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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine


    nah, I think he's jerking off.
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    Greatest Wrestling Poses!

    The Flair strut.
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    eh, the DFB cup here in Germany is up there as well. Bremen had an awesome game against a team from the second division (Furth) two days ago. It was 1-1 until Furth scored in minute 81. Shortly after a Bremen player gets sent off with red for a harsh tackle. Bremen proceeded to score two goals in injury time to win the game. Great stuff.
  4. Insane Bump Machine


    If it wasn't for the Guerreros and a cruiserweight match here and there, Smackdown would be completely unwatchable right now. Kinda reminds me of WCW Thunder.
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    Positive things about .........

    The WWE is constantly trying to attract new people to their programming, right? So imagine you're a new viewer who wants to check out that wrestling stuff, and you see a redneck with a beer belly driving around with an ATV with two stupid little flags on it like a 5 year old, calling himself the sheriff.... He's only still over with the fans because of the stuff he has done in the past. Almost every other guy would be laughed/booed out of the arena if he did the same stuff that Austin does right now. It's only a matter of time until the fans grow tired of him.
  6. Insane Bump Machine

    Positive things about .........

    No, he looks like a total idiot on that thing. And when the wrestlers show respect/fear of somebody looking that goofy it makes them look bad.
  7. Insane Bump Machine

    Positive things about .........

    Steve Austin - was a great asset until 2 years ago. But yeah, right now he's just bad, useless and annoying.
  8. Insane Bump Machine

    Helpful WWE links and resources

    Between The Ropes - Much better radio show than the LAW, often have guests from WWE (Foley, HBK, Cornette and Flair were recent big names) and they archive their show for at least a week so you don't have to listen live. They are IMO much funnier and more enjoyable to listen to than the LAW.
  9. Insane Bump Machine

    Helpful WWE links and resources

    Ohio Valley Wrestling - WWE's developmental territory. Up-to-date info about the promotion, their school, events, a shop and bios on every member of their roster. How about deleting all of the off-topic posts since the argument seems to be settled now, just a suggestion.
  10. Insane Bump Machine

    WWE Invasion

    How about not advertising WWE on your programming and make you look second-rate?
  11. Insane Bump Machine


    Watching Audition with your girlfriend could be....interesting I've seen some good Korean films during the past year as well, they're putting out great stuff lately. I especially liked Joint Security Area, which is not only a very good film with a great story, but also shows the wounds the country suffered from being splitted in two halfs. Very recommended. And as a fan of cool action you'll probably love Shiri, but I haven't seen it yet.
  12. Insane Bump Machine


    I haven't seen that many of his films either, but I'm working on a nice little collection. Ichi has many usual Miike elements, but I can assure you that not every movie has such disgusting/disturbing images. The first two DoA movies (especially the second one) are more down-to-earth and are in many ways more like killer dramas than action movies, even though they feature some incredible shootouts and creative visual effects. The opening sequence of DoA 1 alone is worth at least a rental IMO, I've never seen anything like it. The movie itself is very good, too. Audition is a GREAT psycho horror flick, but if you're easily terrified I wouldn't recommend it. He has also done quite a view Yakuza movies that have gotten great reviews (just look at his IMDB movie list, the guy pumps out more movies in one year than some other directors in their whole life), but I haven't seen any of them yet. I hear that Fudoh: The New Generation and Graveyard of Honor (a remake of an old yakuza movie by Kinji Fukasaku, the late director of Battle Royale) are good examples of his work in that area. PS: Versus is great, another one of my favorite asian action movies.
  13. Insane Bump Machine

    Smackdown Match Listing

    Thank God.
  14. Insane Bump Machine

    Smackdown Spoilers

    But who should WGTT feud with after they beat ScottIshi? They should have built up a good babyface tag team (Rey/Kidman, why not?) and have them go over the Bashams after an actual feud. Then have Rey/Kidman vs WGTT for a while and build up Tajiri/Akio/Sakoda, Noble/Nunzio and London/Moore. It's not like the cruisers are that occupied with their own 'division'. They could have a pretty good tag division that way, it's not rocket science.
  15. Insane Bump Machine

    Best REM Album?

    Automatic For The People. It was the first REM album I heard and I've been hooked since.
  16. Insane Bump Machine

    Best. Concert. EVER!

    What exactly was it that ruined the gig for you? In Munich they were awesome. They played a good mix of their newer stuff and the classics (no shiny happy people though, which was a bit strange), were on the stage for almost three hours and they seemed to be in a great mood, Michael Stipe especially. He rocked the place that night. The location was great of course, which made the whole thing even better.
  17. Insane Bump Machine

    Best. Concert. EVER!

    1. REM, Munich Königsplatz That's it, everything else is way below that one.
  18. Insane Bump Machine

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    A game of soccer can be really exciting even if they score only 1 or 2 goals the whole game. Hell, I've seen 0-0 draws that had me on the edge of my seat at times. There's so much strategy involved that you don't get if you only watch a game here and there. There are also so many little things that make the game great, like 1 on 1 battles between two players who play on the same side of the pitch (Roberto Carlos vs. Salihamidzic/Sagnol in the upcoming Champion's League round will be very interesting), arguing about fouls and referee's decisions (dammit ref, that wasn't offside!! That's crap!), biting your nails when a penalty is given, the calmness before the storm of a Nedved free kick, great solo runs by players like Ronaldo or Michael Owen, and when a play clicks with some great passing and a nice finish it's just beautiful to watch. If you think that soccer is boring you just don't get it (yet). Believe me.
  19. Insane Bump Machine

    Footage of the July Smackdown tour

    These pics make me really want to see this match.
  20. Insane Bump Machine

    what matches are overrated/underrated

    HBK/HHH from Summerslam 2002 is WAY overrated. It was cool to see HBK in a match again after all that time and it was better than people expected it to be, but it doesn't hold up at all. It's nothing more than a glorified WWE hardcore match, I'd rate it **1/2. And it's not like I hate on the participants, I loved their RAW match a few months ago.
  21. Insane Bump Machine


    I watched it and liked it quite a bit. A bit too much happening in the span of four months, and her father should have had a couple more scenes. Holly Hunter was amazing and should get some awards for her performance.
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Those spoilers are a joke, right? RIGHT? Again a Mask match for Rey? Who in their right mind expects Chavo to go over there? All of Rey's merchandise would be moot then, and that's one thing the WWE does care about. They give the Bashams a, what, 4 months+ title reign only to job them to a joke team like Scotty/Rikishi? The Cat def. Tajiri???? WTF? Noble vs. Nidia? Yeah, should be a **** match with plenty of heat.
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    The new UFC Preview

    We could also have stuff like "Matches/Events/DVDs to check out" or "MMA sites that bring the content~!" as stickies, like in the puro folder. I'd like that, since I've been following MMA for just about a year or so and don't know anything about the older events. Well, except Pride 10 (get it now, the main event rules your ass!). I also don't want to register to the boards on one of the big MMA sites because I like TSM and don't have enough time to post on 2-3 different sites.
  24. Insane Bump Machine

    Japanese Alien Quadrilogy Box Set Pic

    I need that!
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    I don't hate any sport, but tennis really bores me nowadays. I was a big fan as a child though, with McEnroe, Becker and a young Agassi among the favorites. As a huge soccer fan, the little I've seen of the MLS just sucks. The quality of players and teams is third rate at best, and the specific MLS rule changes are idiotic (some of the newer FIFA rules are not that good either). Watching them play in fron of a few thousand 'fans' in big stadiums seems strange, too. Thank god that the German league just startet up again, even though my team didn't win yesterday (a draw against the worst team in the league, wtf?).