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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    They have to be twins seperated at birth or something.
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Screenplay coming up.
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    OK, that's crap. No way any of the other movies had better camera work than City of God.
  4. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    City of God better win this then.
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    seconded. And that was a great joke.
  6. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    LOTR won everything.
  7. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

  8. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    haven't seen triplets yet, but am downloading it right now.
  9. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    the endings were the best part of the movie.
  10. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    LOTR is still rockin'
  11. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    they clapped for Bronson, probably only behind Ritter on that scale.
  12. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

  13. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    best doc short subject
  14. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    damn i hate oprah.
  15. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I just watched To Kill A Mockingbird and Cape Fear last week. Gregory Peck better get a nice tribute. Ritter? No.
  16. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Oh, OK then. It's just that you did it the whole thread
  17. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    great way to make your point.
  18. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Why LOTH? Are you trying to look stupid by spelling it wrong? Or is it a OMGLOL jab at a movie you dislike. If so, please tell me.
  19. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    There's the sound oscar for MaC.
  20. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I just meant 2003, but actually I'd say ever as well.
  21. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    ROTK again! Awesome!
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I can't imagine another movie matching the work the makeup artists put into the LOTR films.
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I was thinking the same Kahran. Make-Up...cue ROTK. Edit: 1000 Posts! Weeee!
  24. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I've never seen him as well-dressed as right now, actually.
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Have you seen ROTK?