which is Jim Beam and Rockstar.


    My favorite brand of beer is Suffikator, based on the name alone, but I still haven't had it.


    Nothing too fancy, but not too cheap, my usual beer that you can get most places is Stella Artois. It's a good default.


    Otherwise it varies based on occasion/what I'm eating with it.

  3. What's your favorite genre of movie, and what is your favorite movie?


    Good question! I'm such a film nut, it's difficult for me to commit to anything.


    I don't have a favorite genre, I like it all, but I would say I'm probably the most tolerant of horror... that is, I put up with the most crap from them.


    For the longest time, I said my favorite movie was Texas Chain Saw Massacre... and maybe it is. Actually, I think movies attain a certain level of greatness, and that's it. They're perfect, and there are many movies that tie. But when I ask myself if I had to pick one movie to watch over and over again, it absolutely would not be Texas Chain Saw Massacre.


    It is, probably... O Brother Where Art Thou?, or Ghostbusters.

  4. Construction, but I usually work a series of low paying/low demand jobs to avoid it. I've worked at thrift stores, sporting goods stores, record stores, chain retail, shit like that.

    I can make the big bucks doing construction. My dad is in tight with a local contractor, and such. Thing is, I hate doing that. But it's there if I need it, and I suppose it's my primary "job"... I just barely ever do it.

    So because I hate doing that, and I also have traditionally drank and screwed around far too much to make a go at any sort of career, so I haven't done that, but as I'm settling down and what not, I may do something more permanent.


    In addition, I make money on the side doing this and that, if you know what I mean. I've done art commissions, thievery, every kind of scam, sold bone marrow, I'll accept money from my family and my girlfriend is also from a super rich family. I'm confident I will make it as an entertainer eventually.


    So the short answer is... I'm a motherfucking hustler.
