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Insane Bump Machine

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Everything posted by Insane Bump Machine

  1. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I entered GameFAQ hell and found this:
  2. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I don't know, I'm not that interested in the legends. The new characters I'm looking forward to the most are TWGTT and Goldberg. Benjamin and Haas are two of my favourites right now, and Goldberg looks like a blast to play in the videos. I'm also guessing that Downhome plays his season with Goldberg. If I remember correctly he was one of the biggest defenders of his signing a few months ago.
  3. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Most of the classic Phenom moves were already in SYM (Darkness Choke, Darkness Pin, different Tombstone, Rope Walk), so he probably has his complete moveset now.
  4. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Since I already have a PS2 I'd prefer an XBOX, thank you.
  5. Insane Bump Machine

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    I watched 28 Days Later after hearing so many good things about it. Wasn't too impressed though, 6/10.
  6. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    In SYM it's run towards ropes--->dodge(square)--->strike(X)
  7. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Irony rears its ugly head as I am now one of the few who can't play the game because I live in Germany and have to wait 1-2 more weeks. But from what I read here it seems like it'll be worth the wait. Have fun!
  8. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    If you need ratings, check out the great site GameRankings.com: WWF Smackdown! WWF Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role WWF Smackdown! Just Bring It WWE Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth WWE Smackdown! Here Comes The Pain
  9. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Ted Dibiase - Interview with a Legend October 24, 2003 - "Every man has his price." That's the catchphrase, the defining moment of the career of one of the greatest heels to ever work the wrestling business. But the Million Dollar Man was always more than dead presidents and a smug smile. Ted DiBiase was one of the most gifted technical wrestlers to ever grace the squared-circle, and the mark he left inside the ring will never be forgotten by any fan who ever saw him slap on the Dream and put an opponent to sleep. The legacy of the Million Dollar Man character is about to live on to a new generation of wrestling fans, as he's featured as one of the wrestling legends in the new game WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain. IGN Sports caught up with the man behind the money to talk wrestling, video games, and how his life changed when he traded in his wallet for the Bible. IGN Sports: What is it like to know that your wrestling legacy now lives on in video game form? Ted DiBiase: It's gratifying to know that you left a mark in your profession. That's something that very few people are able to do. I always tried to be the best that I could possibly be, and I guess they don't keep putting you in games unless you're one of the characters that everybody remembers. It's good to know that you're well thought of. I had a couple of guys call and tell me that I had been listed in two different magazines as one of the top 100 wrestlers of the century, and I thought "Wow!" Things like that are just really cool to hear about. IGN Sports: What's the most memorable moment of your wrestling career that you'd like to be able to relive in Smackdown? Ted DiBiase: One of the most memorable moments in my career actually was an event that was very involved in, but I didn't actually physically wrestle. It's a moment that I see as the real launching point of the character, and that would be the night I boasted that I was going to buy the World Wrestling Federation title. Andre and Hulk wrestled at the first nationally televised wrestling event in years on NBC's Saturday Night Main event in Indianapolis. It was probably one of the greatest angles of all time, where the referee goes down and we put the identical twin referee, Earl Hebner, in the ring. We put the kibosh on Hogan, and I end up with the belt. That really was a defining moment in my career because that led to Wrestlemania IV, and I was off and running. IGN Sports: What's the most important thing about the Million Dollar Man character that you hope they capture in the video game? Ted DiBiase: The essence of the character is greed. The Million Dollar Man is a character whose god is money, and his attitude is that if you have enough money, there's nothing that you can't have. He speaks the loudest with his money, but the character of the Million Dollar Man is one who lets everyone else do the fighting for him. That's why he always had Virgil. He talks big, but when it comes down to it, he ends up being a coward. [laughs] IGN Sports: Was the character one that you created? Ted DiBiase: Actually, I can't take credit for that. The Million Dollar Man character was the idea of Vince McMahon. I have to be honest with you, I think the character is really Vince's alter ego. IGN Sports: Does that mean he has his own Virgil? Ted DiBiase: I don't know, he may have a lot of Virgils. There's always someone running around for old Vince. IGN Sports: I was always curious about your Million Dollar Belt. How much was it really worth? Ted DiBiase: The Million Dollar Belt, I was told, was estimated to be worth about $40,000. Pretty good chunk of change for a belt. IGN Sports: What were some of the most memorable things you made people do for money back in the day? Was it tough to keep a straight face? Ted DiBiase: Oh yeah, I had a lot of fun with that. The one I get asked about the most, without fail, someone always says to me "Remember when you had the little boy dribble the basketball, and you were going to give him the money, but right before he got to 15, you kicked the ball." I mean, oh man, people just hated my guts for that one. They used to yell "You horrible, horrible man!" That was probably the number one of all time. Of course, the reality is, the kid got the money. It was a stunt that was prearranged. What's really funny is often times I think about that kid. I wonder how old he is today. One day I think he's going to walk up to me and say "Remember me?" He's probably like 6-8. [laughs] One of the other ones, and I don't remember if this was televised or if it was for a house show, but I wrestled a match for about 20 minutes, then I had a kid come into the ring and I took off my boot and sweaty sock, then had this kid kiss my feet. Here's the catcher though, that kid was Rob Van Dam. The kid who kissed the Million Dollar Man's feet grew up to be a wrestler. IGN Sports: So if everybody has a price, what was yours? Ted DiBiase: I'm the man with all the money, so I can't be bought. IGN Sports: How about in real life? What was the price you had to pay to be the Million Dollar Man? Ted DiBiase: In reality, I'm a motivational speaker now, and I even wrote a book, "Every Man has his Price", and that book is all about the price that we pay for choices that we make in life. Yeah, there were tremendous sacrifices that I made to be a wrestler and get to the top, just as all of the other guys who made it to the top. It's a long, hard road to make it to the top of your game in any profession. It's a lot of hard roads and a lot of hard miles on road trips that saw us stay at less than glamorous hotels and performing in small places like high school gyms. All the not so glamorous stuff. The times when you're eating bologna sandwiches or eating at McDonalds. It wasn't about dining on champagne and caviar. There's a tremendous price you pay to be successful in the wrestling business, or any business for that matter. The other price that a lot of guys end up paying that's sad and unfortunate, regardless if it's in wrestling or professional sports or the entertainment world, so many of those get caught up in drug or alcohol abuse, and many times, they pay for it with their lives. IGN Sports: Now you're out trying to preach to people about those dangers. Can you tell me how you got started in your ministry. Ted DiBiase: I got saved, I gave my life to Christ 11 years ago after I had been confronted by my wife on a number of issues in my life that are between her and I, although it's pretty easy to figure out. In that, I realized that I risked the things that are most important in life for self gratification. When you're out running around and doing stupid stuff, it's all about pumping up your own ego. I just realized that I was risking everything precious in life for stupid, self-serving reason. It was my turning point where I turned to God. I continued in the wrestling business for several more years, then along the way I started sharing the story of how God had changed my life, my attitude, and my heart. I never really believed that it would lead to a ministry, but it ultimately did. When I left the WWF, I really wasn't excited about the business anymore. Then went I went to WCW, I just felt that I was putting in time. I'll be honest with you, I don't like what wrestling has become today. I just really don't like what it has become. There just isn't enough wrestling. It's all hype. My heart for it kind of died. The other reason it may have died, though, is just because I became so excited about what I was doing. When you see people's lives changed, you see drug addicts and alcoholics healed, and marriages restored, things like that, that give you a whole lot more joy than wrestling. Now I'm utilizing what I've done best all my life, and right now I'm here in Indiana and tomorrow night I'm putting on a wrestling program here. Originally Hawk and Animal were supposed to be here, but obviously, due to Hawk's death, he's gone and Joe's not going to be here this weekend, but we have Greg Valentine and Buff Bagwell still coming, and Jim Duggan and the Barbarian are stepping in to take the place of the Road Warriors, and we're going to have another program. IGN Sports: You're right, though, about there not being enough wrestling. The shows seem to be all sizzle without the steak. Ted DiBiase: Well now it's a soap opera, it's not wrestling anymore. Now it's about who's going to bed with who. It's become a sex show and perversion, and to be honest with you, I don't think it's suitable for young people to watch what it has become. You kind of want to shake Vince McMahon and ask him what he's thinking about. Why does he want to appeal to the lowest common denominator, to the sludge of the Earth? IGN Sports: How did you get started in wrestling? Ted DiBiase: I grew up in it. My father was a wrestler, Iron Mike DiBiase. It was always what I wanted to do. IGN Sports: Today, a kid goes on Tough Enough and six months later it seems like they're on TV wrestling. How long of a road was it for you to make it in the business? Ted DiBiase: [laughs] I look at that and I laugh because the true apprenticeship in this business is so much longer than that. That's like saying you can take a guy off the streets and in six months you can make him an NFL player. Bologna! I started wrestling when I was 21 years old, right out of college, and it was years before I actually became what people would call a main event wrestler. Understand, I got into wrestling in 1975, I came into New York one time, and that time I actually had Hulk Hogan's first match in Madison Square Garden. I was the good guy and he was the bad guy. It wasn't until I came back in 1987, that's 12 years later, that I hit it super big. You have a lot of guys getting in the business today who haven't really proven themselves. They're in it for the limelight and the money, but many of them just don't have a high enough level of respect for the business. IGN Sports: Do you have an all-time favorite opponent to be in the ring against? Ted DiBiase: I can't pick just one, there are several that I enjoyed working with. Some of the older guys I really enjoyed because they taught me so much about the business. Terry and Dory Funk Jr., Harley Race, Jack and Jerry Brisco. In my own era, without a doubt, Bret Hart. Jake Roberts was a tremendous, tremendous performer. IGN Sports: Is there one message you'd like people to know from your ministry? Ted DiBiase: Absolutely. John 3:16, not Austin 3:16. [laughs] John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." It's like I tell the atheist: If you're right and I'm wrong, no big deal, we die, go to sleep and never wake up. But if I'm right and you're wrong, you are wrong for eternity. And the thing about it is, you might not have another day. Just like my buddy who laid down and went to sleep. The great joy I have about Hawk is I know his eternal destination. I know where he's going because he gave his heart to Christ, but there are a lot of friends who died that I can't say that for. IGN Sports: You said that when you were the Million Dollar Man, you didn't have a price, do you have a price today? Ted DiBiase: I've been bought at a price, and Jesus paid the price for me. He died on the cross for my sin. He paid the price for my eternity. Matthew 16:26 says this, and these are the words of Jesus: "For what does it prophet a man, if he gains the whole world and lose his soul?" So yeah, I've got a price.
  10. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I can't wait...
  11. Insane Bump Machine

    Pride Bushido Results...

    It should be on most P2P networks by now. I'm downloading it right now on Emule, but it's 1.29 GB and will take a while. Any good reviews of the show other than on sherdog?
  12. Insane Bump Machine

    What movies are coming out...

    Quick look at IMDB gives me: Kill Bill Volume 2 in February Jersey Girl in March Hellboy and The Punisher in April Van Helsing and Troy in May Harry Potter 3, Terminal (Spielberg/Hanks) and Garfield in June Spiderman II and I, Robot (Proyas, Will Smith) in July Alexander (Oliver Stone) and The Polar Express (Zemeckis/Hanks) in November
  13. Insane Bump Machine

    quick question

    It's probably the Widow's Peak, her awesome finishing move. She does it in this movie of the new Smackdown game: http://streamingmovies.ign.com/sports/wweb...ra_006_free.wmv
  14. Insane Bump Machine

    Who do you hate and Why?!

    YES, I made a list!
  15. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    IGN General Manager of the Day - Steve Austin Entrance Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5
  16. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    IGN Smackdown Top Ten - Kicking Goldberg's Ass HBK vs. Goldberg 1 HBK vs. Goldberg 2 Evolution to the ring Three-on-one Goldberg loses
  17. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Trish has her real music, Victoria and Stacy don't. Victoria's videos are from an earlier build though, so there's at least a small chance that they change it to Tatu. But I wouldn't count on it. Why don't the videos work for you, btw? Remember that you need the Quicktime Player.
  18. Insane Bump Machine

    25 Worst TV Characters EVER

    Ross is my favourite Friends character right now, so boo to that list. They're right with Full House though.
  19. Insane Bump Machine

    Great Matches or High Match Ratings

    His neck is fucked up and he's been semi-retired for a while now. But he's considering the Kurt Angle miracle surgery and maybe wants to step into the ring again.
  20. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I take it you haven't seen the videos yet? Watch video 5 where Stephanie (of course) wins the match with... wait for it... Spoiler (Highlight to Read): a Fujiwara Armbar~!
  21. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    IGN 'Wrestler' of the Day - Stephanie McMahon Entrance Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Stephanie destroying Brock Lesnar, just one of the many exciting original storylines developed by real WWE writers! Maybe you'll even see them on TV in the future! PS: Everybody should check out the second Victoria vs Sable movie. The Widow's Peak is in, and her victory celebration is awesome!
  22. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    These videos are between 10 and 30 MB in size, so beware. IGN Smackdown Top Ten - Bra and Panties Trish and Stacy 1 Trish and Stacy 2 Lita and Torrie 1 Lita and Torrie 2 Sable and Victoria 1 Sable and Victoria 2 Holy Shit @ Victoria! Excellent stuff. Next WotD is Stephanie, btw.
  23. Insane Bump Machine

    Live Raw Thoughts

    He's even more annoying than Ross. At first they should try to establish a replacement for Lawler and see if JR improves again if he has an actual color guy next to him. If that doesn't work they can worry about a new PBP. The problem, of course, is the fact that WWE doesn't seem to think that their commentating has problems.
  24. Insane Bump Machine

    Who wants to learn?

    Yuo're rhgit, tihs is vrey ayinonng. Eyrdobvey sluohd wirte lkie tihs ienatsd.
  25. Insane Bump Machine

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    IGN Wrestler of the Day - Stacy Keibler Entrance Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5