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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine

    Downloading movies.......

    The two programs I use for most of my movie needs are BitTorrent and eMule. Download a good bittorrent client here. Then go to torrent sites like suprnova.org or btsites.tk and click on the links. You can also right click--->save the torrent links for later use. BitTorrent is good and easy to use, but it's kinda hard to get older releases on it. For that I use eMule. It's also easy to set up and you'll find almost everything on it. Good movie links are at FileHeaven. You have to join their board to get to the good stuff, but it's worth it. It also has a fun community that's not that different from TSM. They have a help forum where you can ask questions, too.
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    What is the difference between.......

    They're not exactly the same thing, but every DVD player that plays VCD should play SVCD just as well.
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    So I downloaded a movie......

    Do you see a new drive in your windows explorer? It should look just like another CD-ROM. Maybe you have to refresh (F5). If it's there you should be able to play it with a DVD software. Just start WinDVD or someting similar and it should load the movie. If it doesn't, look for the biggest file on the new drive (probably a .dat file) and open it with the DVD software.
  4. Insane Bump Machine

    So I downloaded a movie......

    You need the .cue file to burn it on a disc. What kind of burning program do you use? If you don't want to waste CDs you can also open the files with Daemon Tools. download here. When you start the program a new symbol will show up in your system tray. Right-click--->Virtual CD-ROM--->Device 0--->Mount image--->open the .cue file. The image will now show up as a new drive in your Explorer. To actually play the movie you'll probably need a DVD software like WinDVD or PowerDVD.
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    So I downloaded a movie......

    a couple of files named r01 and so on? Then it is a WinRAR archive. Download here. It works almost the same as WinZip. Once you have unrared the file it'll probably be an .mpg or an .avi file. It could also be a disc image or an .ogm file. If you have problems with one of these, ask again.
  6. Insane Bump Machine


    The final trailer for Star Wars Episode One was awesome. Oh, and can't forget the trailers for the first Matrix. I nearly pissed my pants when they finally showed some of the action scenes in the later ones. Edit: Yes, Battle Royale I and II had great trailers.
  7. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I already posted the movesets a couple of pages ago, but I'll update the first two posts anyway so here they are again. Credit goes to GameFAQS.com and their crazy FAQ writers: 01-WWR William Regal 02-WAS Al Snow 03-WSD Spike Dudley 04-WBR Bradshaw 05-WFA Farooq 06-WBG Billy GunN 07-WCP Chuck Palumbo 08-WBK Billy Kidman 09-WS2H Scotty 2 Hotty 10-WTA Tazz 11-WHH Bob Holly 12-WJN Jaimie Noble 13-WJR Jamal/Rosey 14-WTD Tommy Dreamer 15-WBD Bill DeMott 16-WFU Sho Funaki 17-WCR Crash Holly 18-OJH Jeff Hardy 19-ORA Raven 20-OXP X-Pac 21-ODD DDP 22-ODL D Lo Brown 23-OJC Justin Credible 24-OGF Godfather 25-OSB Steve Blackman 26-OSM Shane McMahon 27-OBB Big Bossman 28- Perry Saturn 29- Mike Awesome 30-ODM Dean Malenko 31-OMP Mister Perfect 32-OMF Mick Foley 33-CBH Brett Hart 34-ZAG Andre the Giant 35-ZBB Bob Backlund 36-OER Essa Rios 37-ORD Road Dogg 38-DLTF Terry Funk 39-CRR Razor Ramon 40-CST Sting 41- Ken Shamrock 42-CJJ Jeff Jarrett 43- TAKA Michinoku 44- Kensuke Sasake 45- Keiji Mutoh 46- Masa Chono 47- Hiroyoshi Tenzan 48- Manabu Nakanishi 49- Yugi Nagata 50- Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger 51- Kendo Kashin 52- Toshiaki Kawada 53- Genichiro Tenryu 54- Big Van Vader 55- Mitsuharu Misawa 56- Kenta Kobashi 57- Jun Akiyama 58- Antonio Inoki 59- Naoya Ogawa 60- Shinya Hashimoto 61- The Great Sasuke 62- Atsushi Onita 63- Ivory 64- Fred Durst 65- Shoot Set 1 66- Shoot Set 2 67- Joshi Set A 68- Joshi Set B 69- Lucha Set 70-OHH Hulk Hogan 71-OUW Ultimate Warrior
  8. Insane Bump Machine

    Who in the hell is Sandro?

    No, it's Vince McMahon! It was him all along! OMG SWERVE~!
  9. Insane Bump Machine

    Europeans are worse than cockroaches

    After his party lost huge in the last Austrian election a year ago (11/24/02), he retired from almost all his duties. He's still active in his own district 'Kärnten', but that's it.
  10. Insane Bump Machine

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    I vaguely remember a HHH/Rikishi match that was shockingly good where HHH nailed Rikishi with everything he had and the big man just wouldn't stay down. I think it was sometime in 2000 or the beginning of 2001. Rikishi was crazy over because of this match. Anyone remember?
  11. Insane Bump Machine

    Europeans are worse than cockroaches

    Jörg Haider and 'his' party, the FPÖ, are not German, they are Austrian. Haider is also not in charge of his party anymore. Just FYI.
  12. Insane Bump Machine

    MTV EMA's tonight

    The show was pretty cool, much better than the VMA's. Beyonce winning anything is a travesty, but I'll live. Nice performances by Chemical Brothers, Black Eyed Peas and the White Stripes. WTF@that big blonde wig on Christina in the middle of the show. Vin Diesel's part with the Tartan Army was very cool.
  13. Insane Bump Machine

    Big Dick Jokes

    My big dick.
  14. Insane Bump Machine

    Flair to RVD: How about a Figure Four?

    from a 411 column about the Figure Four: Does anyone know what episode that was? Thanks in advance.
  15. Insane Bump Machine


    http://www.btsites.tk/ Go nuts. Edit: Since we're on a wrestling board: http://wrestling4life.webhop.org/
  16. Insane Bump Machine


    Glad I could help.
  17. Insane Bump Machine


    alright. First of all, don't use the standard client. Use Shadow's Experimental. It has far more functions. Download here. Close your web browser during installation. After it is installed on your system you should be able to just click on the torrent links from sites like suprnova.org and a save window should pop up. If that doesn't work or if you want to start the download sometime later, right-click the link and save the .torrent file on your hard drive. Then you can just double-click the file on your PC and start the download.
  18. Insane Bump Machine

    Downloading Movies

    a 90 min movie in good quality is usually 700MB, so that it fits on a CD-R. Longer movies are often 1.4GB (2CD-Rs). But those are not universal rules. If someone rips a 90 min DVD with AC3 sound it will usually be 1.4 GB as well. It also depends on wether you want SVCDs (to play them on your DVD player) or DivX/XVID. I download movies with eMule.
  19. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    1 - grapple your opponent and signal your partner to come in (move right joystick) 2 - throw opponent into your team's turnbuckle when your partner's on the apron, do a grapple in the corner.
  20. Insane Bump Machine

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    Just watched Tomorrow Never Dies, and liked it better now than a few years ago. Good, almost great, Bond movie. The lame villain brought it down a bit. 8/10
  21. Insane Bump Machine

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It sucked. 10/10
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    If there's still a dodge button (square in SYM), try this: When your opponent is in one of the ring corners, run towards him and press dodge instead of an attack. Your opponent will fall to the ground in perfect position and your character jumps to the top. Always worked in SYM.
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Does he have his new theme? Any lowrider sightings?
  24. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I will....in two weeks For anyone who has it: Are any of Low-Ki's, AJ Styles', Christopher Daniels' or Elix Skipper's other signature moves in there? Like the triple jump Moonsault, the Matrix, the Dragon Clutch, Tidal Wave, Springboard Reverse DDT etc?
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread
